华硕电脑pcb设计规范,内部资料, PCB Layout Rule Rev1.70, 規範內容如附件所示, 其中分為: (1) ”PCB LAYOUT 基本規範”:為R&D Layout時必須遵守的事項, 否則smt,DIP,裁板時無法生產. (2) “錫偷LAYOUT RULE建議規範”: 加適合的錫偷可降低短路及錫球. (3) “PCB LAYOUT 建議規範”:為製造單位為提高量產良率,建議R&D在design階段即加入PCB Layout. (4) ”零件選用建議規範”: Connector零件在未來應用逐漸廣泛, 又是smt生產時是偏移及置件不良的主因,故製造希望R&D及採購在購買異形零件時能顧慮製造的需求, 提高自動置件的比例. (5) “零件包裝建議規範”:,零件taping包裝時, taping的公差尺寸規範,以降低拋料率.
上传时间: 2013-12-16
上传时间: 2015-05-28
标签: Pin Header Drawing 2.54双排插针 2.54双排公针 2.54DIP公针 2.54针座 2.54直插180度排针 双排排针图纸 双排排针规格书 双排排针工程图纸
上传时间: 2016-01-08
标签: dffg
上传时间: 2016-01-08
USB 3.0 AF插座分为USB2.0 90度,180度, smt贴片式,沉板式
标签: USB3.0插座 USB3.0 AF插座 USB 3.0图纸 USB 3.0 AF规格书 USB AF插座图纸 USB AF 90度
上传时间: 2016-01-09
USB3.0 AF 插座可分为插板式,贴板式和沉板式,侧插式等几种方式
标签: USB3.0 AF smt规格图 USB3.0 smt图纸 smt USB3.0 贴片USB3.0 USB3.0贴片图纸 USB3.0插座 USB3.0贴片插座图纸
上传时间: 2016-01-09
标签: 加高简牛图纸 2.54简牛图纸 2.54加塑简牛 2.54lBOX图纸 2.54简易牛角图纸 2.54简易牛角规格书 2.54加高简牛
上传时间: 2016-01-09
2.54mm单排针,单排双塑,180度,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm双排针,双排双塑,180度,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm单/双排弱,90度,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm单/双排针,smt,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm单排双塑,双排双塑,smt,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm三排针,90/180度,H=2.5mm 2.54mm单/双排针,打K,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm双排针,90/180度,H=4.3mm 2.54mm双排针,90/180度,H=7.4mm 2.54mm双排针,双塑,90度,塑宽=9.7mm,H=2.54mm 2.00mm排针系列: 2.00mm单排
标签: SMD贴片排针 90度贴片排针 90度smt排针 SMD PIN针 PH贴片排针 90度贴片排针 SMD针座
上传时间: 2016-08-03
2.54mm单排针,单排双塑,180度,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm双排针,双排双塑,180度,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm单/双排弱,90度,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm单/双排针,smt,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm单排双塑,双排双塑,smt,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm三排针,90/180度,H=2.5mm 2.54mm单/双排针,打K,H=1.5/2.0/2.5mm 2.54mm双排针,90/180度,H=4.3mm 2.54mm双排针,90/180度,H=7.4mm 2.54mm双排针,双塑,90度,塑宽=9.7mm,H=2.54mm 2.00mm排针系列: 2.00mm单排
标签: 板对板连接器 排针排母连接器 排针连接器 排母连接器 smt排针 双塑smt排针 双塑SMD排针 双塑贴片排针
上传时间: 2016-08-03
Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdfIEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to mains at an outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The 34401A may be used to make measurements with the HI and LO inputs connected to mains in such devices, or to the branch outlet itself (up to 300 VAC). However, the 34401A may not be used with its HI and LO inputs connected to mains in permanently installed electrical devices such as the main circuit-breaker panel, sub-panel disconnect boxes, or permanently wired motors. Such devices and circuits are subject to overvoltages that may exceed the protection limits of the 34401A. Note: Voltages above 300 VAC may be measured only in circuits that are isolated from mains. However, transient overvoltages are also present on circuits that are isolated from mains. The Agilent 34401A are designed to safely withstand occasional transient overvoltages up to 2500 Vpk. Do not use this equipment to measure circuits where transient overvoltages could exceed this level. Additional Notices Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirement. The affixed product label (see below) indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE directive Annex 1, this product is classified as a "Monitoring and Control instrumentation" product. Do not dispose in domestic household waste. To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see www.agilent.com/environment/product for more information. Agilent 34138A Test Lead Set The Agilent 34401A is compatible with the Agilent 34138A Test Lead Set described below. Test Lead Ratings Test Leads - 1000V, 15A Fine Tip Probe Attachments - 300V, 3A Mini Grabber Attachment - 300V, 3A smt Grabber Attachments - 300V, 3A Operation The Fine Tip, Mini Grabber, and smt Grabber attachments plug onto the probe end of the Test Leads. Maintenance If any portion of the Test Lead Set is worn or damaged, do not use. Replace with a new Agilent 3413
标签: agilent
上传时间: 2022-02-20