MQX最早是Precise Software teChnologies公司1989年开发,2009年飞思卡尔收购后,开放源代码。MQX采用微内核结构,具有标准的API接口、模块化架构、TCP/IP协议栈和USB协议栈等,因此无论在实时性、裁减性还是移植性上都具有卓越的性能.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
The main objective of this book is to present all the relevant informationrequired for RF and micro-wave power amplifier design includingwell-known and novel theoretical approaches and practical design techniquesas well as to suggest optimum design approaches effectively combininganalytical calculations and computer-aided design. This bookcan also be very useful for lecturing to promote the analytical way ofthinking with practical verification by making a bridge between theoryand practice of RF and microwave engineering. As it often happens, anew result is the well-forgotten old one. Therefore, the demonstrationof not only new results based on new teChnologies or circuit schematicsis given, but some sufficiently old ideas or approaches are also introduced,that could be very useful in modern practice or could contributeto appearance of new ideas or schematic techniques.
标签: Amplifier Microwave Design Power
上传时间: 2013-12-22
This document is a quick reference to some of the formulas and important information related to optical teChnologies. It focuses on decibels (dB), decibels per milliwatt (dBm), attenuation and measurements, and provides an introduction to optical fibers.
上传时间: 2013-10-17
Agilent AN 154 S-Parameter Design Application Note S参数的设计与应用 The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuitdesign techniques has been recognized both by microwaveengineers and circuit designers. These engineersare being asked to design solid state circuitsthat will operate at higher and higher frequencies.The development of microwave transistors andAgilent teChnologies’ network analysis instrumentationsystems that permit complete network characterizationin the microwave frequency rangehave greatly assisted these engineers in their work.The Agilent Microwave Division’s lab staff hasdeveloped a high frequency circuit design seminarto assist their counterparts in R&D labs throughoutthe world. This seminar has been presentedin a number of locations in the United States andEurope.From the experience gained in presenting this originalseminar, we have developed a four-part videotape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the technologyof high frequency circuit design is everchanging, the concepts upon which this technologyhas been built are relatively invariant.The content of the S-Parameter Design Seminar isas follows:
标签: S参数
上传时间: 2013-12-19
This book is about the digital logic design of microprocessors. It is intended to provide both an understanding of the basic principles of digital logic design, and how these fundamental principles are applied in the building of complex microprocessor circuits using current teChnologies.
上传时间: 2013-10-14
It would not be an exaggeration to say that semiconductor devices have transformed humanlife. From computers to communications to internet and video games these devices and the teChnologies they have enabled have expanded human experience in a way that is unique in history. Semiconductor devices have exploited materials, physics and imaginative applications to spawn new lifestyles. Of course for the device engineer, in spite of the advances, the challenges of reaching higher frequency, lower power consumption, higher power generation etc.
