LED 线阵显示装置, 分为 LED 线性旋转显示主机和图文录入器两部分。主机用直流电机带动由红绿 LED 组成的线阵旋转, 同时线阵按照时序依次切换显示状态, 在固定区域利用视觉暂留效果形成 16×16 点阵, 用以显示图文;图文录入器用 HMI 触控屏作为人机交互界面, 实现图文录入和回放功能。主机与图文录入器通过无线通信方式进行信息交互,可由图文录入器控制主机切换不同工作任务, 以及改变线阵显示内容。The LED linear array display device is divided into two parts:the one is the main unit used to display content,and the other one is used to input the contents.The main unit is driven by a DC motor to rotate the linear array composed by red and green light emitting diodes.At the same time,the 16×16 dot matrix that switching the display state according to the time sequence on the main unit displays pictures and texts in the fixed area,by using the visual temporary effect.The HMI touch screen is used as human machine interface to realize the function that input and playback pictures and texts.The two parts of the device communicate with each other through wireless communication.The image and text input controller can control the main unit to switch different tasks and change the content of linear array displayed.
标签: stc12c5a60s2 单片机 led
上传时间: 2022-03-28
近距电能传输——高效安全近距电能传输一般基于电磁感应原理进行。在此技术基础上,当接收器邻近发射器时才会进行电能传输。电磁感应技术的历史长达百年,多年米一直应用于各类电子产品中—如此普及全因其简单、高效以及安全技术概览以下将为你简要介绍无线电能传输技术。System Overview(Communication)Receiver sends messagesTo provide control information to the transmitterBy load modulation on the power signaTransmitter receives messagesTo receive control information frorn the recelverBy de-modulation of the reflected loadPower Pick Up( Receiver)Secondary coil (L Serial resonance capacitor (C) for efficient power transfer Parallel resonance capacitor(C, )for detection purposes Rectifier: full bridge(diode, or switched)+ capacitor Output switch for(dis)connecting the loadReceiver modulates load by Switching modulation resistor(R,n),or Switching modulation capacitor(Ca)Transmitter de-modulates reflected load by Sensing pnmary coil curent (p)and/o Sensing primary coil voltage (V,
上传时间: 2022-03-31
基于TMS320F28335的超声波流量计硬件原理图+软件源码本文以TMS320F28335 处理器为核心,设计一种用于管道流量测量的超声波流量计。系统硬件由核心板,超声波发射和接收电路,切换电路,超声换能器,基于ADS805 的高速信号采集电路,人机交互以及电源等模块构成。采用时差法进行管道流量测量,时差测量采用SCOT 加权的广义互相关时延估计算法。本论文设计的超声波流量计具有测量速度快、准确性好、成本低等优点。关键字:C2000,超声波,流量,广义互相关算法AbstractA kind of ultrasonic flowmeter using for the pipe flow measurement is designed based onTMS320F28335 in this paper. The system hardware consists of the following parts: the core board,ultrasonic signal transmitter and receiver circuits, switch circuit, ultrasonic transducer, signalacquisition circuit based on ADS805, human-computer interaction module and power supplymodule, etc. The system use the method of time difference for pipeline flow measurement and thetime difference is calculated by the time-delay algorithm of SCOT weighted generalizedcross-correlation. The ultrasonic flowmeter has the features of high testing speed, high precisionand low cost, etc.Keywords: C2000,Ultrasonic, Flow, Generalized Cross-Correlation Algorithm
标签: tms320f28335 超声波流量计
上传时间: 2022-05-06
#include "NUC1xx.h"#include "Hal.h"#include "pwm.h"//wait current PWM cycle done, otherwise there maybe short pulse on FETvoid PWM_Stop(U8 ch){ switch(ch) { case PWM_CHANNEL_A: PWMA->u32CNR1 = 0; PWMA->u32CMR1 = 0; while(PWMA->u32PDR1 != 0); break; case PWM_CHANNEL_B: PWMA->u32CNR2 = 0; PWMA->u32CMR2 = 0; while(PWMA->u32PDR2 != 0); break; case PWM_CHANNEL_C: PWMA->u32CNR3 = 0; PWMA->u32CMR3 = 0; while(PWMA->u32PDR3 != 0); break; default: while(1); } PWMA->u32POE &= ~(1<<ch); PWMA->u32PCR &= ~(1<<(ch*8));}
上传时间: 2022-06-01
RTL9047A 为车用乙太网single chip 交换机方案,如下图port0~port3 总共提供4ports 100BASE-T1,不用外挂PHY可节省cost 及PCB空间;port4为 selection port可选择设定100BASE-T1或SGMII,其SGMII个外接CPU或对接相同型号switch做cascade扩充;port5为 selection port可选择设定传统100base-TX FE PHY, SGMII或 RGMII/MII/RMII,其100base-TX 界面作为车载Diagnostic界面;port6为RGMII/MII/RMII 界面,可用来外接CPU或扩充网路界面等应用。
