UG8.0破解版下载地址_UG8.0安装教程 里面包含了,下载地址和视频教程安装 ug8.0安装方法 一、安装 1.将文件夹……\NX_8.0.0.25_Win64\NX_8.0.0.25_Win64_crack_SSQ\UGSLicensing中的NX8.0.lic复制到硬盘任意一个英文文件夹下面 2.用记事本打开NX8.0.lic,将第一行的“this_host”改成本记算机的名称如“LBDZ-20111018GA”保存备用 3.开始安装UG,双击运行Launch.exe 4.弹出NX8.0安装介面,先安装许可证文件 Install license Server,指定安装路径,下一步 5.指定使用许可证文件的路径指向第2步备用的NX8.0.lic,下一步,点安装……完成许可证安装 6.返回NX8.0安装介面,安装主程序 Install NX,安装类型选典型(安装所有程序),下一步 7.指定安装路径,下一步,下一步 8.NX语言选择 简体中文,下一点,点安装……完成NX安装 ug8.0安装方法 二、破解 1.在破解文件夹NX_8.0.0.25_Win64_crack_SSQ中找到DRAFTINGPLUS、NXCAE_EXTRAS、NXNASTRAN、NXPLOT、UGII这5个文件夹,将之替换到安装目录D:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 8.0\ 2.在破解文件夹UGSLicensing中找到ugslmd.exe文件,将之替换到许可证安装目录D:\Program Files (x86)\UGS\UGSLicensing ug8.0安装方法 三、配置许可许 1.点开始--程序--Siemens NX 8.0--NX许可工具--Lmtools,启动许可证服务器 2.点Config Services选项卡,如果只装有一个版本的UG默认设置即可,点Save Service保存服务,点是 3.然后点Start/Stop/Reread选项卡,(中间应该出现一个许可证服务器),勾选“Force Server shutdown”, 4.选点Stop Server停止服务器,再点Start Server启动服务器,下面显示Server Start Successful表示启动成功,配置完毕 (如果装有其它版本的UG,配置过程稍有不同,第2步需要手动设置) ug8.0安装方法 四、启动UG8.0 OK!
上传时间: 2013-11-19
一个小巧的关机定时程序,适用与window操作系统。xp下不需要 shutdown.exe 附加程序。运行先安装java虚拟机。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The LT® 1529/LT1529-3.3/LT1529-5 are 3A low dropout regulators with micropower quiescent current and shutdown. The devices are capable of supplying 3A of output current with a dropout voltage of 0.6V. Designed for use in battery-powered systems, the low quiescent current, 50mA operating and 16mA in shutdown, make them an ideal choice. The quiescent current is well controlled it does not rise in dropout as it does with many other low dropout PNP regulators.
标签: 1529 micropower regulators quiescent
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第7章 窗口和桌面系统 本章共14个实例: 1. NotMoveResize创建不能改变大小也不能移动的窗体 2. DockToolbar将两个工具条摆在一排 3. RemoveUntitle去除MFC APPWIZARD生成工程标题中的"Untitled-MyApp" 4. RestoreWindowPos恢复窗口位置 5. SetFormViewBkgrnd设置FormView的背景色 6. DyCreateControl在View中创建控件 7. MDIFullScreen窗口全屏显示和工具栏的飘浮与停靠 8. StatusBarControl在状态条上创建按钮和组合框 9. TabedViewProject创建标签视(tabbed view) 10. Tray创建系统托盘 11.ShowHideTaskbar隐藏显示系统任务条 12.Changefbl改变屏幕分辨率 13.shutdown调出关机对话框 14.WindowOnTop创建一个顶层窗口
标签: NotMoveResize DockToolbar Visual 程序
上传时间: 2015-10-20
RunExp.m: -Changed script into a function. -Coded to accept the numberofRuns as an Argument. -Added code for automatic Exit from Matlab and shutdown of WindowsPC.
标签: numberofRuns Argument function Changed
上传时间: 2014-07-29
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2014-12-20
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26
Hello User This is nothing, but a simple program which if kept in start of windows will shut down the system by itself within five minutes of starting. It takes the time from the system & starts its timer to shut down after 5 minutes (not considering seconds). U can use shutdown.exe,once started there is only one exit that u know only. EXIT : DOUBLECLICK TIME TO ENABLE EXIT
标签: nothing program windows simple
上传时间: 2016-12-26