Binary Search Tree - with additional recursion functions (smallest, parent & successor) etc
标签: additional recursion functions successor
上传时间: 2014-11-28
Tiny C Compiler - C Scripting Everywhere - The smallest ANSI C compiler Installation on a i386 Linux host (for Windows read win32/readme.txt) ./configure make make test make install By default, tcc is installed in /usr/local/bin. ./configure --help shows configuration options.
标签: Installation Everywhere Scripting Compiler
上传时间: 2013-12-19
an application that finds the smallest of several integers. Assume that the first value read specifies the number of values to input from the user
标签: that application the smallest
上传时间: 2016-05-05
MCPU is a minimal cpu aimed to fit into a 32 Macrocell CPLD - one of the smallest available programmable logic devices. While this CPU is not powerful enough for real world applications it has proven itself as a valuable educational tool. The source code is just a single page and easily understood. Both VHDL and Verilog versions are supplied. The package comes with assembler, emulator and extensive documentation.
标签: Macrocell available smallest programm
上传时间: 2017-03-11
A Convex Hull is the smallest convex polygon that contains every point of the set S. A polygon P is convex if and only if, for any two points A and B inside the polygon, the line segment AB is inside P. One way to visualize a convex hull is to put a "rubber band" around all the points, and let it wrap as tight as it can. The resultant polygon is a convex hull.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
busybox smallest and full tools in an emdsys
标签: smallest busybox emdsys tools
上传时间: 2017-05-14
achieving smallest MSE (in noise contamination)
标签: contamination achieving smallest noise
上传时间: 2014-11-30
The LM20, LM45, LM50, LM60, LM61, and LM62 are analog output temperature sensors. They have various output voltage slopes (6.25mV/°C to 17mV/°C) and power supply voltage ranges (2.4V to 10V).The LM20 is the smallest, lowest power consumption analog output temperature sensor National Semiconductor has released. The LM70 and LM74 are MICROWIRE/SPI compatible digital temperature sensors. The LM70 has a resolution of 0.125°C while the LM74 has a resolution of 0.625°C. The LM74 is the most accurate of the two with an accuracy better than ±1.25°C. The LM75 is National’s first digital output temperature sensor, released several years ago.
上传时间: 2014-12-23
Differential Nonlinearity: Ideally, any two adjacent digitalcodes correspond to output analog voltages that are exactlyone LSB apart. Differential non-linearity is a measure of theworst case deviation from the ideal 1 LSB step. For example,a DAC with a 1.5 LSB output change for a 1 LSB digital codechange exhibits 1⁄2 LSB differential non-linearity. Differentialnon-linearity may be expressed in fractional bits or as a percentageof full scale. A differential non-linearity greater than1 LSB will lead to a non-monotonic transfer function in aDAC.Gain Error (Full Scale Error): The difference between theoutput voltage (or current) with full scale input code and theideal voltage (or current) that should exist with a full scale inputcode.Gain Temperature Coefficient (Full Scale TemperatureCoefficient): Change in gain error divided by change in temperature.Usually expressed in parts per million per degreeCelsius (ppm/°C).Integral Nonlinearity (Linearity Error): Worst case deviationfrom the line between the endpoints (zero and full scale).Can be expressed as a percentage of full scale or in fractionof an LSB.LSB (Lease-Significant Bit): In a binary coded system thisis the bit that carries the smallest value or weight. Its value isthe full scale voltage (or current) divided by 2n, where n is theresolution of the converter.Monotonicity: A monotonic function has a slope whose signdoes not change. A monotonic DAC has an output thatchanges in the same direction (or remains constant) for eachincrease in the input code. the converse is true for decreasing codes.
标签: Converters Defini DAC
上传时间: 2013-10-30
ACM试题Problem K:Ones Description Given any integer 0 <= n <= 10000 not divisible by 2 or 5, some multiple of n is a number which in decimal notation is a sequence of 1 s. How many digits are in the smallest such a multiple of n?
标签: Description divisible Problem integer
上传时间: 2015-08-23