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  • Using the P82B96 for bus inter

    The P82B96 offers many different ways in which it can be used as abus interface. In its simplest application it can be used as aninterface between bus systems operating from different supplyvoltages. Opto isolation between two bus systems is possible, andalso the availability of the Tx and Rx signals permits interfacing ofthe P82B96 with other bus systems which separate the forwardoutput path, from the backward input signal path.

    标签: P82B96 Using inter the

    上传时间: 2013-10-11


  • 基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现

    基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现:提出和实现了一种新颖的基于单个通用数字信号处理器(DSP)的VoIP模拟电话适配器方案。DSP的I/O和存储资源非常有限,通常适于运算密集型应用,不适宜控制密集型应用[5]。该系统高效利用单DSP的I/O和片内外存储器资源,采用μC/OS-II嵌入式实时操作系统,支持SIP和TCP-UDP/IP协议,通过LAN或者宽带接入,使普通电话机成为Internet终端,实现IP电话。该系统软硬件结构紧凑高效,运行稳定,成本低,具有广阔的应用前景。关键词:模拟电话适配器;IP电话;数字信号处理器;μC/OS-II 【Abstract】This paper presents a VoIP ATA solution based on a single digital signal processor (DSP). DSPs are suitable for arithmetic-intensiveapplication and unsuitable for control-intensive application because of the limitation of I/O and memory resources. This solution is based on a 16-bitfixed-point DSP and μC/OS-II embedded real-time operating system. It makes good use of the limited resources, supports SIP and TCP-UDP/IPprotocol. It can connect the analog telephone to Internet and realize the VoIP application. This system has a great future for its high efficiency andlow cost.【Key words】Analog telephone adapter (ATA); Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP); Digital signal processor (DSP); μC/OS-II Research and Implementation of VoIPATA Based on Single DSP

    标签: VoIP DSP 模拟电话 适配器

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 状态机设计

    状态机设计:8.1.1 数据类型定义语句TYPE语句的用法如下:TYPE 数据类型名IS 数据类型定义OF 基本数据类型;或TYPE 数据类型名IS 数据类型定义;TYPE st1 IS ARRAY ( 0 TO 15 ) OF STD_LOGIC ;TYPE week IS (sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat) ; 8.1.1 数据类型定义语句TYPE m_state IS ( st0,st1,st2,st3,st4,st5 ) ;signal present_state,next_state : m_state ;TYPE BOOLEAN IS (FALSE,TRUE) ;TYPE my_logic IS ( '1' ,'Z' ,'U' ,'0' ) ;signal s1 : my_logic ;s1 <= 'Z' ;SUBTYPE 子类型名IS 基本数据类型RANGE 约束范围;SUBTYPE digits IS INTEGER RANGE 0 to 9 ;

    标签: 状态

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于PIC单片机的低功耗读卡器硬件设计

    基于PIC单片机的低功耗读卡器硬件设计:本文提出了一个完整的基于串口的智能读卡器子系统设计方案并将其实现。读卡器的设计突出了小型化的要求,全部器件使用贴片封装。为了减小读卡器的体积,设计中还使用了串口窃电的技术,使用串口信号线直接给读卡器供电。为此,读卡器使用了省电的设计,采用了省电的集成电路,并大胆简化了许多传统的设计电路。关键字: 读卡器, 单片机, 串口窃电 Abstract: This paper aims to put forward a complete design of Smart IC card reader based onSerial Port and propose the way of realizing it for the purpose of Network Security. SMD isadopted to make Smart IC reader smaller in this design. To reduce the volume of Smart ICreader, Serial Port powered technology is employed to get power from the signal line of Serial Port. For this reason, low-power consumption components are adopted in the design and some traditional designs are simplified to reduce the power consumption.Keywords: Card Reader; Single-chip Computer; Serial Port Powered IC 卡系统保存了加密算法所需要的工作密钥,供加密算法对网络上传输的数据加密使用,是整个系统网络安全的核心。在IC 卡子系统中,读卡器是一个重要的部分。它起着管理IC卡、在IC 卡和PC或网络计算机间传递数据的重要作用。本文以一片PIC单片机为核心完成了基于RS232 串口的读卡器的硬件设计。

