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  • This program applies simplified DES (S-DES) Ciphering Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5t

    This program applies simplified DES (S-DES) Ciphering Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material

    标签: simplified Ciphering Algorithm Developed

    上传时间: 2014-09-05


  • Using cypress s CY library to write VC code for USB applications with simplified syntax. Here comes

    Using cypress s CY library to write VC code for USB applications with simplified syntax. Here comes with examples

    标签: applications simplified cypress library

    上传时间: 2017-09-17


  • SD_SDIO_specsv2

    最新版本(2.00)的SD/SDIO协议(简化版本)-Lastest version (2.00) of SD/SDIO specification (simplified version)

    标签: SD_SDIO_specsv

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 基于C8051F040的以太网-CAN转换电路设计

    以太网和CAN总线应用广泛,但由于其通信协议不同,两种总线器件间无法进行数据通信,因此,设计了基于CP2200与C8051F040的以太网总线与CAN总线接口转换电路,并给出部分相关硬件电路与软件设计分析。在保证数据完整和协议可靠的前提下,通过握手协议和简化的以太网协议,不仅实现了以太网数据与CAN数据的转发,同时还顺利的解决了以太网的高速性与CAN的低速率冲突,以及两者数据包之间的大小不同的矛盾。 Abstract:  In the development of actual application, Ethernet and CAN bus are used very extensively. Owing to its various communication protocols, the communicating between two kinds of bus device can’t be carried out. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Ethernet-CAN bus interface circuit based on CP2200 and C8051F040 was designed in this paper, and part of the related hardware circuit and software design analysis were given. On the condition of data’s integrity and protocols’reliability, through the handshaking protocols and the simplified the Ethernet protocol, not only the data switching between CAN and Ethernet was realized, but also the differ in velocity and packet size was solved.

    标签: C8051F040 CAN 以太网 转换

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于PIC单片机的低功耗读卡器硬件设计

    基于PIC单片机的低功耗读卡器硬件设计:本文提出了一个完整的基于串口的智能读卡器子系统设计方案并将其实现。读卡器的设计突出了小型化的要求,全部器件使用贴片封装。为了减小读卡器的体积,设计中还使用了串口窃电的技术,使用串口信号线直接给读卡器供电。为此,读卡器使用了省电的设计,采用了省电的集成电路,并大胆简化了许多传统的设计电路。关键字: 读卡器, 单片机, 串口窃电 Abstract: This paper aims to put forward a complete design of Smart IC card reader based onSerial Port and propose the way of realizing it for the purpose of Network Security. SMD isadopted to make Smart IC reader smaller in this design. To reduce the volume of Smart ICreader, Serial Port powered technology is employed to get power from the signal line of Serial Port. For this reason, low-power consumption components are adopted in the design and some traditional designs are simplified to reduce the power consumption.Keywords: Card Reader; Single-chip Computer; Serial Port Powered IC 卡系统保存了加密算法所需要的工作密钥,供加密算法对网络上传输的数据加密使用,是整个系统网络安全的核心。在IC 卡子系统中,读卡器是一个重要的部分。它起着管理IC卡、在IC 卡和PC或网络计算机间传递数据的重要作用。本文以一片PIC单片机为核心完成了基于RS232 串口的读卡器的硬件设计。

    标签: PIC 单片机 低功耗 读卡器

    上传时间: 2014-04-14


  • ug6.0简体中文版免费下载

    安装方法:    1.查找你机器的“网络标识”(计算机名称)。方法是,鼠标在桌面上点 我的电脑--->属性(右键)--->计算机名--->完整的计算机名称,把名称抄下备用,不要最后那个“点”。       2.进入安装包内MAGNiTUDE文件夹,用记事本打开nx6.lic, 将第1行中的this_host用你机子的计算机名替换,例如我的机子完整的计算机名称NET   则改为SERVER NET ID=20080618 28000(原来为SERVER this_host ID=20080618 28000),改好后存盘备用。 首先你找到MAGNiTUDE下的UG6.LIC并用记事本打开,把里面的his_host改成你的计算机名,注意一个字母都不能错,然后另存一个地方,等会儿要用。接下来安装 1.双击打开Launch.exe 2. 选择第2项“Install License Server安装 3.在这里可以选择安装介面的语言。默认为中文简体。 4. 在安装过程中会提示你寻找license文件,点击NEXT会出错,这时使用浏览(Browse)来找到你刚才改过的那个LIC文件就可以了。继续安装直到结束,目录路径不要 改变,机器默认就行,(建议默认,也可放在其它的盘,但路径不能用中文)。 (可以先不进行括号中的内容,为了防止语言出现错误,建议运行DEMO32,然后选择文件类型为所有,找到你改过的LIC文件,再进行下面的步骤。) 5. 选择第2项“Install NX进行主程序安装。 6. 直接点击下一步。并选择典型方式安装,下一步,会出现语言选择画面,请选 择 simplified Chinese(简体中文版),默认为英文版。按提示一步一步安装直到结束。 安装路 径可以改变。 7.打开MAGNiTUDE文件夹。 8. 进入MAGNiTUDE文件夹,把UGS\NX6.0文件夹的几个子文件夹复制到安装NX6.0主程序相应的目录 下,覆盖。假如安装到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0 把NX6.0文件夹内的所有文件夹复制到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0文件夹相应的文件 进行覆盖就可以。 9. 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0打开6.0程序。 注:如果打不开,请按以下步骤操作 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0许可程序,打开lmtools,启动服务程序。选择 Start/stop/reread,点一下Stop Server, 再点Start Server,最下面一行显示Server Start Successful. 就OK,然后打开桌面NX6.0。 经过我的实践,绝对可行!

