很全的中断手册。 INT 00 - CPU-generated - DIVIDE ERROR INT 01 - CPU-generated - SINGLE STEP (80386+) - DEBUGGING EXCEPTIONS INT 02 - external hardware - NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT INT 03 - CPU-generated - BREAKPOINT INT 04 - CPU-generated - INTO DETECTED OVERFLOW INT 05 - PRINT SCREEN CPU-generated (80186+) - BOUND RANGE EXCEEDED INT 06 - CPU-generated (80286+) - INVALID OPCODE INT 07 - CPU-generated (80286+) - PROCESSOR EXTENSION NOT AVAILABLE INT 08 - IRQ0 - SYSTEM TIMER CPU-generated (80286+) . . .
上传时间: 2013-12-27
PCI Local Bus specification version 2.3 doc format: PDF language: English size: 2.7M
标签: specification language English version
上传时间: 2016-01-18
原书名study arm step by step 想学ARM的 可以用这个起步
上传时间: 2013-12-12
用char *malloc(unsigned size)函数向系统申请一次内存空间(如size=1000,单位为字节),用首次适应法 addr = (char *)fmalloc(unsigned size) 和 ffree(unsigned size,char * addr)(基本要求)或 循环首次适应法(提高一步) addr = (char *)lmalloc(unsigned size) 和 lfree(unsigned size,char * addr) 模拟UNIX可变分区内存管理,实现对该内存区的分配和释放管理。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
step by step移植LCD驱动,这是一个很好的说明文档,适用于初学者
上传时间: 2013-12-23
The AT91SAM9261S is pin-to-pin compatible with the AT91SAM9261. Memory size available in this product is 16K bytes of SRAM and 32K bytes of ROM
标签: 9261 compatible pin-to-pin SAM
上传时间: 2014-01-07
How the K-mean Cluster work Step 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the following: Take the first k training sample as single-element clusters Assign each of the remaining (N-k) training sample to the cluster with the nearest centroid. After each assignment, recomputed the centroid of the gaining cluster. Step 3 . Take each sample in sequence and compute its distance from the centroid of each of the clusters. If a sample is not currently in the cluster with the closest centroid, switch this sample to that cluster and update the centroid of the cluster gaining the new sample and the cluster losing the sample. Step 4 . Repeat step 3 until convergence is achieved, that is until a pass through the training sample causes no new assignments.
标签: the decision clusters Cluster
上传时间: 2013-12-21
NOIS2 step by step for Linux
上传时间: 2014-11-22
If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
标签: features reduce using these
上传时间: 2016-02-07
porting ucos2 the step way
上传时间: 2013-12-11