上传时间: 2013-10-28
ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH EDA(以下简称EWB)软件是交互图像技术有限公司(INTERACTIVE IMAGE teChnologies Ltd)在八十年代末推出的EDA软件,其EWB5.0于96年推出,占用硬盘空间很小,只有16M,是个模拟电路和数字电路混合仿真的EDA软件,它的仿真功能十分强大,可以几乎100%地仿真出真实电路的结果,而且它在桌面上提供了各种各样的电子工具,如万用表、示波器、信号发生器、逻辑分析仪等等,它的器件库中则包含了许多大公司的晶体管元器件、集成电路和数字门电路,器件库中没有的元器件,还可以由外部模块导入,在众多的电路仿真软件中,EWB是最容易学会的,它的工作界面非常直观,原理图和各种工具都在同一个窗口内,未接触过它的人稍加学习就可以很熟练地使用该软件,对于电子设计工作者来说,它是个极好的EDA工具,许多电路你无需动用烙铁就可得知它的结果,而且若想更换元器件或改变元器件参数,只需点点鼠标即可,它也可以作为电学知识的辅助教学软件使用,利用它可以直接从屏幕上看到各种电路的输出波形。EWB的兼容性也较好,其文件格式可以导出成能被ORCAD或PROTEL读取的格式,它是笔者最喜欢的EDA软件之一,
标签: Electronic Workbench 5.0 5.2
上传时间: 2013-10-21
ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH EDA(以下简称EWB)软件是交互图像技术有限公司(INTERACTIVE IMAGE teChnologies Ltd)在八十年代末推出的EDA软件,其EWB5.0于96年推出,占用硬盘空间很小,只有16M,是个模拟电路和数字电路混合仿真的EDA软件,它的仿真功能十分强大,可以几乎100%地仿真出真实电路的结果,而且它在桌面上提供了各种各样的电子工具,如万用表、示波器、信号发生器、逻辑分析仪等等,它的器件库中则包含了许多大公司的晶体管元器件、集成电路和数字门电路,器件库中没有的元器件,还可以由外部模块导入,在众多的电路仿真软件中,EWB是最容易学会的,它的工作界面非常直观,原理图和各种工具都在同一个窗口内,未接触过它的人稍加学习就可以很熟练地使用该软件,对于电子设计工作者来说,它是个极好的EDA工具,许多电路你无需动用烙铁就可得知它的结果,而且若想更换元器件或改变元器件参数,只需点点鼠标即可,它也可以作为电学知识的辅助教学软件使用,利用它可以直接从屏幕上看到各种电路的输出波形。EWB的兼容性也较好,其文件格式可以导出成能被ORCAD或PROTEL读取的格式,它是笔者最喜欢的EDA软件之一,
标签: Electronic Workbench 5.0 5.2
上传时间: 2013-10-10
中文版详情浏览: Xilinx UltraScale:The Next-Generation Architecture for Your Next-Generation Architecture The Xilinx® UltraScale™ architecture delivers unprecedented levels of integration and capability with ASIC-class system- level performance for the most demanding applications. The UltraScale architecture is the industr y's f irst application of leading-edge ASIC architectural enhancements in an All Programmable architecture that scales from 20 nm planar through 16 nm FinFET teChnologies and beyond, in addition to scaling from monolithic through 3D ICs. Through analytical co-optimization with the X ilinx V ivado® Design Suite, the UltraScale architecture provides massive routing capacity while intelligently resolving typical bottlenecks in ways never before possible. This design synergy achieves greater than 90% utilization with no performance degradation. Some of the UltraScale architecture breakthroughs include: • Strategic placement (virtually anywhere on the die) of ASIC-like system clocks, reducing clock skew by up to 50% • Latency-producing pipelining is virtually unnecessary in systems with massively parallel bus architecture, increasing system speed and capability • Potential timing-closure problems and interconnect bottlenecks are eliminated, even in systems requiring 90% or more resource utilization • 3D IC integration makes it possible to build larger devices one process generation ahead of the current industr y standard • Greatly increased system performance, including multi-gigabit serial transceivers, I/O, and memor y bandwidth is available within even smaller system power budgets • Greatly enhanced DSP and packet handling The Xilinx UltraScale architecture opens up whole new dimensions for designers of ultra-high-capacity solutions.
标签: UltraScale Xilinx 架构
上传时间: 2013-11-21
Introduction to Xilinx Packaging Electronic packages are interconnectable housings for semiconductor devices. The major functions of the electronic packages are to provide electrical interconnections between the IC and the board and to efficiently remove heat generated by the device. Feature sizes are constantly shrinking, resulting in increased number of transistors being packed into the device. Today's submicron technology is also enabling large-scale functional integration and system-on-a-chip solutions. In order to keep pace with these new advancements in silicon teChnologies, semiconductor packages have also evolved to provide improved device functionality and performance. Feature size at the device level is driving package feature sizes down to the design rules of the early transistors. To meet these demands, electronic packages must be flexible to address high pin counts, reduced pitch and form factor requirements. At the same time,packages must be reliable and cost effective.
上传时间: 2013-11-21