上传时间: 2015-05-14
上传时间: 2017-05-17
sem codigo, apenas dicas boas
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Programs for Distributed Systems. BE sem 2 for Computer engineering
标签: Distributed engineering for Programs
上传时间: 2017-06-30
This document was developed under the Standard Hardware and Reliability Program (SHARP) TechnologyIndependent Representation of Electronic Products (TIREP) project. It is intended for use by VHSIC HardwareDescription Language (VHDL) design engineers and is offered as guidance for the development of VHDL modelswhich are compliant with the VHDL Data Item Description (DID DI-EGDS-80811) and which can be providedto manufacturing engineering personnel for the development of production data and the subsequent productionof hardware. Most VHDL modeling performed to date has been concentrated at either the component level orat the conceptual system level. The assembly and sub-assembly levels have been largely disregarded. Under theSHARP TIREP project, an attempt has been made to help close this gap. The TIREP models are based upon lowcomplexity Standard Electronic Modules (sem) of the format A configuration. Although these modules are quitesimple, it is felt that the lessons learned offer guidance which can readily be applied to a wide range of assemblytypes and complexities.
上传时间: 2014-12-23
上传时间: 2013-10-29
This document was developed under the Standard Hardware and Reliability Program (SHARP) TechnologyIndependent Representation of Electronic Products (TIREP) project. It is intended for use by VHSIC HardwareDescription Language (VHDL) design engineers and is offered as guidance for the development of VHDL modelswhich are compliant with the VHDL Data Item Description (DID DI-EGDS-80811) and which can be providedto manufacturing engineering personnel for the development of production data and the subsequent productionof hardware. Most VHDL modeling performed to date has been concentrated at either the component level orat the conceptual system level. The assembly and sub-assembly levels have been largely disregarded. Under theSHARP TIREP project, an attempt has been made to help close this gap. The TIREP models are based upon lowcomplexity Standard Electronic Modules (sem) of the format A configuration. Although these modules are quitesimple, it is felt that the lessons learned offer guidance which can readily be applied to a wide range of assemblytypes and complexities.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
linux下的BBS,使用BBS CACHE,使得mem消耗很低。 天火系統的特點: 1. 統一物件型態設計,讓各種東西都可以在我的最愛出現。 2. 統一各狀態間的功能鍵。( 程式執行過程只 "程式狀態" "物件型態" 來判定動作 )。 3. 內建各種系統(POP3/SMTP/NNTP/..),未來只需要執行單一程式,就會擁有各種功能。 4. 每個人都可以簡單設定個人板。 5. 未來任兩個 BBS 間都可以透過帳號作某一種程度的同步(Sync)。 6. 使用 pthread 設計,並且儘量遵守 POSIX ,達到簡單移植到任何系統的目的。 7. 速度快 不使用 signal/shm/sem ,每個 client 上來只吃 50k 不到的記憶體。 8. 朝無站長系統目標設計。
上传时间: 2014-01-24
sourceforge历史版本完整下载: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=202044 提供了基于b树索引算法的文件数据数据库模块详见storage/目录下面的 btree.c与pager.c container目录为常用的容器实现,如果rbtree avltree map heap list vector hashtable deque T树 B树, test目录为测试程序代码经过初步测试,比较稳定。 os_api:装一些操作系统相关的接口函数。已完成event mutex sem thread pipe相关的封装 advance_container:提供优先级消息队列,普通消息队列,定时器容器。 frame:目前提供了listerner(linux下版本,模仿ace的反应器)定时器 algorithm:补充了堆排序 与快速排序 所有代码均已在windows linux与uclinux + arm44b0平台下测试 欢迎交流 msn:lsccsl@163.net mail:lsccsl@tom.com
标签: sourceforge showfiles group_id project
上传时间: 2016-07-16
s Comandantes Dracos planejam grande investida à partir de julho. Usarã o PacatosHumanosZumbis contra infiltrados.É preciso máxima sintonia na [REDE] para scannear triangulaç ã o deles na regiã o. O Governo mundial se refere ao Bloco Bilderberg. Entrou em plena operaç ã o quando Rússia aderiu ao G-8 O Bloco Bilderberg, sem querer, está fazendo um trabalho até necessário de resguardar dos cataclismos parte da tecnologia atual
标签: PacatosHumanosZumbis Comandantes investida planejam
上传时间: 2013-12-24