    标签: 6.0 ug 简体中文 免费下载

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • ug6.0简体中文版免费下载

    安装方法:    1.查找你机器的“网络标识”(计算机名称)。方法是,鼠标在桌面上点 我的电脑--->属性(右键)--->计算机名--->完整的计算机名称,把名称抄下备用,不要最后那个“点”。       2.进入安装包内MAGNiTUDE文件夹,用记事本打开nx6.lic, 将第1行中的this_host用你机子的计算机名替换,例如我的机子完整的计算机名称NET   则改为SERVER NET ID=20080618 28000(原来为SERVER this_host ID=20080618 28000),改好后存盘备用。 首先你找到MAGNiTUDE下的UG6.LIC并用记事本打开,把里面的his_host改成你的计算机名,注意一个字母都不能错,然后另存一个地方,等会儿要用。接下来安装 1.双击打开Launch.exe 2. 选择第2项“Install License Server安装 3.在这里可以选择安装介面的语言。默认为中文简体。 4. 在安装过程中会提示你寻找license文件,点击NEXT会出错,这时使用浏览(Browse)来找到你刚才改过的那个LIC文件就可以了。继续安装直到结束,目录路径不要 改变,机器默认就行,(建议默认,也可放在其它的盘,但路径不能用中文)。 (可以先不进行括号中的内容,为了防止语言出现错误,建议运行DEMO32,然后选择文件类型为所有,找到你改过的LIC文件,再进行下面的步骤。) 5. 选择第2项“Install NX进行主程序安装。 6. 直接点击下一步。并选择典型方式安装,下一步,会出现语言选择画面,请选 择 simplified Chinese(简体中文版),默认为英文版。按提示一步一步安装直到结束。 安装路 径可以改变。 7.打开MAGNiTUDE文件夹。 8. 进入MAGNiTUDE文件夹,把UGS\NX6.0文件夹的几个子文件夹复制到安装NX6.0主程序相应的目录 下,覆盖。假如安装到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0 把NX6.0文件夹内的所有文件夹复制到D:\Program Files\UGS\NX 6.0文件夹相应的文件 进行覆盖就可以。 9. 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0打开6.0程序。 注:如果打不开,请按以下步骤操作 进入开始-程序-UGS NX6.0-NX6.0许可程序,打开lmtools,启动服务程序。选择 Start/stop/reread,点一下Stop Server, 再点Start Server,最下面一行显示Server Start Successful. 就OK,然后打开桌面NX6.0。 经过我的实践,绝对可行!

    标签: 6.0 ug 简体中文 免费下载

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • TOYFDTD1 is a stripped-down minimalist, 3D FDTD code demonstrating the basic tasks in implementing a

    TOYFDTD1 is a stripped-down minimalist, 3D FDTD code demonstrating the basic tasks in implementing a simple 3D FDTD simulation. An idealized rectangular waveguide is modeled by treating the interior of the mesh as free space and enforcing PEC conditions on the faces of the mesh. A simplified plane wave source is inserted at one end. First released 12 April 1999. Version 1.03 released 2 December 1999.

    标签: demonstrating stripped-down implementing minimalist

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • This a draft document. Please report errors, omissions, or ambiguities. This is a teaching tool,

    This a draft document. Please report errors, omissions, or ambiguities. This is a teaching tool, not a specification or technical document. It is overly simplified, incomplete, and likely inaccurate

    标签: This ambiguities omissions document

    上传时间: 2015-09-08


  • This paper presents an interactive technique that produces static hairstyles by generating individu

    This paper presents an interactive technique that produces static hairstyles by generating individual hair strands of the desired shape and color, subject to the presence of gravity and collisions. A variety of hairstyles can be generated by adjusting the wisp parameters, while the deformation is solved efficiently, accounting for the effects of gravity and collisions. Wisps are generated employing statistical approaches. As for hair deformation, we propose a method which is based on physical simulation concepts but is simplified to efficiently solve the static shape of hair. On top of the statistical wisp model and the deformation solver, a constraint-based styler is proposed to model artificial features that oppose the natural flow of hair under gravity and hair elasticity, such as a hairpin. Our technique spans a wider range of human hairstyles than previously proposed methods, and the styles generated by this technique are fairly realistic.

    标签: interactive hairstyles generating technique

    上传时间: 2013-12-20
