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  • Laoen 加密器 V1.0

    Laoen 加密器 V1.0,可对任意类型文件进行加(解)密,操作十分简便。文件加(解)密速度极快。是学习加密技术不可多得的入门范本。LaoenED V1.0 for DOS小巧精干,完全可以作为DOS扩充的外部命令使用(拷贝至c:\windows\command or c:\dos)。 本次发布的Laoen加密器V1.0有2个版本(DOS/Windows): 版本 文件 大小 编译平台 1、LaoenED V1.0 for DOS LaoenED.com 10.5k Turbo C 2.0 2、LaoenED V1.0 for DOS LaoenED.exe 25k Turbo C 2.0 3、LaoenED V1.0 for Windows LaoenED.exe 240k Visual C++ 6.0 这两个版本完全兼容,可以相互交替加(解)密。让你充分体会C/C++的异同。本软件包含密码查看器LookPW.exe,需要者请直接与作者联系(slq_07@sina.com/beetle@jt.yn ). Laoen 加密器 (袖珍型) 1.0 版,为一纯绿色免费软件。您可以任意复制、传播。谢谢使用! ~O~

    标签: Laoen 1.0 加密器

    上传时间: 2016-02-29


  • 嵌入式C语言讲座

    嵌入式C语言讲座,译自《C for Embedded Systems》讲稿 刘永重 译

    标签: 嵌入式 C语言 讲座

    上传时间: 2014-01-27


  • C++ is considered the most widely used and powerful object-oriented programming language in industry

    C++ is considered the most widely used and powerful object-oriented programming language in industry today. This book is for who are interested in learning and exploring C++ programming where programs are developed to interface with real world devices. Learning C++ for interact with various hardware devices and how to interface a computer to physical devices. Anyone who is simply interested in programming and interfacing a computer to perform real activities.

    标签: object-oriented programming considered industry

    上传时间: 2017-08-13


  • 激活工具heu

    1.软件安装步骤   a)运行光盘中客户软件\CCS5000 CCS2.20\CCS2.2\SETUP.EXE,进入引导界面;   b)选择Install下的Code Composer Studio进入安装界面; c)按照默认的方式安装,装在C:\ti下。 d)安装软件补丁:运行光盘客户软件\c5000ccs2.20\CCS FOR C5000-补丁\C5000-2.20.00-FULL-to-C5000-2.20.18-FULL.EXE,进入安装界面,然后按照默认的方式安装即可。 e)重新启动计算机,按DEL键进入CMOS的设置界面CMOS SETUP UTILITY,将Integrated Peripherals中的Onboard Paralell Port改为378/IRQ,Parrallel Port Mode改为EPP,保存退出。 f)进入windows后会出现“CCS 2(‘ C5000) ”、 “Setup  CCS 2(‘ C5000) ”两个图标。

    标签: 激活

    上传时间: 2017-01-03


  • Beginning+C+for+Arduino

    I can remember buying my first electronic calculator. I was teaching a graduate level statistics course and I had to have a calculator with a square root function. Back in the late 1960s, that was a pretty high-end requirement for a calculator. I managed to purchase one at the “educational discount price” of $149.95! Now, I look down at my desk at an ATmega2560 that is half the size for less than a quarter of the cost and think of all the possibilities built into that piece of hardware. I am amazed by what has happened to everything from toasters to car engines. Who-da-thunk-it 40 years ago?

    标签: Beginning Arduino for

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Microcontrollers Projects in C for The 8051


    标签: Microcontrollers Projects 8051 for

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • PCF8578 LCD图形点阵液晶驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    The PCF8578 is a low power CMOS1 LCD row and column driver, designed to drive dotmatrix graphic displays at multiplex rates of 1:8, 1:16, 1:24 or 1:32. The device has40 outputs, of which 24 are programmable and configurable for the following ratios ofrows/columns: 32¤8, 24¤16, 16¤24 or 8¤32. The PCF8578 can function as a stand-alone LCDcontroller and driver for use in small systems. For larger systems it can be used inconjunction with up to 32 PCF8579s for which it has been optimized. Together these twodevices form a general purpose LCD dot matrix driver chip set, capable of driving displaysof up to 40960 dots. The PCF8578 is compatible with most microcontrollers andcommunicates via a two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus). Communication overhead isminimized by a display RAM with auto-incremented addressing and display bankswitching.

    标签: 8578 PCF LCD 图形点阵

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 嵌入式C语言译自《C for Embedded Systems》


    标签: Embedded Systems for 嵌入式

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • des在windows平台下得实现


    标签: windows des

    上传时间: 2015-08-10


  • 编译的关于LL(1)词法分析的小程序

    编译的关于LL(1)词法分析的小程序,适合在VC下运行-compiled on LL (1) Morphological analysis of the small programs, for the VC teachers to run the operation no problem

    标签: LL 编译 程序

    上传时间: 2014-09-01
