单源点最短路径算法的设计与实现 算法 shortest-PATHS求出了v0至其它各结点的最短路径,但是没有给出这些最短路径。补充该算法,使新算法在找出这些最短路径长度的同时,也能求出路径上的结点序列。
标签: shortest-PATHS 最短路径 算法
上传时间: 2015-09-08
k Shortest Paths David Eppstein s method ICTCLAS研究学习组 http://groups.google.com/group/ictclas?msg=subscribe
标签: Shortest Eppstein ICTCLAS ictclas
上传时间: 2013-12-30
Floyd-Warshall算法描述 1)适用范围: a)APSP(All Pairs Shortest Paths) b)稠密图效果最佳 c)边权可正可负 2)算法描述: a)初始化:dis[u,v]=w[u,v] b)For k:=1 to n For i:=1 to n For j:=1 to n If dis[i,j]>dis[i,k]+dis[k,j] Then Dis[I,j]:=dis[I,k]+dis[k,j] c)算法结束:dis即为所有点对的最短路径矩阵 3)算法小结:此算法简单有效,由于三重循环结构紧凑,对于稠密图,效率要高于执行|V|次Dijkstra算法。时间复杂度O(n^3)。 考虑下列变形:如(I,j)∈E则dis[I,j]初始为1,else初始为0,这样的Floyd算法最后的最短路径矩阵即成为一个判断I,j是否有通路的矩阵。更简单的,我们可以把dis设成boolean类型,则每次可以用“dis[I,j]:=dis[I,j]or(dis[I,k]and dis[k,j])”来代替算法描述中的蓝色部分,可以更直观地得到I,j的连通情况。
标签: Floyd-Warshall Shortest Pairs Paths
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Shortest Paths with Multiplicative Cost. In a given undirected graph, the path cost is measured as a product of all the edges in the path. The weights are rational numbers (e.g., 0.25, 0.75, 3.75 etc) or integers (2, 3). There are no negative edges. Given such a graph as input, you are to output the shortest path between any two given vertices. Input is the adjacency matrix and the two vertices. You must output the path.
标签: Multiplicative undirected Shortest measured
上传时间: 2017-04-08
There are many algorithms that can be applied to graphs. Many of these are actually used in the real world, such as Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths. We will discuss a few here.
标签: algorithms are actually applied
上传时间: 2014-01-03
In some graphs, the shortest path is given by optimizing two different metrics: the sum of weights of the edges and the number of edges. For example: if two paths with equal cost exist then, the path with the least number of edges is chosen as the shortest path. Given this metric, you have find out the shortest path between a given pair of vertices in the input graph. The output should be the number of edges on the path, the cost of the shortest path, and the path itself. Input is the adjacency matrix and the two vertices.
标签: optimizing different the shortest
上传时间: 2014-10-25
Mobile robot tracking of pre-planned paths是国外顶尖级专家篆写的有关机器人路径规划的文章。虽然是2000年的,但是很有价值。
标签: pre-planned tracking Mobile robot
上传时间: 2014-01-02
嵌入式文件系统ucfs.zip This project should serve as an "easy start" with /FS. All paths are relative to the project file. You should therefore be able to copy the entire directory (including all subdirectories) to any location on your harddrive.
标签: relative project should paths
上传时间: 2015-04-28
this process is about how to get the shortest path, this process write by VC++.
标签: process this shortest about
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Dijkstra s Algorithm -- Shortest path (Dijkstra s Algorithm)
标签: Algorithm Dijkstra Shortest path
上传时间: 2015-11-27