>项目名称:电脑电子商务平台 >1.运行环境JDK1.6+Oracle10g+Tomcat5.5 >2.开发工具: MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 项目名称:电脑电子商务平台 1.运行环境JDK1.6+Oracle10g+Tomcat5.5 2.开发工具: MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 5.1.0 GA 3.开发框架:Struts1.38+Ibertis2.3 4.功能描述: 项目后台和前台.后台是网站管理员对商务网的产品和商品的分类进行管理,客户的会员管理前台显示最新的产品信息,会员注册登 陆后可以享用购物车和网上订购产品功能. 使用说明: 1.数据库配置,在ORACLE10的客户工具运行ddl里的CREATE TABLE shop.sql创建数据库表 2.用MyEclipse上传项目到tomcat5.5中,然后启动tomcat. 3.系统后台数据管URL是http://localhost:8080/omegshop/admin/adminLogin.jsp 默认的用户名是admin,密码admin. 4.系统前台URL是http://localhost:8080/omegshop/index.jsp, 注册用户名: member 密码: member
标签: Enterprise MyEclipse Workbench gt
上传时间: 2015-12-07
1.DATABASE目录下存放的是网上购书系统的数据库脚本文件以及相应的jdatastore数据库文件。 2.bookstoreejb目录下存放的工程对应于网上购书系统的ejb部分。 3.shopping目录下存放的工程对应于网上购书系统的web部分。
标签: bookstoreejb jdatastore DATABASE shop
上传时间: 2016-03-17
可连接SQL,ORACLE等数据库。 首先建立shop用户,密码为shop,赋予连接和RESOURCE权限。再建立shop表空间,再建立表和触发器(在SQL源代码.doc里)并在PASSWORD表里添加新项name:‘admin ,psw: admin 这是管理员登陆帐户。 剩余的就看帮助文件吧。
上传时间: 2013-12-28
可连接SQL,ORACLE等数据库。 首先建立shop用户,密码为shop,赋予连接和RESOURCE权限。再建立shop表空间,再建立表和触发器(在SQL源代码.doc里)并在PASSWORD表里添加新项name:‘admin ,psw: admin 这是管理员登陆帐户。
上传时间: 2017-04-10
本系统提供在线商品浏览和购买功能,技术核心在购物车管理模块,挺不错的,希望大家喜欢,多多交流。 数据库名:shop 包含三张表:category product item
标签: 商
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Game programmers, check out the only book on data structures written especially for you! Described in layman s terms, this book will explain all of the essential data structures that are used in video game programming. It will also go over some of the more advanced and specialized data structures, too. Data Structures for Game Programmers is written in C++, and any special skills required to understand the book will be explained within it. The CD will include source code of the book, compiled demo s of the source, graphical demo code, plus tools such as Visual C++ 5, SDL, STLPort, Paint shop Pro, and an SDL Primer by Ernest Pazera.
标签: programmers especially structures Described
上传时间: 2013-12-25
An application that adds products to an electronic shopping cart. The application uses three classes: Product, shoppingCart, and shoppingCartApplication. Part of the work has been done for you and is provided in the student archive. You will implement the method in shoppingCartApplication that reads product information from the keyboard and creates a Product object.
标签: Product shoppingCart
上传时间: 2015-11-12
D2 shop地图补丁,支持暗黑破坏神2 1.11
上传时间: 2017-02-12