Filter Solutions是Nuhertz公司出品。Nuhertz公司是滤波器设计软件的行业领军企业。网上只有试用版下载,仅有20天的试用期,过了软件就基本瘫痪了,当然咯,细心点的话还是可以找到序列号的。功能非常齐全,值得一提的是,Filter Solutions绘制的曲线可以与Protel相媲美,使用Filter Solutions的曲线,通常是拿来就能用的。
上传时间: 2013-07-21
Boost LED drivers are often used to drive LEDs in series. If an LED fails while open,overvoltage protection (OVP) is necessary to avoid the damage to a boost integrated circuit (IC) or output capacitor. This application report presents the solutions to increase the TPS61043 LED driver OVP threshold.
标签: Overvoltage Protection Solutions Driver
上传时间: 2013-10-14
Generating next numbers in SQLServer should not be a problem. But problems arise when a customer asks for different types of next numbers that you cannot generate directly from SQL Server. This brief article describes how you would tackle this problem in different scenarios.
标签: Generating SQLServer customer problems
上传时间: 2015-01-11
Unique net-enabled GUI system based state of the art coding solutions with strong XML support.
标签: net-enabled solutions support Unique
上传时间: 2013-12-24
aco for TSP problem source code
上传时间: 2015-03-07
Analysing Requirements and Defining Solutions Architecture
标签: Requirements Architecture Analysing Solutions
上传时间: 2013-12-24
c语言编程规范Style guidelines and programming practices for C/C++ code for Dynamic Software Solutions. Use the checklist at the end of this document prior to submitting code for peer review.
标签: programming guidelines Solutions for
上传时间: 2014-07-11
Ivor Horton s Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Edition Solutions to the Exercises
标签: Beginning Exercises Solutions Edition
上传时间: 2015-03-19
题目:多线程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题 (Bounded - Buffer Problem) 内容:有界缓冲区内设有10个存储单元,放入/取出的数据项 设定为1~10这10个整形数。要求每个生产者和消费者对有界 缓冲区进行操作后,即时显示有界缓冲区的全部内容、当前指针位 置和生产者/消费者标识符。
标签: Bounded Problem Buffer 多线程同步
上传时间: 2014-01-05
dining philosophers problem
标签: philosophers problem dining
上传时间: 2015-03-29