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  • Reduce the number of data points using a spanning tr

    Reduce the number of data points using a spanning tr

    标签: spanning Reduce number points

    上传时间: 2015-08-28


  • understand rapid spanning tr

    understand rapid spanning tr

    标签: understand spanning rapid tr

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • This kruskal Minimum spanning Tree!It s good for user in Coding Programming.

    This kruskal Minimum spanning Tree!It s good for user in Coding Programming.

    标签: Programming spanning Minimum kruskal

    上传时间: 2014-01-27


  • 物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA)

    物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA) procedure, discrete uncapacitated facility location Vehicle routing: VRP, VRP with time windows, traveling salesman problem (TSP) Networks: Shortest path, min cost network flow, minimum spanning tree problems Geocoding: U.S. city or ZIP code to longitude and latitude, longitude and latitude to nearest city, Mercator projection plotting Layout: Steepest descent pairwise interchange (SDPI) heuristic for QAP Material handling: Equipment selection General purpose: Linear programming using the revised simplex method, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) branch and bound procedure Data: U.S. cities with populations of at least 10,000, U.S. highway network (Oak Ridge National Highway Network), U.S. 3- and 5-digit ZIP codes

    标签: location location-allocation Continuous alternate

    上传时间: 2015-05-17


  • JLAB is a set of Matlab functions I have written or co-written over the past fifteen years for the p

    JLAB is a set of Matlab functions I have written or co-written over the past fifteen years for the purpose of analyzing data. It consists of four hundred m-files spanning thirty thousand lines of code. JLAB includes functions ranging in complexity from one-line aliases to high-level algorithms for certain specialized tasks. These have been collected together and made publicly available for you to use, modify, and --- subject to certain very reasonable constraints --- to redistribute. Some of the highlights are: a suite of functions for the rapid manipulation of multi-component, potentially multi-dimensional datasets a systematic way of dealing with datasets having components of non-uniform length tools for fine-tuning figures using compact, straightforward statements and specialized functions for spectral and time / frequency analysis, including advanced wavelet algorithms developed by myself and collaborators.

    标签: co-written functions the fifteen

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • 在图形中若于个边(edge)上加上一些值

    在图形中若于个边(edge)上加上一些值,此数值称为比重( weight ) 。而此图形称为比重图形(Weight Graph ) ,若weight是成本( cost )或距离( distance ) ,则称此图形为网路( Network )。根据spanning Tree的定义,知一个图形可有许多不同spanning tree ,在network中找出一个具有最小成本( Cost )的spanning tree ,则此spanning tree称为最小成本生成树。

    标签: edge 图形

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • Complete coverage of all four CCNP exams: ? EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP ? Optimizing routing ? IP

    Complete coverage of all four CCNP exams: ? EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP ? Optimizing routing ? IP multicast ? IPv6 ? VLAN implementation ? spanning Tree ? InterVLAN routing ? Layer 3 redundancy ? Wireless LANs ? VoIP in campus networks ? Campus network security ? Frame-mode MPLS ? IPsec ? Cisco device hardening ? Cisco IOS? threat defenses ? Cisco VoIP ? QoS and AutoQoS ? Wireless scalability

    标签: Optimizing Complete coverage routing

    上传时间: 2017-09-26


  • 用matlab开发的人工免疫系统仿真程序

    利用aiNet执行资源聚类的算法分为两部分:第一部分是aiNet学习算法,如上所述;第二部分是在获得记忆细胞矩阵M和Ab-Ab之间的dij矩阵S基础上,实现连通图的剪枝聚类。 定义 1 无向连通图G:在形态空间Sw上,以M中抗体对应的点为G的顶点,每对抗体之间的亲和力dij为G中两点连接边的权值。 定义2 最小生成树:包含连通图G中所有顶点的一个子图称为G的一棵生成树T。生成树中所用边的权值为生成树的权。权最小的生成树定义为最小生成树(Minimum spanning tree,MST)。

    标签: MATLAB 资源动态聚类

    上传时间: 2015-05-12


  • ESD - Physics and Devices

    Electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena have been known to mankind since Thales of Miletus in approximately 600 B.C.E. noticed the attraction of strands of hay to amber. Two thousand six hundred years have passed and the quest to obtain a better under- standing of electrostatics and ESD phenomenon continues. Today, the manufacturing of microelectronics has continued the interest in the field of electrostatic phenomenon spanning factory issues, tooling, materials, and the microelectronic industry

    标签: Devices Physics ESD and

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Design for Manufacturability and Statistical

    Design for manufacturability and statistical design encompass a number of activities and areas of study spanning the integrated circuit design and manufacturing worlds. In the early days of the planar integrated circuit, it was typical for a handful of practitioners working on a particular design to have a fairly complete understanding of the manufacturing process, the resulting semiconductor active and passive devices, as well as the resulting circuit - often composed of as few as tens of devices. With the success of semiconductor scaling, predicted and - to a certain extent even driven - by Moore’s law, and the vastly increased complexity of modern nano-meter scale processes and the billion-device circuits they allow, there came a necessary separation between the various disciplines.

    标签: Manufacturability Statistical Design for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
