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  • 微软DNS服务器远程溢出漏洞测试代码 Microsoft DNS Server Remote Code execution Exploit and analysis Advisory: http:

    微软DNS服务器远程溢出漏洞测试代码 Microsoft DNS Server Remote Code execution Exploit and analysis Advisory: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/935964.mspx This remote exploit works against port 445 (also Microsoft RPC api used) * Mario Ballano ( mballano~gmail.com ) * Andres Tarasco ( atarasco~gmail.com )

    标签: DNS Microsoft execution Advisory

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 一个简单的端口扫描程序: addstr = "发现端口" & Str(port) & "打开" & Space(5) Select Case port Case 7 plus = "ECHO服务"

    一个简单的端口扫描程序: addstr = "发现端口" & Str(port) & "打开" & Space(5) Select Case port Case 7 plus = "ECHO服务" Case 21 plus = "FTP服务★★★★★" Case 25 plus = "SMTP服务★★" Case 43 plus = "Whois服务" Case 53 plus = "DNS服务☆" Case 80 plus = "HTTP服务★★★★★" Case 81 plus = "HOSTS2名称服务" Case 99 plus = "NCX99后门★★★★★" Case 110 plus = "POP3服务★★★★★" Case 111 plus = "Sun RPC服务★★" Case 135 plus = "本地服务" Case 137 plus = "NETBIOS 名称服务/流影POP" Case 138 plus = "NETBIOS 数据存储服务" Case 139 plus = "NETBIOS 会议服务★★★" Case 119 plus = "NNTP虚拟服务" Case 163 plus = "SNMP服务" Case 443 plus = "https服务" Case 512 plus = "远程执行服务" Case 513 plus = "login, remote login" Case 514 plus = "cmd, exec with auto auth." Case 600 plus = "Sun IPC服务器" Case 1080 plus = "SOCKS代理服务★★★" Case 1433 plus = "SQL服务器★★★" Case 3128 plus = "HTTP代理服务" Case 7626 plus = "木马冰河★★★★★" Case 8080 plus = "HTTP代理服务" Case Else plus = "未知服务!"

    标签: Case port addstr Select

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that ran

    PHP Cookbook has a wealth of solutions for problems that you ll face regularly. With topics that range from beginner questions to advanced web programming techniques, this guide contains practical examples -- or "recipes" -- for anyone who uses this scripting language to generate dynamic web content. Updated for PHP 5, this book provides solutions that explain how to use the new language features in detail, including the vastly improved object-oriented capabilities and the new PDO data access extension. New sections on classes and objects are included, along with new material on processing XML, building web services with PHP, and working with SOAP/REST architectures. With each recipe, the authors include a discussion that explains the logic and concepts underlying the solution.

    标签: that solutions regularly Cookbook

    上传时间: 2014-12-03


  • 电信ISAG的服务连接和服务


    标签: ISAG 服务 电信 连接

    上传时间: 2016-09-30


  • CString用法 Windows服务包括四大部分: 一

    CString用法 Windows服务包括四大部分: 一,服务控制管理器(Service Control Manager)。是系统中的一个RPC服务器,总管所有服务,“Admin$\System32\Services.exe”。拥有一个在注册表中记录的数据库,包含了所有已安装的服务程序和设备驱动服务程序的相关信息。 二,服务控制程序(Service Control Program)。用来执行对服务程序的开启、控制和状态查询功能。 三,服务程序(Service Program)。服务的执行代码。 四,服务配置程序(Service Configuration Program)。 用来更改,查询已安装服务的信息。

    标签: CString Windows 服务

    上传时间: 2016-10-05


  • 1.1 前言 2005-3-2公司开会并分给我一个任务:写一个程序从福建移动的BOSS系统取出一些相关数据。我得到的资料只有一个“福建移动BOSS与业务增值平台接口规范V1.2.2(新).doc”

    1.1 前言 2005-3-2公司开会并分给我一个任务:写一个程序从福建移动的BOSS系统取出一些相关数据。我得到的资料只有一个“福建移动BOSS与业务增值平台接口规范V1.2.2(新).doc”,这个规范页数不多,一下就浏览完了。但之后依然不知所措,感觉到了一条河边,河前有一条大道(就是这份文档)能让我直达目的地,但却找不到过河的桥。这份文档只给出了数据的格式编码规范,但没有告诉你用什么技术,怎么去取这些数据,甚至连一个数据格式的XML例子文件也没有。 里面只有这样几句话:“交易消息(包括请求和应答)是以XML格式表达的,包括两个部分:Message Header(消息头)与Service Content(交易业务内容)。” “接口协议使用HTTP协议,落地方为发起方提供访问的URL,发起方使用HTTP POST方法发送请求报文并得到应答报文,发起方作为落地方的HTTP客户端,落地方作为发起方的HTTP服务器。因此,各个参与方需要同时实现HTTP客户端以及服务器的功能。” 这里面有两个关键字:XML、HTTP,再加上老大说用SOAP,我想这个BOSS系统和外界的信息交换技术也是基于SOAP实现的吧。于是我上网搜索了一些资料,始有此文。

    标签: BOSS 2005 1.1

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 在十种技术中

    在十种技术中,最重要的一种技术我想应该非XML莫属。这里不仅仅指XML规范本身,还包括一系列有关的基于XML的语言:主要有XHTML,XSLT,XSL,DTDs,XML Schema(XSD),XPath,XQuery和SOAP.如果你现在还对XML一无所知,那么赶快狂补吧!XML是包含类似于HTML标签的一个文本文件,在这个文件中定义了一个树型结构来描述它所保存的数据。


    上传时间: 2016-10-24


  • 在十种技术中

    在十种技术中,最重要的一种技术我想应该非XML莫属。这里不仅仅指XML规范本身,还包括一系列有关的基于XML的语言:主要有XHTML,XSLT,XSL,DTDs,XML Schema(XSD),XPath,XQuery和SOAP.如果你现在还对XML一无所知,那么赶快狂补吧!XML是包含类似于HTML标签的一个文本文件,在这个文件中定义了一个树型结构来描述它所保存的数据。


    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • You may have heard the Latest Brief web service on CodeProject.com. It provides several methods for

    You may have heard the Latest Brief web service on CodeProject.com. It provides several methods for web client programs to retrieve information about CodeProject.com, such as the latest article updates, the latest comments, and the latest lounge posts, etc. Some very popular articles on the CodeProject site make use of this service. In this article, I am going to present a java client program that uses soap message to call the methods of this web service. My program is not a general java soap client, which means you cannot use it to call other web services directly. However, you can easily modify it for other web services. The program uses only basic Java, it does not depend on any other external class library.

    标签: CodeProject provides service methods

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • Fully revised to cover the latest standards and technologies, XML and Java(TM), Second Edition provi

    Fully revised to cover the latest standards and technologies, XML and Java(TM), Second Edition provides the practical solutions developers need to design powerful and portable Web-based applications. Featuring step-by-step examples, this book focuses on harnessing the power of Java(TM) and XML together to streamline the development process. XML and Java(TM), Second Edition provides new coverage of emerging areas such as document management, databases, messaging, servlets, JDBC, data binding, security, and more. It begins with an overview of XML programming techniques, standard APIs, and tools. Building upon this foundation, the book goes on to cover the latest technologies, including DOM Level 2, SAX2, XSLT, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. It explores the role of these major middleware technologies in XML and Java-based Web application development, as well as the limitations and potential pitfalls.

    标签: technologies and standards Edition

    上传时间: 2014-01-05
