上传时间: 2014-01-11
Client/Server版本 DBISAM compiles directly into your application with no external libraries required. Runtime package support is also provided if so desired. It has a very small footprint and does not require any forms support in Delphi 6, C++Builder 6, and Kylix 2 and higher, which helps keep the size of non-UI applications like services or web applications to a minimum.
标签: application libraries compiles directly
上传时间: 2015-04-04
1. 发卡服务端:Server 项目文件:autojet.prj 2. 计费客户端:Client 项目文件:internet.prj Explorer.prj 先启动Explorer.exe, 再启动internet.exe 3. 数据库脚本 INIT(原版).SQL 和 New init.sql(新版),数据库名 NetBar 4. 动态连接库: NETBAR.dll hookdll.dll 5. 大学生公寓城System ID为5046 其余程序说明全在程序内的文本文件中说明
标签: prj Explorer internet autojet
上传时间: 2013-12-17
项目描述: g-page is a client/server application designed to send text messages to pagers and PCS phones with short messaging capabilites. g-page 是一款客户端/服务器应用程序,用来给呼机或PCS电话发送短消息。
标签: application designed messages g-page
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Punjab is a jabber XMLRPC/SOAP/REST client. It is a xmlrpc, soap, or REST server that allows for persistent client connections to a jabber server.
上传时间: 2015-05-09
Create a time protocol over Client/Server Environment by sending request about time to server from client and the server will response to give the correct time back to the client.
标签: time Environment protocol sending
上传时间: 2015-05-23
上传时间: 2014-02-25
Client/server communication, automated telnet sessions, wake on lan, winsock communications using this easy to use component
标签: communications communication automated sessions
上传时间: 2015-06-10
Client and server creation classes. Very easy to use in your programs. Uses winsock and tcp/ip.
标签: and creation programs classes
上传时间: 2015-06-10
1.套接字编程原理 1.1 Client/server通信模型 1.2 Windows Sockets规范 1.3 套接字 1.3.1 套接字定义 1.3.2分类 1.3.3 套接字的作用 1.3.4端口与地址 1.3.5 套接口属性 2.基本的Windows Sockets API编程 2.1常用函数 2.2 TCP实例 2.3 UDP实例 2.4 Socket 通信阻塞的解决方法 3.MFC下的Socket编程的类 3.1 CAsyncSocket类 3.2 CSocket类 3.3 Windows Sockets:带存档的套接字的工作方式 3.4 流式套接字通信的操作顺序 3.5 使用 CAsyncSocket 类 3.6 从套接字类派生 3.7 套接字通知 3.8 一个使用CSocket类的网络通信实例 3.8.1 服务器端应用程序设计(ServerDemo) 3.8.2 客户端应用程序设计(项目名称ClientDemo) 4.套接字的托管实现 4.1 System::Net::Sockets 命名空间 4.2 实例:一个新邮件检查器
标签: Windows Sockets Client server
上传时间: 2014-01-20