上传时间: 2013-12-15
DBDesigner 4 is a database design system that integrates database design, modelling, creation and maintenance into a single, seamless environment
标签: database design DBDesigner integrates
上传时间: 2014-01-05
L2TPD是unix跟linux下跑L2TP VPN的工具, 想研究layer 2的人必看
上传时间: 2013-12-29
基于OFDM的无线宽带系统仿真It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator. Link-level simulator focus on a single-cell single-user scenario, where signal is transmitted from tx, and estimated at rx. Comparing the difference in tx/rx signal, the error rate can be found out. The output of the link-level simulator is the BLER/BER vs. SNR mapping table, that can be used for the system-level simulation. System-level simulator focus on a multi-cell multi-user scenario. For the sake of simplicity, it takes the mapping table aquired in the link-level simulation, measure the actural SNR, and finds the corresponding error rate.
标签: simulator i.e. system-level link-level
上传时间: 2016-03-15
Scotia Airlines is a new budget airline operating between Glasgow Airport and the Western Isles. It operates two 24-seater light passenger aircraft and requires a flight booking system. Because Scotia offers low cost air travel, there is a need to treat each flight as single cost centre and to be able to ascertain, at any moment, the amount of the cash taken for that flight. Reservations and bookings cannot be made until the flight details have been finalised (flight number, departure and arrival airports). A seat on a flight is considered booked when payment as been received for it. When a reservation is confirmed (changed to booked), the passenger name is checked against the original reservation. A flight can be in any of the following states: Available for bookings Checking in Boarding Closed
标签: operating Airlines Glasgow Airport
上传时间: 2016-03-25
LiteSQL is a C++ library that integrates C++ objects tightly to relational database and thus provides an object persistence layer. LiteSQL supports SQLite3, PostgreSQL and MySQL as backends. LiteSQL creates tables, indexes and sequences to database and upgrades schema when needed.
标签: integrates relational database LiteSQL
上传时间: 2016-03-25
Sector is a system infrastructure software that provides functionality for distributed data storage, access, and analysis/processing. It automatically manages large volumetric data across servers or clusters, even those over distributed wide area high speed networks. Sector provides simple tools and APIs to access and/or process the data. Data and server locations are transparent to users, as the whole Sector network is a single networked super computer to the users.
标签: infrastructure functionality distributed software
上传时间: 2013-12-21
This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F12x MCU is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only slave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM
标签: configured accesses program EEPROM
上传时间: 2016-03-29
// This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F06x MCU // is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only // slave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are // tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM 25LC320. The relevant hardware // connections of the F06x MCU are shown here:
标签: configured accesses program EEPROM
上传时间: 2014-01-18
// This program accesses a SPI EEPROM using polled mode access. The F06x MCU // is configured in 4-wire Single Master Mode, and the EEPROM is the only // slave device connected to the SPI bus. The read/write operations are // tailored to access a Microchip 4 kB EEPROM 25LC320. The relevant hardware // connections of the F06x MCU are shown here:
标签: configured accesses program EEPROM
上传时间: 2016-04-12