这是完整的ucos在51上移植的资料, 有全部源码、图纸、文档和相关资料,注意:全部资料包括源码+文档+开发板SCH、PCB图纸+TCP/IP测试程序+使用说明。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Socket的出现,使程序员可以很方便地访问TCP/IP,从而开发各种网络应用程序。 套接字存在于通信区域中。通信区域也叫地址族,它是一个抽象的概念,主要用于将通过套接字通信的进程的共有特性综合在一起。
标签: Socket
上传时间: 2015-10-04
上传时间: 2015-10-06
This book describes the following communications applications: Mail, Message Handler( MH), Transmission ControlProtocol/ Internet Protocol(TCP/ IP), Basic Networking Utilities( BNU), and Asynchronous Terminal Emulation( ATE). It provides overviews, concepts, and procedures on receiving and sending mail and messages, transferring files( ftp command), printing files from and to a remote system, running commands on other systems, communicating between local and remote systems, and customizing the communications environment.
标签: communications applications Transmiss describes
上传时间: 2013-12-18
我正是从VCKBASE 开始学习VC++ 的,没有他我进步不会如此迅速,一直想给VCKBASE贡献点什么,正好今天有空,就把早些时候写的一个串口转TCP/IP的程序发上来,希望对初学者学习串口编程有点帮助。
上传时间: 2013-12-01
This a naive implementation of BOOTP/TFTPBOOT, the protocols to use to bootstrap a computer through a TCP/IP network. The goal was to design a small footprint implementation to allow the code to be integrated into a monitor program stored in a ROM/FLASH, the footprint is about 7 KBytes for the test program. This code has not been yet tested in many environment. It should be seen at your starting point to integrate the network boot function to your board.
标签: implementation bootstrap protocols TFTPBOOT
上传时间: 2013-12-18
ASIC 设计中 包存储功能的fifo,TCP/IP,以太网2的应用
上传时间: 2016-01-24
利用EVC4.0编写应用程序,基于Wince平台提供Socket API函数,使用TCP传输协议,通过以太网芯片DM9000驱动,实现S3C2410的Wince系统和PC机建立TCP网络通信。
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Ideal for large low power (nanoWatt) and connectivity applications that benefit from the availability of four serial ports: double synchronous serial ports (I² C™ and SPI™ ) and double asynchronous (LIN capable) serial ports. Large amounts of RAM memory for buffering and FLASH program memory make it ideal for instrumentation panels, TCP/IP enabled embedded applications as well as metering and industrial control and monitoring applications. While operating up to 40 MHz, it is also backward software and hardware compatible with the PIC18F8720.
标签: connectivity applications availabilit nanoWatt
上传时间: 2016-02-04
上传时间: 2016-02-08