srand[getpid[]] /* initialize some of the memory */ memset[heightmap, 0, MAPSIZE*MAPSIZE] memset[vpage, 0, RENDERWIDTH * RENDERHEIGHT] printf["Creating dx d fractal terrain\n", MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE] heightmap[0] = [rand[] 128] + 64 // initialize starting point on map CreateFractalMap[0, 0, MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE] printf["smoothing terrain\n"] for [i = 0 i < 5 i++] SmoothMap[] MakeColorMap[]
标签: MAPSIZE initialize heightmap getpid
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Features a unique program to estimate the power spectral density. The spectrum containing all significant details is calculated from a time series model. Model type as well as model order are determined automatically from the data, using statistical criteria. Robust estimation algorithms and order selection criteria are used to obtain reliable results. Unlike in FFT analysis, where the experimenter has to set the amount of smoothing of the raw FFT, the right level of detail is assessed using the data only.
标签: containing Features estimate spectral
上传时间: 2014-02-09
用vhdl实现数字钟 其一,具有时,分,秒计数显示功能,其中,要求以二十四小时循环及 时; 其二,具有清零,调节小时,分钟功能; 其三,具有整点报时功能,而且在整点报时的同时 LED 灯花样显示。 其一,具有时,分,秒计数显示功能,其中,要求以二十四小时循环及 时; 其二,具有清零,调节小时,分钟功能; 其三,具有整点报时功能,而且在整点报时的同时 LED 灯花样显示。 其一,具有时,分,秒计数显示功能,其中,要求以二十四小时循环及
标签: 用vhdl实现数字钟
上传时间: 2015-06-24
matlab有限元网格划分程序 DistMesh is a simple MATLAB code for generation of unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. It was developed by Per-Olof Persson (now at UC Berkeley) and Gilbert Strang in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. A detailed description of the program is provided in our SIAM Review paper, see documentation below. One reason that the code is short and simple is that the geometries are specified by Signed Distance Functions. These give the shortest distance from any point in space to the boundary of the domain. The sign is negative inside the region and positive outside. A simple example is the unit circle in 2-D, which has the distance function d=r-1, where r is the distance from the origin. For more complicated geometries the distance function can be computed by interpolation between values on a grid, a common representation for level set methods. For the actual mesh generation, DistMesh uses the Delaunay triangulation routine in MATLAB and tries to optimize the node locations by a force-based smoothing procedure. The topology is regularly updated by Delaunay. The boundary points are only allowed to move tangentially to the boundary by projections using the distance function. This iterative procedure typically results in very well-shaped meshes. Our aim with this code is simplicity, so that everyone can understand the code and modify it according to their needs. The code is not entirely robust (that is, it might not terminate and return a well-shaped mesh), and it is relatively slow. However, our current research shows that these issues can be resolved in an optimized C++ code, and we believe our simple MATLAB code is important for demonstration of the underlying principles. To use the code, simply download it from below and run it from MATLAB. For a quick demonstration, type "meshdemo2d" or "meshdemond". For more details see the documentation.
标签: matlab有限元网格划分程序
上传时间: 2015-08-12
DLMS 编辑 本词条缺少名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来编辑吧! 配电线报文规范(Distribution Line Message Specification) [IEC 62056-53]是应用层规范,独立于应用层以下的各个低层,因而也就与通信信道无关,设计用于在计算机集成环境中支持与(能量)分配设备间的消息交换,是由IEC TC57建立并以IEC 61334-4-41发布的国际标准。 中文名 配电线报文规范 外文名 Distribution Line Message Specification) 建立者 IEC TC57 应用领域 于抄表、远程控制以及增值服务等 这个概念被进一步发展成为设备语言报文规范,其目的在于为结构化建模和仪表数据交换提供一个互操作环境,支持任何能量类型如电、水、气或热的计量,应用于远程抄表、远程控制以及增值服务
上传时间: 2016-04-07
16qam 随着现代通信技术的发展, 特别是移动通信技术高速发展, 频带利用率问题 越来越被人们关注。 在频谱资源非常有限的今天, 传统通信系统的容量已经不能 满足当前用户的要求。正交幅度调制 QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) 以其高频谱利用率、 高功率谱密度等优势, 成为宽带无线接入和无线视频通信的 重要技术方案。 随着现代通信技术的发展, 特别是移动通信技术高速发展, 频带利用率问题 越来越被人们关注。 在频谱资源非常有限的今天, 传统通信系统的容量已经不能 满足当前用户的要求。正交幅度调制 QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) 以其高频谱利用率、 高功率谱密度等优势, 成为宽带无线接入和无线视频通信的 重要技术方案。
上传时间: 2016-06-26
上传时间: 2017-12-07
如果 PCB 用排线连接,控制排线对应的插头插座必须成直线,不交叉、不扭曲。 连续的 40PIN 排针、排插必须隔开 2mm 以上。 考虑信号流向,合理安排布局,使信号流向尽可能保持一致。 输入、输出元件尽量远离。 电压的元器件应尽量放在调试时手不易触及的地方。 驱动芯片应靠近连接器。 有高频连线的元件尽可能靠近,以减少高频信号的分布参数和电磁干扰。 对于同一功能或模组电路,分立元件靠近芯片放置。 连接器根据实际情况必须尽量靠边放置。 开关电源尽量靠近输入电源座。 BGA 等封装的元器件不应放于 PCB 板正中间等易变形区 BGA 等阵列器件不能放在底面, PLCC 、 QFP 等器件不宜放在底层。 多个电感近距离放置时应相互垂直以消除互感。 元件的放置尽量做到模块化并连线最短。 在保证电气性能的前提下,尽量按照均匀分布、重心平衡、版面美观的标准优化布局。 按电路模块进行布局,实现同一功能的相关电路称为一个模块,电路模块中的元件应采用就近集 中原则,同时数字电路和模拟电路分开; 定位孔、标准孔等非安装孔周围 1.27mm 内不得贴装元、器件,螺钉等安装孔周围 紧固件安装孔、椭圆孔及板中其它方孔外侧距板边的尺寸大于 3mm ; 发热元件不能紧邻导线和热敏元件;高热器件要均衡分布;
上传时间: 2021-06-25