Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in silicon technologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
The exacting technological demands created byincreasing bandwidth requirements have given riseto significant advances in FPGA technology thatenable engineers to successfully incorporate highspeedI/O interfaces in their designs. One aspect ofdesign that plays an increasingly important role isthat of the FPGA package. As the interfaces get fasterand wider, choosing the right package has becomeone of the key considerations for the systemdesigner.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
Xilinx Next Generation 28 nm FPGA Technology Overview Xilinx has chosen 28 nm high-κ metal gate (HKMG) highperformance,low-power process technology and combined it with a new unified ASMBL™ architecture to create a new generation of FPGAs that offer lower power and higher performance. These devices enable unprecedented levels of integration and bandwidth and provide system architects and designers a fully programmable alternative to ASSPs and ASICs.
上传时间: 2014-12-28
针对嵌入式机器视觉系统向独立化、智能化发展的要求,介绍了一种嵌入式视觉系统--智能相机。基于对智能相机体系结构、组成模块和图像采集、传输和处理技术的分析,对国内外的几款智能相机进行比较。综合技术发展现状,提出基于FPGA+DSP模式的硬件平台,并提出智能相机的发展方向。分析结果表明,该系统设计可以实现脱离PC运行,完成图像获取与分析,并作出相应输出。 Abstract: This paper introduced an embedded vision system-intelligent camera ,which was for embedded machine vision systems to an independent and intelligent development requirements. Intelligent camera architecture, component modules and image acquisition, transmission and processing technology were analyzed. After comparing integrated technology development of several intelligent cameras at home and abroad, the paper proposed the hardware platform based on FPGA+DSP models and made clear direction of development of intelligent cameras. On the analysis of the design, the results indicate that the system can run from the PC independently to complete the image acquisition and analysis and give a corresponding output.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
Abstract: The application note addresses how G3-PLC, a powerline communications protocol approvedby the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), enables mesh networking in advanced metering
上传时间: 2013-11-17
2012年中国(北京)国际物联网展览会 2012中国(北京)国际信息网络及技术设备展览会 China Beijing International information network & technology equipment exhibition 时间:2012年12月07日-09日 地点:中国国际展览中心
上传时间: 2013-10-21
In today’s world of modular networking and telecommunications design, it is becomingincreasingly difficult to keep alignment with the many different and often changing interfaces,both inter-board and intra-board. Each manufacturer has their own spin on the way in whichdevices are connected. To satisfy the needs of our customers, we must be able to support alltheir interface requirements. For us to be able to make products for many customers, we mustadopt a modular approach to the design. This modularity is the one issue that drives the majorproblem of shifting our bits from one modular interface to another.
上传时间: 2013-11-25
FTTx network architectureThe core technology of optical chips in the FTTx transceiversThe core technology of optical transceiver in FTTxThe trend of Next-generation optical transceiver Technology for FTTx
上传时间: 2013-10-20
核心板配置 核心板配置癿FPGA芯片是Cyclone II系列癿EP2C8Q208C,具有8256个LEs,36个M4K RAM blocks (4Kbits plus 512 parity bits),同时具有165,888bit癿RAM,支持18个Embedded multipliers和2个PLL,资源配备十分丰富。实验证明,返款芯片在嵌入NIOS II软核将黑釐开収板癿所有外讴全部跑起来,仅占全部资源癿70-80% ; 核心板同时配备了64Mbit癿SDRAM,对亍运行NIOS软核提供了有力癿保障,返款芯片为时钟频率有143MHz,实验证明,NIOS II软核主频可以平稳运行120MHz,速度迓是相当忚癿; 16Mbit癿配置芯片也为返款核心板增色丌少,丌仅可以存储配置信息,同时迓可以实现NIOS II软件程序存储,你编写癿程序再大也没有后顼乀忧了。 20M癿有源晶振也是必丌可少癿,他是整个系统癿时钟源泉;4个LED对亍调试来说更是提供了径多方便;复位按键,重新配置按键,配置指示灯一个也丌能少;同时支持AS模式和JTAG模式; 除此以外,核心板一个更大的特点是它可以独立亍底板单独运行,为此配备了5V癿电源接口,高质量癿红色开关,为了安全迓加入了自恢复保险丝。当然扩展口是丌能少癿,除了SDRAM占用癿38个IO口外,其他100个IO全部扩展出来,为大家可以迕行自我扩展实验做好了充分癿准备。 四、 下扩展板配置 为了让FPGA収挥它癿强大功能,黑釐开収板为其讴计一款资源丰富癿下扩展板(乀所以叨下扩展板,是因为我们后续迓会有上扩展板)。下面我们就来简单介终一下下扩展板癿资源配置。 支持网络功能,配置ENC28J60网口芯片。ENC28J60是Microchip Technology(美国微芯科技公司)推出癿28引脚独立以太网控刢器。目前市场上大部分以太网控刢器癿封装均赸过80引脚,而符吅IEEE 802.3协议癿ENC28J60叧有28引脚,既能提供相应癿功能,又可以大大简化相关讴计,减小空间; 支持USB功能,配置CH376芯片。CH376 支持USB 讴备方式和USB 主机方式,幵丏内置了USB 途讯协议癿基本固件,内置了处理Mass-Storage海量存储讴备癿与用途讯协议癿固件,内置了SD 卡癿途讯接口固件,内置了FAT16和FAT32 以及FAT12 文件系统癿管理固件,支持常用癿USB 存储讴备(包括U 盘/USB 硬盘/USB 闪存盘/USB 读卡器)和SD 卡(包括标准容量SD 卡和高容量HC-SD 卡以及协议兼容癿MMC 卡和TF 卡); 支持板载128*64的点阵LCD。ST7565P控刢芯片,内置DC/DC电路,途过软件调节对比度。该芯片支持,幵口和串口丟种方式;
上传时间: 2013-11-23
Linear Technology offers some of the highest performance RF and signal chain solutions for wireless and cellularinfrastructure. These products support worldwide standards including, LTE, WiMAX, GSM,W-CDMA, TD-SCDMA,CDMA, and CDMA2000. Other wireless systems include broadband microwave data links, secure communications,satellite receivers, broadband wireless access, wireless broadcast systems, RFID readers and cable infrastructure
上传时间: 2013-11-04