TSP问题(Travelling Salesman Problem)是数学领域中著名问题之一,旅行商的VC算法实现
标签: Travelling Salesman Problem TSP
上传时间: 2014-08-02
ASP开发学生成绩查询管理系统,能满足毕业设计的要求-ASP student achievement for the development of the management system, designed to meet graduation requirements
标签: achievement development management ASP
上传时间: 2016-12-22
We address the problem of predicting a word from previous words in a sample of text. In particular, we discuss n-gram models based on classes of words. We also discuss several statistical algorithms for assigning words to classes based on the frequency of their co-occurrence with other words. We find that we are able to extract classes that have the flavor of either syntactically based groupings or semantically based groupings, depending on the nature of the underlying statistics.
标签: predicting particular previous address
上传时间: 2016-12-26
创建一个数据库dbstu,其中包括下列表: 1.student(学号,姓名,性别,年龄,专业,系名,学院名称) 2.address(学号,宿舍名称,寝室号,楼层电话,电话,邮箱,班主任编号) 3.master(班主任编号,班主任姓名,性别,电话
上传时间: 2014-07-31
Linux for student 20081205
标签: 20081205 student Linux for
上传时间: 2016-12-30
用的数据库版本MySQL4.1 简易的学生管理系统的database是student 分别建两个表account和studentinfo,其详细数据结构见student1.sql 要实现的主要功能如下: 1.登录验证 (LoginFrame) 2.设置管理员密码(setPwdFrame) 3.添加学生资料(AddFrame) 4.修改学生资料(ModifyFrame) 5.删除学生资料(放在MainFrame中) 6.查询学生资料(ShowFrame) UtilText.java 是字符编码转换 ActionMethod.java,我把方法都写在这里 DbConn.java 是连接MySQL数据库的 Account.java 是数据库表account的封装类 Studentinfo.java 是数据库表studentinfo的封装类 我主要演示的是LoginFrame窗体的设计和登录验证的实现,因为自己做窗体设计时总要调很久, 所以选一个较简单的,而我是第一次录像感觉很紧张,说不出话来,一旦说话,自己就乱了,望大家谅解. "学号", "姓名", "性别", "系别", "班别", "电话", "E-mail","地址"
标签: student studentinfo database account
上传时间: 2017-01-05
student manager system
上传时间: 2013-12-15
if you want to it you can download and i m a student,this is a paper,I m wish it can help you.
上传时间: 2014-01-16
MFC main introduce.helpful to new student
标签: introduce helpful student main
上传时间: 2017-01-13
学生学藉管理 系统:A simple student information management system.
标签: information management student simple
上传时间: 2014-01-06