用户程序示例教程 The Blinky project is a simple program for the LPC2138using Keil MCB2130 Microcontroller Board. It blinks the LEDs at speed according to the Potentiometer setting and prints the current seting to the Serial Port 1.In addition it generates a sine wave with an adjustable frequency on the speaker of the board.
上传时间: 2014-12-27
This application note provides step-by-step instructions on how to recreate a Tri-Mode Ethernet(TEMAC) performance testing system using the ML405 board and MontaVista Linux 4.0. Thisapplication note shows how to set up a simple EDK Base System Builder system on the ML405Evaluation Platform and run performance tests. The network architecture for the test isdescribed. A system is built and downloaded into the FPGA. A MontaVista Linux kernel isconfigured, built, and downloaded into the ML405 Evaluation Platform. The instructions forobtaining and setting up the software used to perform the measurements, netperf, are given.
上传时间: 2013-11-11
Pspice教程课程内容:在这个教程中,我们没有提到关于网络表中的Pspice 的网络表文件输出,有关内容将会在后面提到!而且我想对大家提个建议:就是我们不要只看波形好不好,而是要学会分析,分析不是分析的波形,而是学会分析数据,找出自己设计中出现的问题!有时候大家可能会看到,其实电路并没有错,只是有时候我们的仿真设置出了问题,需要修改。有时候是电路的参数设计的不合理,也可能导致一些莫明的错误!我觉得大家做一个分析后自己看看OutFile文件!点,就可以看到详细的情况了!基本的分析内容:1.直流分析2.交流分析3.参数分析4.瞬态分析进阶分析内容:1. 最坏情况分析.2. 蒙特卡洛分析3. 温度分析4. 噪声分析5. 傅利叶分析6. 静态直注工作点分析数字电路设计部分浅谈附录A: 关于Simulation setting的简介附录B: 关于测量函数的简介附录C:关于信号源的简介
上传时间: 2013-10-14
Overview In this chapter I introduce Borland C++Builder (BCB) and explain what it is about. I also devote considerable time to explaining the purpose of this book and the philosophy behind my approach to technical writing. Technical subjects covered in this chapter include Creating a simple Multimedia RAD program that plays movies, WAV files, and MIDI files. Shutting down the BCB RAD programming tools and writing raw Windows API code instead. Creating components dynamically on the heap at runtime. setting up event handlers (closures) dynamically at runtime. A brief introduction to using exceptions. This topic is covered in more depth in Chapter 5, "Exceptions." A brief introduction to ANSI strings. This subject is covered in more depth in Chapter 3, "C++Builder and the VCL." Using the online help. Greping through the include and source files that come with the product and with this book.
标签: introduce Overview Borland Builder
上传时间: 2014-01-04
本文档讲解了OTA的概念,给出了如何发送“同步设置”的OTA短信的步骤,并附带Java编写的源代码(http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/zhengyun_ustc/SyncsettingBuilder.rar)。 规范中定义了三种setting: 浏览器设置 浏览器的书签设置 SyncML设置 也就是说,你通过发送短信可以帮助用户手机设置Syncsettings,从而可以让手机与服务器同步信息(如电话本、日程和记事本等)。
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Symbian手机编程,setting List Box, 源代码。
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This CD-ROM is distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers with ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT and NO WARRANTY from Kluwer Academic Publishers. Use or reproduction of the information provided on this CD-ROM for commercial gain is strictly prohibited. Explicit permission is given for the reproduction and use of this information in an instructional setting provided proper reference is given to the original source.
标签: distributed ABSOLUTELY Publishers Academic
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This a vhdl programme for realise an electron watch by max-plus II. The function includes time showing and time setting. It may be extended to other functions like alarming clock and so forth.
标签: programme electron max-plus function
上传时间: 2013-12-26
hanks for downloading this code. This VB Project shows you how to make forms with "rounded rectangle" shape. It also shows you how you can reduce the size of your programs with a GUI by using blocks of images and absolutely positioning and stretching them to create a dialog box, rather than making the whole dialog box in a graphics program and setting it as the Picture property of the Form. Another advantage of using image blocks is that you can resize this form to virtually any size and the effect will still be the same.
标签: downloading rectangle Project rounded
上传时间: 2013-12-13
To use the ATLTrace tool: Debug an MFC or ATL project select Start from the Debug menu. Select MFC/ATL Trace Tool in the Tools menu. Expand the tree control list in the Trace List window. Here you will see the running application, any modules within that application, and the trace categories for each module. Customize, for each process, module, and category, which information is displayed in the output window. The Trace level control in the Process group is related to the ATLTRACE2 level only those ATLTRACE2 messages with a level equal to or greater than the setting in the Trace level control will be displayed in the output window. Select Apply to put your settings into effect. You can save your settings, and load them the next time you debug the application use the Save and Load buttons.
标签: Debug the ATLTrace project
上传时间: 2014-01-15