    标签: PIC 单片机 低功耗 读卡器

    上传时间: 2014-04-14


  • SPCE061A指令系统

    SPCE061A采用的内核           SPCE061A采用的内核(CPU)为μ‘nSP。          μ‘nSP(读做micro-n-S-P)是凌阳科技推出的16位微处理器,它的突出特点是较高的处理速度,这就使其有能力进行复杂的数字信号处理(DSP,Digital signal Processing)。 μ‘nSP内核由凌阳自主开发,因而也具备它自己的指令系统。 指令系统.61 3.1 指令系统的概述及符号约定.61 3.2 数据传送指令62 3.3 算术运算..66 3.3.1 加法运算..67 3.3.2 减法运算..68 3.3.3 带进位的加减运算.70 3.3.4 取补运算..70 3.3.5 SPCE061A的乘法指令.71 3.3.6 SPCE061A的n项内积运算指令.71 3.3.7 比较运算(影响标志位N,Z,S,C)..73 3.4 SPCE061A的逻辑运算.74 3.4.1 逻辑与..74 3.4.2 逻辑或..75 3.4.3 逻辑异或..76 3.4.4 测试(TEST).78 3.4.5 SPCE061A的移位操作.80 3.5 SPCE061A的控制转移类指令..83 3.6 伪指令86 3.6.1 伪指令的语法格式及特点..87 3.6.2 伪指令符号约定..87 3.6.3 标准伪指令.87 3.6.4 宏定义与调用98 3.6.5 段的定义与调用101 3.6.6 结构的定义与调用..102 3.6.7 过程的定义与调用..106 3.6.8 伪指令的应用举例..106

    标签: SPCE 061A 061 指令系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • 一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统

    一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统:介绍一种由单片机构成的配料秤。叙述了秤的传感器、变送器、信号的变换、硬件原理、软件流程以及和DCS 系统构成的单回路调节系统,此系统可广泛地应用于各行业的配料控制中。关键词:配料秤 单片机 单回路调节系统 DCS 系统 Abstract :A proportioning weigher based on single chip computer is introduced. Sensors , transmitters , signal converting , principle of hardware ,software flowchart of proportioning weigher and single loop control system composed with DCS system are emphasized ,this system can be used in proportioning control of various trades extensively.Key Words :Proportioning Weigher ,Single Chip Computer ,Single Loop Control System ,Distributed Control System

    标签: 微机 自动 配料秤

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • μ’nSP单片机应用及开发技术

    本章将介绍μ’nSP™系列单片机的应用领域,具体讲述SPCE061A单片机在通讯、语音领域里的应用,并详细给出了有关系统的电路原理图、程序流程图以及程序代码,供读者参考。 μ’nSP™家族产品具有电源电压范围和工作速率范围较宽、集成度高、性能价格比高以及功耗低等特点,故其有非常广泛的应用领域。μ’nSP™家族系列产品,涵盖了非常广泛的应用。包括:发音与语音识别的微控制器(SPCE系列)、通信来电辩识应用的微控制器(SPT660x系列)、以及通用型微控制器等等,主要体现在以下几个方面:􀂄 用于数字信号处理􀂄 用于开发研制便携式移动终端􀂄 用于开发嵌入式计算机应用系统 用于数字信号处理1. 数字滤波器 (Digital Filter)数字滤波器是一种计算处理或算法。借助于此,可以将输入的一种数字信号或序列变换为另一种序列输出。数字滤波器已被广泛地应用于数字语音、数字图像处理以及模式识别和频谱分析。数字信号处理器(DSP,Digital signal Processor)的作用是通过一系列数字来表示信号及其信息,并借助数字计算方法变换和处理这些信号。为了构成DSP,必须有一种部件能够快速地完成两个数值的乘法运算并将乘积累加于寄存器。“快速”意味着乘和累加(MAC,Multiply & ACcumulate)较高的运算速度。若以16位数值进行乘和累加,其结果应为32位。显然,μ’nSP™的硬件结构与其指令系统的结合足以构成DSP应用的硬件MAC单元,因而很适用于一些DSP方面的应用。

    标签: nSP 单片机应用 开发技术

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • An easy way to work with Exter

