标签: Linux makefile server client
上传时间: 2014-10-12
it bout file transfer this is about client and server
标签: transfer client server about
上传时间: 2017-09-20
It is the exe version of client server program.
标签: program version client server
上传时间: 2017-09-20
C/S(Client/Server,客户端/服务器)结构和 B/S(Browser/Server,浏览 器/服务器)结构是大家熟知的也是现在市面上使用最多的两种软件 体系结构。随着信息技术与网络技术的发展,WEB技术的日益成熟, C/S结构有逐渐被 B/S结构取代的趋势。
上传时间: 2014-01-21
radius server在linux下的源码,功能强大,有对应的radius client客户端
上传时间: 2013-12-27
s1.c是server,c.c是client, server負責接收client傳的數字進行運算並回傳,運用了同步的機制。編譯須加 -lsocket -lpthread -lrt
标签: server
上传时间: 2014-01-02
The Funambol J2ME Mail Client aims to be a light, easy to use, free email client for J2ME devices. The first release comes with a simple but effective UI, and a storage limited to the internal RMS only. This makes the application compatible with most of the phones around (minimum requirements are: MIDP2.0, CLDC 1.0, 512k of Storage). The mail synchronization using SyncML 1.2 over HTTP, thus removing any problem related to the access to IMAP or POP ports. The mail client synchonizes its address book with the one on the server, Its design is modular and can be extended in future with other mail protocols, a more sophisticated UI and access to the phone s AddressBook or filesystem for the devices allowing this. See the javadoc for more information on the structure of the library.
标签: J2ME Funambol devices Client
上传时间: 2014-01-05
上传时间: 2016-04-05
基于UDP实现E-Mail传输 工作过程描述: 客户端描述: 1. Client(以下简称C端)端将邮件以规定的大小封装为符合要求的UDP包。 2. 将封装好的UDP包发出,并等待Server(以下简称S端)端收到相应的UDP包后返回的回应Acknowledge(以下简称为ACK)。若收到的为Positive ACK,则继续发包;若收到的为Negtive ACK,则将应发的包重发。 3. 直到C端将所有要发的包都发完,并都已经收到S端的回应,最后发一个End包,直接关闭此进程。 服务器端描述: 1. S端启动服务进程,并监听相应端口。 2. 若收到C端发出的有关请求,按如下情况给出相应的反映: a. 将收到的包进行检测,若收到的包有错则抛弃(discard),并发给C端一个negtive ACK。 b. 将收到的包进行检测,若收到的包正常,则将此包进行解包,将内容输出至一临时文件;并发给C端一个positive ACK。 3.依次收到来自C断的包,直到收到end为止,并关闭此进程,转回监听状态。
上传时间: 2014-12-08
FileZilla is a cross-platform graphical FTP, FTPS and SFTP client a lot of features, supporting Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more. FileZilla Server is a reliable FTP server for Windows. it is a Client App,and a linux gnu version. important:change EXT name to ".tar.bz2"
标签: cross-platform supporting FileZilla graphical
上传时间: 2013-12-19