/** * 动态数组的模板类 * 1.支持字符索引 * 2.方便的添加删除修改任意一项 * 最后更新 2004-8-9 yzh **1.优化了字符索引的运作方式,使用数组存储 **2.重写了底层数据的存储,将连续性的存储方式改为了非连续, *** 从而很好有效地支持了“引用”,并且让数据的删除增加变的更为快速 * 用法如: * YCArray<int,int> test * test.Add("Number2",4) * test.Add("Number1",2) * printf("%d %d",test["Number1"],test["Number2"]) * 显示: * 2 4 ******* ******* History: 2004-11-19 修改了析构函数,解决了索引没有释放的bug **/
上传时间: 2015-04-09
关于tts语音引擎的使用方法!很多软件具有英文发音和朗读功能,它们都使用了MSTTS(Microsoft Text To Speech)技术。微软遵照COM的标准,提供了一套Speech API来对MSTTS进行编程。要在程序中使用这套API,必须确保系统已经安装了MSTTS和Spchapi软件包。 Speech API可以作为类型库引用到Delphi中,方法是:打开Project选单下的Import Type Litrary,点击“Add”加入Windows\Speech目录下的Vtxauto.tlb文件,在Delphi的Import目录中就会生成VTxtAuto—TLB.pas文件,其中定义了VTxtAuto—TLB单元,把它加到Uses成员中来。设计如图2所示的窗口,定义全局变量: var VoTxt:IVTxtAuto 然后在Form的OnCreate事件中加入: VoTxt:=CoVTxtAuto_.Create VoTxt.Register(′′,′Speech Test′) {注册} “Read”按钮代码为: VoTxt.Speak(Memo1.Lines.Text,10) {朗读} “Stop”按钮代码为: VoTxt.StopSpeaking {停止朗读} 至此,应用程序已具有朗读功能,10表示使用普通语气。借住VoTxt的属性和方法,我们还可以控制阅读速度和语气,实现暂停、跳句等功能,Speech API编程就这么简单。
上传时间: 2014-01-21
上传时间: 2014-12-06
直接安装并运行案例程序 运行“安装程序\Disk144\Disk1”目录中setup.exe文件,按照系统提示进行安装,可使本例程序在任何Windows系统上运行。 登录时初始用户名和密码为(注意大小写): admin:123456 系统管理员,具有所有权限 test:123456 测试用户,无权限
上传时间: 2014-01-15
直接安装并运行案例程序 运行“安装程序\Disk144\Disk1”目录中setup.exe文件,按照系统提示进行安装,可使本例程序在任何Windows系统上运行。 登录时初始用户名和密码为(注意大小写): admin:123456 系统管理员,具有所有权限 test:123456 测试用户,无权限
上传时间: 2014-01-16
CBC下写的串口编程,API函数实例 I wish this site had been around when I was trying to figure out how to make serial communications work in Windows95. I, like many programmers, was hit with the double-whammy of having to learn Windows programming and Win95 serial comm programming at the same time. I found both tasks confusing at best. It was particularly frustrating because I had, over the years, written so much stuff (including lots of serial comm software) for the DOS environment and numerous embedded applications. Interrupt driven serial comm, DMA transfer serial comm, TSR serial comm, C, assembler, various processors... you name it, it had written it. Yet, everything I knew seemed upside-down in the message-driven-callback world of Windows.
上传时间: 2014-06-20
标签: Information Protection Management Lifecycle
上传时间: 2014-01-08
This firmware translates a PS/2 mouse to a USB mouse. The translator firmware is entirely interrupt driven (with the exception of sending the data via USB to the host.) An interrupt is generated when the PS/2 start bit is received, at which time the firmware will begin its receive routine. In addition to this interrupt, every 168ms a timer overflow interrupts the main program and implements one state of the mouse state machine. This state machine handles sending bytes to and translating bytes received from the PS/2 mouse automatically. All of this is done in the background while the main program runs in the foreground. The only operation that the main program implements is sending mouse data to the PC via USB.
标签: firmware mouse translates translator
上传时间: 2015-04-26
【功能】 1:多用户统计系统,防止刷新,速度快,适用广泛 2:综合统计,最近访问,地区分析,地址分析,屏幕大小,来访页面,访问次数,操作系统,当前在线,IP地址,浏览器,年报表,月报表,周报表,历史报表,日报表等 3:可以精确的跟踪统计每一位来访者的IP与在线时间-同一IP在线每隔5分钟才能增加一个计数(你也可以修改时间,在stat.jsp页你把ExTime改为你想要的时间,即 int ExTime=5 )。 4:提供详细IP数据包,让你清楚的知道来访者是来是何方。 最好的是它时时性,你可以监控道现在有谁在浏览你的网站,浏览你的那个栏目 【系统配置】 先将此目录下的“feng”目录拷贝到你的虚拟目录下的:\\WEB-INF\classes\下。 本系统这里使用的ACCESS数据数据库。 数据源名称:count,用户名:admin,密码:admin (也可以改变jdbc.java 文件的代码,然后编译)。 数据库为: count.mdb 编写环境: win2000+j2sdk1.4.0_02+tomcat4.0 测试页面: test.jsp(你可以看看统计的效果)
上传时间: 2014-01-27
Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready for release. Updated from the previous edition in 2000 to include a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs, the processes and techniques used throughout the book are timeless. This book is an excellent investment if you want to better understand what your Software Test team does or you want to write better software.
标签: practical Software provides software
上传时间: 2015-04-30