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  • The file is substitution cipher assistant.It Will display the ciphertext underneath the guessed plai

    The file is substitution cipher assistant.It Will display the ciphertext underneath the guessed plaintext.

    标签: substitution ciphertext underneath assistant

    上传时间: 2014-11-29


  • 高吞吐量LDPC码编码构造及其FPGA实现

    低密度校验码(LDPC,Low Density Parity Check Code)是一种性能接近香农极限的信道编码,已被广泛地采用到各种无线通信领域标准中,包括我国的数字电视地面传输标准、欧洲第二代卫星数字视频广播标准(DVB-S2,Digital Video Broadcasting-Satellite 2)、IEEE 802.11n、IEEE 802.16e等。它是3G乃至将来4G通信系统中的核心技术之一。 当今LDPC码构造的主流方向有两个,分别是结合准循环(QC,Quasi Cyclic)移位结构的单次扩展构造和类似重复累积(RA,Repeat Accumulate)码构造。相应地,主要的LDPC码编码算法有基于生成矩阵的算法和基于迭代译码的算法。基于生成矩阵的编码算法吞吐量高,但是需要较多的寄存器和ROM资源;基于迭代译码的编码算法实现简单,但是吞吐量不高,且不容易构造高性能的好码。 本文在研究了上述几种码构造和编码算法之后,结合编译码器综合实现的复杂度考虑,提出了一种切实可行的基于二次扩展(Dex,Duplex Expansion)的QC-LDPC码构造方法,以实现高吞吐量的LDPC码收发端;并且充分利用该类码校验矩阵准循环移位结构的特点,结合RU算法,提出了一种新编码器的设计方案。 基于二次扩展的QC-LDPC码构造方法,是通过对母矩阵先后进行乱序扩展(Pex,Permutation Expansion)和循环移位扩展(CSEx,Cyclic Shift Expansion)实现的。在此基础上,为了实现可变码长、可变码率,一般编译码器需同时支持多个乱序扩展和循环移位扩展的扩展因子。本文所述二次扩展构造方法的特点在于,固定循环移位扩展的扩展因子大小不变,支持多个乱序扩展的扩展因子,使得译码器结构得以精简;构造得到的码字具有近似规则码的结构,便于硬件实现;(伪)随机生成的循环移位系数能够提高码字的误码性能,是对硬件实现和误码性能的一种折中。 新编码器在很大程度上考虑了资源的复用,使得实现复杂度近似与码长成正比。考虑到吞吐量的要求,新编码器结构完全抛弃了RU算法中串行的前向替换(FS,Forward substitution)模块,同时简化了流水线结构,由原先RU算法的6级降低为4级;为了缩短编码延时,设计时安排每一级流水线计算所需的时钟数大致相同。 这种码字构造和编码联合设计方案具有以下优势:相比RU算法,新方案对可变码长、可变码率的支持更灵活,吞吐量也更大;相比基于生成矩阵的编码算法,新方案节省了50%以上的寄存器和ROM资源,单位资源下的吞吐量更大;相比类似重复累积码结构的基于迭代译码的编码算法,新方案使高性能LDPC码的构造更为方便。以上结果都在Xilinx Virtex II pro 70 FPGA上得到验证。 通过在实验板上实测表明,上述基于二次扩展的QC-LDPC码构造和相应的编码方案能够实现高吞吐量LDPC码收发端,在实际应用中具有很高的价值。 目前,LDPC码正向着非规则、自适应、信源信道及调制联合编码方向发展。跨层联合编码的构造方法,及其对应的编码算法,也必将成为信道编码理论未来的研究重点。

    标签: LDPC FPGA 吞吐量 编码

    上传时间: 2013-07-26


  • spn算法加密和解密


    标签: spn 算法 加密 解密

    上传时间: 2014-12-20


  • The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statisti

    The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274 (see comments at the start of the module). A planar-rotation algorithm is used to update the QR- factorization. This makes it suitable for updating regressions as more data become available. The module contains a test for singularities which is simpler and quicker than calculating the singular-value decomposition. An important feature of the algorithm is that it does not square the condition number. The matrix X X is not formed. Hence it is suitable for ill- conditioned problems, such as fitting polynomials. By taking advantage of the MODULE facility, it has been possible to remove many of the arguments to routines. Apart from the new function VARPRD, and a back-substitution routine BKSUB2 which it calls, the routines behave as in AS 274.

    标签: least-squares unconstrained Statisti Applied

    上传时间: 2015-05-14


  • 介绍OO设计的基本模式和原则 面向对象的类设计原则 开放关闭原则The Open Closed Principle (OCP) Liskov 替换原则The Liskov Substitutio

    介绍OO设计的基本模式和原则 面向对象的类设计原则 开放关闭原则The Open Closed Principle (OCP) Liskov 替换原则The Liskov substitution Principle(LSP) 依赖性倒置原则The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

    标签: Liskov Substitutio The Principle

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems

    SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. The library is written in C and is callable from either C or Fortran. The library routines will perform an LU decomposition with partial pivoting and triangular system solves through forward and back substitution. The LU factorization routines can handle non-square matrices but the triangular solves are performed only for square matrices. The matrix columns may be preordered (before factorization) either through library or user supplied routines. This preordering for sparsity is completely separate from the factorization. Working precision iterative refinement subroutines are provided for improved backward stability. Routines are also provided to equilibrate the system, estimate the condition number, calculate the relative backward error, and estimate error bounds for the refined solutions.

    标签: nonsymmetric solution SuperLU general

    上传时间: 2017-02-20


  • 高保真成分替换图像融合算法实现

    High-Fidelity Component substitution Pansharpening by the Fitting of substitution Data  代码实现

    标签: High-Fidelity Component substitution Pansharpening by the Fitting of substitution Data matlab

    上传时间: 2015-05-04