    Internal Interrupts are used to respond to asynchronous requests from a certain part of themicrocontroller that needs to be serviced. Each peripheral in the TriCore as well as theBus Control Unit, the Debug Unit, the Peripheral Control Processor (PCP) and the CPUitself can generate an Interrupt Request.So what is an external Interrupt?An external Interrupt is something alike as the internal Interrupt. The difference is that anexternal Interrupt request is caused by an external event. Normally this would be a pulseon Port0 or Port1, but it can be even a signal from the input buffer of the SSC, indicatingthat a service is requested.The User’s Manual does not explain this aspect in detail so this ApNote will explain themost common form of an external Interrupt request. This ApNote will show that there is aneasy way to react on a pulse on Port0 or Port1 and to create with this impulse an InterruptService Request. Later in the second part of the document, you can find hints on how todebounce impulses to enable the use of a simple switch as the input device.Note: You will find additional information on how to setup the Interrupt System in theApNote “First steps through the TriCore Interrupt System” (AP3222xx)1. It would gobeyond the scope of this document to explain this here, but you will find selfexplanatoryexamples later on.

    标签: Exter easy work with

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • 介绍C16x系列微控制器的输入信号升降时序图及特性

    All inputs of the C16x family have Schmitt-Trigger input characteristics. These Schmitt-Triggers are intended to always provide proper internal low and high levels, even if anundefined voltage level (between TTL-VIL and TTL-VIH) is externally applied to the pin.The hysteresis of these inputs, however, is very small, and can not be properly used in anapplication to suppress signal noise, and to shape slow rising/falling input transitions.Thus, it must be taken care that rising/falling input signals pass the undefined area of theTTL-specification between VIL and VIH with a sufficient rise/fall time, as generally usualand specified for TTL components (e.g. 74LS series: gates 1V/us, clock inputs 20V/us).The effect of the implemented Schmitt-Trigger is that even if the input signal remains inthe undefined area, well defined low/high levels are generated internally. Note that allinput signals are evaluated at specific sample points (depending on the input and theperipheral function connected to it), at that signal transitions are detected if twoconsecutive samples show different levels. Thus, only the current level of an input signalat these sample points is relevant, that means, the necessary rise/fall times of the inputsignal is only dependant on the sample rate, that is the distance in time between twoconsecutive evaluation time points. If an input signal, for instance, is sampled throughsoftware every 10us, it is irrelevant, which input level would be seen between thesamples. Thus, it would be allowable for the signal to take 10us to pass through theundefined area. Due to the sample rate of 10us, it is assured that only one sample canoccur while the signal is within the undefined area, and no incorrect transition will bedetected. For inputs which are connected to a peripheral function, e.g. capture inputs, thesample rate is determined by the clock cycle of the peripheral unit. In the case of theCAPCOM unit this means a sample rate of 400ns @ 20MHz CPU clock. This requiresinput signals to pass through the undefined area within these 400ns in order to avoidmultiple capture events.

    标签: C16x 微控制器 输入信号 时序图

    上传时间: 2014-04-02


  • 87C576微控制器的在线编程

    The 87C576 includes two separate methods of programming theEPROM array, the traditional modified Quick-Pulse method, and anew On-Board Programming technique (OBP).Quick Pulse programming is a method using a number of devicepins in parallel (see Figure 1) and is the traditional way in which87C51 family members have been programmed. The Quick-Pulsemethod supports the following programming functions:– program USER EPROM– verify USER EPROM– program KEY EPROM– program security bits– verify security bits– read signature bytesThe Quick-Pulse method is quite easily suited to standardprogramming equipment as evidenced by the numerous vendors of87C51 compatible programmers on the market today. Onedisadvantage is that this method is not well suited to programming inthe embedded application because of the large number of signallines that must be isolated from the application. In addition, parallelsignals from a programmer would need to be cabled to theapplication’s circuit board, or the application circuit board wouldneed to have logic built-in to perform the programming functions.These requirements have generally made in-circuit programmingusing the modified Quick Pulse method impractical in almost all87C51 family applications.

    标签: 87C576 微控制器 编程

    上传时间: 2013-10-21
