Club Site Starter Kit.rar .net 压缩包解压时不能有密码。
上传时间: 2014-01-01
The widespread use of embedded systems mandates the development of industrial software design methods, i.e. computer-aided design and engineering of embedded applications using formal models (frameworks) and standardized prefabricated components, much in the same way as in other mature areas of engineering such as mechanical engineering and electronics. These guidelines have been used to develop Component-based Design of Software for Embedded Systems (COMDES). The paper gives an overview of the COMDES framework, followed by a presentation of a generic component types, such as function blocks, activities and function units. The execution of function units is discussed in the context of a newly developed execution model, i.e. timed-multitasking, which has been extended to distributed embedded systems.
标签: development widespread industrial embedded
上传时间: 2014-01-23
Given Perl s natural fit for web applications development, it s no surprise that Perl is also a natural choice for web services development. It s the most popular web programming language, with strong implementations of both SOAP and XML-RPC, the leading ways to distribute applications using web services. But books on web services focus on writing these applications in Java or Visual Basic, leaving Perl programmers with few resources to get them started. "Programming Web Services with Perl" changes that, bringing Perl users all the information they need to create web services using their favorite language.
标签: Perl applications development surprise
上传时间: 2014-11-21
Successful Software Development 软件工程类英文E书
标签: Development Successful Software 软件工程
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Very suitable for beginners to use JAVA development PPT course equipped with Microsoft s office software will be able to view the open let us begin
标签: development Microsoft beginners suitable
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Xilinx Spartanman-3e starter kit user s mannual 含多种常见接口信息
标签: Spartanman starter mannual Xilinx
上传时间: 2014-01-12
ARM system development tutorial
标签: development tutorial system ARM
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Telelogic Tau 面向复杂系统和应用程序的模型驱动开发 Telelogic Tau® 是面向系统及应用程序的分析、设计、开发和测试的Model Driven Development™ 环境,它采用包括Unified Modeling Language™ 2.0 (UML™ )、SysML和Model-Driven Architecture® (MDA® )在内的诸多行业标准。
标签: Telelogic Development Tau Driven
上传时间: 2014-01-19
The DSKs or eZdspTM LF2407 and the DMC1500 make up a table top motor development system which allows engineers and software developers to evaluate certain characteristics of the TMS320F240, TMS320F243, and TMS320LF2407 DSPs to determine if the processor meets the designers application requirements. Evaluators can create software to execute onboard or expand the system in a variety of ways.
标签: development eZdspTM system allow
上传时间: 2013-12-24
arm cross development with eclipse 开发中设备的详细使用,及电路图 以及接口 安装等具体使用
标签: development eclipse cross with
上传时间: 2013-12-04