上传时间: 2022-06-07
MOSFET和IGBT内部结构不同, 决定了其应用领域的不同.1, 由于MOSFET的结构, 通常它可以做到电流很大, 可以到上KA,但是前提耐压能力没有IGBT强。2,IGBT 可以做很大功率, 电流和电压都可以, 就是一点频率不是太高, 目前IGBT硬开关速度可以到100KHZ,那已经是不错了. 不过相对于MOSFET的工作频率还是九牛一毛,MOSFET可以工作到几百KHZ,上MHZ,以至几十MHZ,射频领域的产品.3, 就其应用, 根据其特点:MOSFET应用于开关电源, 镇流器, 高频感应加热, 高频逆变焊机, 通信电源等等高频电源领域;IGBT 集中应用于焊机, 逆变器, 变频器,电镀电解电源, 超音频感应加热等领域开关电源 (Switch Mode Power Supply ;SMPS) 的性能在很大程度上依赖于功率半导体器件的选择,即开关管和整流器。虽然没有万全的方案来解决选择IGBT还是MOSFET的问题,但针对特定SMPS应用中的IGBT 和 MOSFET进行性能比较,确定关键参数的范围还是能起到一定的参考作用。本文将对一些参数进行探讨,如硬开关和软开关ZVS ( 零电压转换) 拓扑中的开关损耗,并对电路和器件特性相关的三个主要功率开关损耗—导通损耗、传导损耗和关断损耗进行描述。此外,还通过举例说明二极管的恢复特性是决定MOSFET或 IGBT 导通开关损耗的主要因素, 讨论二极管恢复性能对于硬开关拓扑的影响。导通损耗除了IGBT的电压下降时间较长外, IGBT和功率MOSFET的导通特性十分类似。由基本的IGBT等效电路(见图1)可看出,完全调节PNP BJT集电极基极区的少数载流子所需的时间导致了导通电压拖尾( voltage tail )出现。
上传时间: 2022-06-21
引言开关电源(SMPS:Switch Mode Power Supply)是利用现代电力电子技术,控制开关管开通和关断的时问比率,维持稳定输出电压的一种电源·非隔离式DC/DC变换具有六种基本拓扑结构:降压(Buck)变换器升压(Boost)变换器极性反转升降压(Buck2Boost)变换器Cuk(Boost2Buck 联)变换器Sepic变换器Zeta变换器[-1,与线性电源相比,开关电源具有体积小重量轻效率高自身抗干扰性强输出电压范围宽模块化等优点。LTspice IV是LT公司推出的SPICE电路仿真软件,具有集成电路图捕获和波形观测功能。LTspice IV内置新型SPIE元件,能快速进行SMPS交互式仿真,且无元件或节点数目的限制.LTspice IV虽然与开关模式电源设计配合使用,但它并不是SMPS专用型SPICE软件,而是一款通用型SPICE-LTspice IV内置了LT公司新型SPARSE矩阵求解器,采用专有的并行处理方法,实现了对任务的高效并行处理"。
上传时间: 2022-06-26
This example shows how you can use signal functions in the Visiondebugger to simulate a signal that is coming into one of the analog inputs of the LPC21xx.The Measure example is described in detail in the Getting StartedUser's Guide.The MEASURE example program is available for several targets:Simulator: uVision Simulator for LPC2129MCB2100: Keil MCB2100 evaluation board with ULINK debugger - Application is loaded to internal Flash. - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on) - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN0 (jumper position: J2= on) - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control noneMCB2130: Keil MCB2130 evaluation board with ULINK debugger - Application is loaded to internal Flash. - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on) - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN1 (jumper position: J2= on) - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control none
标签: dac8568
上传时间: 2022-06-28
概述什么是Arduino?Arduino是一块基与开放原始代码的Simple i/o平台,业且具有使用类似java,C语言的开发环境。让您可以快速使用Arduino语言与Flash或Processing...等软件,作出互动作品。Arduino可以使用开发完成的电子元件例如Switch或Sensors或其他控制器、LED、步进地机或其他输出装置。Arduino也可以独立运作成为一个可以跟软件沟通的平台,例如说:flash processing Max/MSPVVVV或其他互动软件…Arduino开发IDE界面基于开放原始码原则,可以让您免费下载使用开发出更多令人惊奇的互动作品。什么是Roboduino?DFRduino与Arduino完全兼容,只是在原来的基础上作了些改进。Arduino的10使用的孔座,做互动作品需要面包板和针线搭配才能进行,而DFRduino的10使用针座,使用我们的杜邦线就可以直接把各种传器连接到DFRduino上。
标签: arduino
上传时间: 2022-07-16
Overview The MT7628 router-on-a-chip includes an 802.11n MAC and baseband,a 2.4 GHz radio and FEM,a 575/580MHz MIPS? 24K% CPU core,a 5-port 10/100 fast ethernet switch. The MT7628 includes everything needed to build an AP router from a single chip. The embedded high performance CPU can process advanced applications effortlessly, such as routing, security and VolP. The MT7628 also includes a selection of interfaces to support a variety of applications, such as a USB port for accessing external storage.Features· Embedded MIPS24KEc(575/580 MHz) with 64KBl-Cache and 32 KB D-Cache·2T2R 2.4 GHz with 300 Mbps PHY data rate· Legacy 802.11b/g and HT 802.11n modes·20/40 MHz channel bandwidth· Reverse Data Grant(RDG)· Maximal Ratio Combining(MRC)· Space Time Block Coding(STBC)· MCM 8 Mbytes DDR1 KGD(MT7628KN)
标签: mt7628
上传时间: 2022-07-18