开源备份软件源码 AMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a backup system that allows the administrator to set up a single master backup server to back up multiple hosts over network to tape drives/changers or disks or optical media. Amanda uses native dump and/or GNU tar facilities and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple versions of Unix. Amanda uses Samba, Cygwin or a native Windows client to back up Microsoft Windows desktops and servers
标签: Automatic Advanced Maryland Archiver
上传时间: 2017-01-13
这是一个考试系统,主要实现的题目有单项选择题,多项选择题和判断题。 1.对于每个题都是每次运行本软件的时候自动从题库中随机抽取。 2.在data文件夹下有一个配制文件: a.它可以修改每个类型的题目的数量。 b.它可以修改第个题目的分值。 c.它可以修改考试的限定时间。 3.在交卷后就可以查看,本次考试的得分。并根据本次考试满分的60%做为标准,来判断你是否通过这次考试。 4.后台是一个Access数据库,就可以加入新的题目。并不需要修改原程序。 判断题的表是judge,单选是single,多选是moresingle表, 5.在Access中可以添加新的考试人员。只要添加student表中的信息就可以了。 6.在每次交卷后的成绩,会重新保存到数据库中。 7.每次交卷后,都可以把这次所做的题目导出,包括答案和学生所做的答案,以及这次考试的得分。 8.在没有交卷前,做完的题目可以再次进行修改。 9.显示现在时间 吉林农业科技学院 06计算机科学与技术一班 幽居古藤
上传时间: 2014-08-06
Mapack可用来做矩阵运算 Mapack is a .NET class library for basic linear algebra computations. It supports the following matrix operations and properties: Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, Determinant, Norm1, Norm2, Frobenius Norm, Infinity Norm, Rank, Condition, Trace, Cholesky, LU, QR, Single Value decomposition, Least Squares solver, Eigenproblem solver, Equation System solver. The algorithms were adapted from Mapack for COM, Lapack and the Java Matrix Package.
标签: Mapack computations supports algebra
上传时间: 2017-01-26
this procedure is simulated document management system disk space management, Disk Management, directory management (single-level directory) of a simulation program, as well as university computer courses on operating system design a case, we only reference
标签: management Management procedure simulated
上传时间: 2017-02-05
Description: Microsoft?Windows?HTTP Services (WinHTTP) provides developers with a server-supported, high-level interface to the HTTP/1.1 Internet protocol. WinHTTP is designed to be used primarily in server-based scenarios by server applications that communicate with HTTP servers. WinHTTP is also designed for use in system services and HTTP-based client applications. WinHTTP is more secure and robust than WinInet. However, single-user applications that need FTP or gopher functionality, cookie persistence, caching, automatic credential dialog handling, Internet Explorer compatibility, or downlevel platform support should still consider using WinInet.
标签: server-supported Description developers Microsoft
上传时间: 2017-02-07
程式描述:使用Cypress的Cy7C68013A晶片進行設計,實現Slave FIFO模式的資料獲取。程式包括USB韌體程式以及主機程式。 安裝:把來源程式碼複製到硬碟特定目錄下,使用Keil C編譯器和Visual C++ 6.0運行即可。 注意:可以首先使用Cypress的測試工具進行韌體程式的測試,以確保韌體程式的正確性。
标签: Cypress 68013A C68013 68013
上传时间: 2013-12-18
dsPIC30F4011 SPI 範例程式 此壓縮檔包含 MCP4921 SPI DAC & 25LC160 SPI EEPROM 的範例程式, 也包含使用 dsPIC30F4011 做 SPI SLAVE 的範例. 使用的實驗板為 APP020 或是 APP020 PLUS
上传时间: 2013-12-03
IIC控制器的verilog实现,通过mcu接口对iic slave器件进行控制
上传时间: 2017-02-28
VoyagerGX display driver for Windows CE .NET 5.XX Silicon Motion, Inc. VoyagerGX Driver is architected from the beginning to support variety of features and extension of Windows CE .NET, such as DirectDraw feature, Dynamic Rotation feature, Multimon feature, SMI Multimon Emulation feature (using single VoyagerGX chip to drive two independent displays), WCEfA (Windows CE for Automotive) feature, and more
标签: VoyagerGX architec Silicon display
上传时间: 2013-12-31
标签: LabwindowsCVI USB 编写 应用程序
上传时间: 2017-03-06