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  • PW2309-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2309 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate chargeand operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protectionor in other Switching application

    标签: pw2309

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2308-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2308 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate chargeand operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protectionor in other Switching application

    标签: pw2308

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2307_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2307 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw2307

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2305_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2305 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection or in other Switching application

    标签: pw2305

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2302A_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2302A uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw2302a

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2300S3.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2300S3 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge andoperation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protection orin other Switching application

    标签: pw2300s3

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • PW2202-2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW2202 is silicon N-channel Enhanced VDMOSFETs, is obtained by the self-aligned planarTechnology which reduce the conduction loss, improve switching performance and enhance theavalanche energy. The transistor can be used in various power switching circuit for system

    标签: pw2202

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • 8205A6_2.1.pdf规格书

    The PW8205A6S uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate chargeand operation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is suitable for use as a Battery protectionor in other Switching application.

    标签: 8205a6

    上传时间: 2022-02-14


  • LT3095MPUDD双通道低噪声偏置发生器的典型应用电路

    LT3095MPUDD双通道低噪声偏置发生器的典型应用电路凌力尔特公司 (Linear Technology Corporation) 推出双通道 IC LT3095,该器件从单一输入提供两路非常低噪声、低纹波的偏置电源。每个通道都纳入了单片升压型 DC/DC 转换器,一个集成的超低噪声和高 PSRR (电源抑制比) 线性稳压器对该转换器进行了后置稳压。LT3095 在输出电压高达 20V 时提供高达 50mA 的连续输出电流,总纹波和噪声 <100µVP-P。该器件在 3V 至 20V 输入电压范围内工作,从而可与多种电源兼容。  LT3095 的固定频率、峰值电流模式升压型 DC/DC 转换器包括一个集成的 950mA 电源开关、肖特基二极管和内部频率补偿。开关频率在 450kHz 至 2MHz 内可通过单个电阻器编程,或可同步至一个外部时钟,因此允许使用纤巧的外部组件。结合紧凑的 3mm x 5mm QFN 封装,LT3095 可提供简单、占板面积紧凑、高效率的解决方案,适用于仪表放大器、RF 和数据转换系统、以及其他低噪声偏置应用。  LT3095 的线性稳压器运用凌力尔特专有的电流源基准架构,从而提供了很多优势,例如能够用单个电阻器设定输出电压,带宽、噪声、PSRR 和负载调节性能基本上不受输出电压影响。集成输出噪声 (在 10Hz 至 100kHz 带宽) 仅为 4µVRMS,而且在整个开关频率范围内 PSRR 超过70dB,从而使总的噪声和纹波 <100µVP-P。线性稳压器调节升压型转换器的输出电压,使其比线性稳压器输出电压高 2V,从而优化了功耗、瞬态响应和 PSRR 性能。为了提高系统可靠性,LT3095 提供短路和热保护,还为每个通道提供独立和精确的使能 / UVLO 门限。微功率工作时,两个 EN 引脚均被拉低。

    标签: 噪声偏置发生器

    上传时间: 2022-02-15


  • 基于LabVIEW2012 FPGA模式的数据采集和存储系统

    基于LabVIEW2012FPGA模式的数据采集和存储系统摘 要:为了提高数据采集系统精度,减少开发成本,提高开发效率,基于LabVIEW虚拟仪器开发工具研究并设计了一 种数据采集系统。该系统采用FPGA编程模式和网络流技术实现大批量数据实时传输,并对数据进行分析处理和存储。系 统硬件采用美国NI实时控制器CRIO⁃9025,实现16路数据可靠采集与存储。实验仿真及实际运行结果表明该数据采集系 统能够精确地对数据进行实时采集以及分析处理,达到了项目要求。 关键词:FPGA;FIFO;网络流;数据采集系统;SQL数据库 中图分类号:TN98⁃34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004⁃373X(2014)14⁃0142⁃04 Data acquisition and storage system based on LabVIEW 2012FPGA pattern WANG Shu⁃dong1,2 ,WEI Kong⁃zhen1 ,LI Xiao⁃pei1 (1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China; 2. Gansu Key Laboratory for Advanced Industrial Process Control,Lanzhou 730050,China)

    标签: labview fpga 数据采集

    上传时间: 2022-02-18
