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  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Design+Essentials

    Mobile and wireless application development has come a long way in the past few years. It has progressed beyond the hype of wireless Web applications for consumers to the reality of high-value mobile applications for corporate users. Opportunities abound for creating new mobile and wireless applications that provide vital benefits to any business. A sampling of these benefits includes increased worker productivity, reduced processing costs, heightened accuracy, and competitive advantage. In contrast is the concern that developing mobile and wireless applications will involve many new teChnologies and concepts that many corporate developers are still learning to use.

    标签: Essentials Wireless Mobile Design and

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Systems+Beyond+3G

    With the rapid growth of the wireless mobile applications, wireless voice has begun to challenge wireline voice, whereas the desire to access e-mail, surf the Web or download music (e.g., MP3) wirelessly is increasing for wireless data. While second generation (2G) cellular wireless systems, such as cdmaOne1, GSM2 and TDMA3, introduced digital technology to wireless cellular systems to deal with the increasing demand for wireless applications, there is still the need for more spectrally efficient teChnologies for two reasons. First, wireless voice capacity is expected to continue to grow. Second, the introduction of high-speed wireless data will require more bandwidth.

    标签: Wireless Systems Mobile Beyond and 3G

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+Technology+Consumption+Opportunities

    The growth of mobile teChnologies is remarkable. At a recent Mobile World Congress Conference, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google predicted that within three years, smart phones will surpass Personal Com- puter sales. The number of mobile phones used worldwide has exceeded 4.6 billion with continued growth expected in the future. In fact, in the United States alone, the numbers of mobile phone users comprise over 80% of the population. 

    标签: Opportunities Consumption Technology Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Modern+Receiver+Front-Ends

    In recent years, the research and developments in the area of RF and microwave teChnologies have progressed significantly due to the growing demand for applica- bility in wireless communication teChnologies. Starting from 1992, wireless com- munication teChnologies have become quite mature. In the modern era of electronic developments, design of wireless handsets is an example of integration of many di- verse skill sets. Classical books in the areas of microwave technology provide us with an in-depth knowledge of electromagnetic fundamentals.

    标签: Front-Ends Receiver Modern

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multi-Carrier+Spread+Spectrum+2007

    Since the principle of multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) was simultaneously proposed by Khaled Fazel et al. and Nathan Yee et al. at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) in the year 1993, multi-carrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) has rapidly become one of the most wide spread independent research topics on the field of mobile radio communications. Therefore, the International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS) was initiated in the year 1997. Multi-carrier and spread spectrum systems with their generic air interface and adaptive teChnologies are considered as potential candidates to fulfill the requirements of next generation mobile communications systems.

    标签: Multi-Carrier Spectrum Spread 2007

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multihop+Wireless+Networks

    Advances in communication and networking teChnologies are rapidly making ubiq- uitous network connectivity a reality. Wireless networks are indispensable for supporting such access anywhere and at any time. Among various types of wire- less networks, multihop wireless networks (MWNs) have been attracting increasing attention for decades due to its broad civilian and military applications. Basically, a MWN is a network of nodes connected by wireless communication links. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in MWNs may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges.

    标签: Multihop Wireless Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next+Generation+Telecommunications+Networks

    Never have telecommunications operations and network management been so important. Never has it been more important to move away from practices that date back to the very beginning of the telecommunications industry. Building and con- necting systems internally at low cost, on an as - needed basis, and adding software for supporting new networks and services without an overall architectural design will not be cost effective for the future. Defi ning operations and network manage- ment requirements at the 11th hour for new teChnologies, networks, and services deployments must also change. 

    标签: Telecommunications Generation Networks Next

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next-Generation Converged Networks

    The telecommunications industry has seen a rapid boost within the last decade. New realities and visions of functionalities in various telecommunications networks have brought forward the concept of next-generation networks (NGNs). The competitions among operators for support- ing various services, lowering of the cost of having mobile and cellular phones and smartphones, increasing demand for general mobility, explosion of digital traffic, and advent of convergence network teChnologies added more dynamism in the idea of NGNs. In fact, facilitating con- vergence of networks and convergence of various types of services is a significant objective of NGNs.

    标签: Next-Generation Converged Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • OFDM-Based Broadband Wireless Networks

    Emerging teChnologies such as WiFi and WiMAX are profoundly changing the landscape of wireless broadband.  As  we evolve into future generation wireless networks, a primary challenge is the support of high data rate, integrated multi- media type traffic over a unified platform. Due to its inherent advantages in high-speed communication, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become the modem  of  choice for a number of high profile wireless systems (e.g., DVB-T, WiFi, WiMAX, Ultra-wideband).

    标签: OFDM-Based Broadband Networks Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Optical+Communications+Essentials

    Ever since ancient times, people continuously have devised new techniques and teChnologies for communicating their ideas, needs, and desires to others. Thus, many forms of increasingly complex communication systems have appeared over the years. The basic motivations behind each new one were to improve the transmission fidelity so that fewer errors occur in the received message, to increase the transmission capacity of a communication link so that more infor- mation could be sent, or to increase the transmission distance between relay sta- tions so that messages can be sent farther without the need to restore the signal fidelity periodically along its path.

    标签: Communications Essentials Optical

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
