西门子技术支持网站简介 当您在使用西门子产品时可能遇到这样或是那样的问题,没关系,您可以登陆西门 子技术支持与服务网站来查找您需要的信息. 网站链接为: http://www.ad.siemens.com.cn/service/ 登陆网站后,您可以点击相关链接,查找您想要得信息,其中在"网上课堂"可以 下载西门子技术支持工程师编写的常问问题和使用入门文档,点击网页左侧的"技 术资源",进入后将显示语言切换到英文(点击网页的右上角"English"),然后 在"Search"输入框中输入您要查找的相关内容,如下载升级软件包,或是查找错 误代码的解释,或是查找相关产品的信息等等,您可能会找到很多条链接,您可以 从中选择您所需要的内容,您还可以通过点击"Product supPort"进入西门子的 产品信息库,通过点击左侧的相关文件链接可以查找到西门子相关产品的详细信 息.如果您经常使用网站信息,您会觉得它已成为您解决问题的得力助手.
上传时间: 2016-08-29
西门子技术支持网站简介 当您在使用西门子产品时可能遇到这样或是那样的问题,没关系,您可以登陆西门 子技术支持与服务网站来查找您需要的信息. 网站链接为: http://www.ad.siemens.com.cn/service/ 登陆网站后,您可以点击相关链接,查找您想要得信息,其中在"网上课堂"可以 下载西门子技术支持工程师编写的常问问题和使用入门文档,点击网页左侧的"技 术资源",进入后将显示语言切换到英文(点击网页的右上角"English"),然后 在"Search"输入框中输入您要查找的相关内容,如下载升级软件包,或是查找错 误代码的解释,或是查找相关产品的信息等等,您可能会找到很多条链接,您可以 从中选择您所需要的内容,您还可以通过点击"Product supPort"进入西门子的 产品信息库,通过点击左侧的相关文件链接可以查找到西门子相关产品的详细信 息.如果您经常使用网站信息,您会觉得它已成为您解决问题的得力助手.
上传时间: 2014-01-11
西门子技术支持网站简介 当您在使用西门子产品时可能遇到这样或是那样的问题,没关系,您可以登陆西门 子技术支持与服务网站来查找您需要的信息. 网站链接为: http://www.ad.siemens.com.cn/service/ 登陆网站后,您可以点击相关链接,查找您想要得信息,其中在"网上课堂"可以 下载西门子技术支持工程师编写的常问问题和使用入门文档,点击网页左侧的"技 术资源",进入后将显示语言切换到英文(点击网页的右上角"English"),然后 在"Search"输入框中输入您要查找的相关内容,如下载升级软件包,或是查找错 误代码的解释,或是查找相关产品的信息等等,您可能会找到很多条链接,您可以 从中选择您所需要的内容,您还可以通过点击"Product supPort"进入西门子的 产品信息库,通过点击左侧的相关文件链接可以查找到西门子相关产品的详细信 息.如果您经常使用网站信息,您会觉得它已成为您解决问题的得力助手.
上传时间: 2013-12-24
国际化、多国语言的处理,Internationalization and Multiple Language supPort
上传时间: 2016-08-29
Host Identity Protocol on Linux is an implemetation of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and the related architecture. HIP is a proposal to change the TCP/IP stack to securely supPort mobility and multi-homing. Additionally, it provides for enhanced security and privacy and advanced network concepts, such as moving networks and mobile ad hoc networks. HIP is "cool", which means that as a mobile VPN solution, when your network interfaces go up or down, there is no need to re-establish a secure tunnel.
标签: Identity Protocol Host implemetation
上传时间: 2016-09-01
MATLAB的SVM算法实现,Matlab supPort Vector Machine Toolbox,This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This a simple database management system. It doesn t use any other code (i.e. ODBC, ADO, etc.) and has it s own database file format. I wrote it because I found the other DBMSs code too bulky and hard to debug. It s designed for small applications and I doubt it could handle anything on a large scale. A sample program included in the .zip shows how everything works. The database project is a library project, so you ll have to compile and link with the .lib file to get everything working. Pros: - You have the source code so you know exactly what it is doing - Database files are very small - Small and fast code Cons: - Can t handle large amounts of records (more than 65000ish) - Doesn t supPort SQL (you have to search the database by cycling through the records and testing them against your constraints) - Each database file can only have one table.
标签: i.e. management database simple
上传时间: 2016-10-02
it is programed on dsk6455,and it describe the use of the LED module of the the dsk6455 Board supPort Library.
上传时间: 2016-10-16
Libnet is a generic networking API that provides access to several protocols. It is not designed as a all in one solution to networking. Currently many features that are common in some network protocols are not available with Libnet, such as streaming via TCP/IP. We feel that Libnet should not provide specific features that are possible in other protocols. If we restrict Libnet to the minimal needed to communicate (datagram/packets) then this allows it to supPort more interfaces. 很好的学习linux网络变成的源码
标签: networking protocols designed provides
上传时间: 2016-10-18
在室內環境中可結合式子母機器人系統,子機為一多功能平台,可放置各種家庭所需之設備,而母機為一輪式機器人,經由兩者的結合,可提供高機動性與多功能的服務。在結合的技術面,傳統的吸塵器機器人與充電站之間的導航系統使用紅外線感測作為依據,當兩者間有障礙物阻擋時,紅外線感測器導航系統將會失效。因此本系統利用聲源方向做為機器人決定移動方向的依據,由於聲波傳遞的特性,即使在有障礙物的情況下,依然可以有效地偵測。此外,在移動的過程中,本系統利用光流偵測法判斷是否遭遇障礙物或是利用supPort Vector Machine分類判斷與聲源之間為是否有障礙物的阻隔;若發現前方有障礙物,則啟動避障策略,用有效的方式繼續往目標移動。最後,當母機接近子機時,可根據多種紅外線感測器資訊進行子母機器人的結合,結合成功後,母機將可搭載子機成為一自由行動之機器人。
标签: 系統
上传时间: 2013-12-19