嵌入式FAT16文件系统源码下载1) 兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename specification。 2) 可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3) 文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4) 可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5) 文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6) 所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。
上传时间: 2017-02-21
Abstract: This application note describes the program and data flash and how to erase/write the flash using the built-in utility ROM. This application note applies to the MAXQ flash-based microcontrollers that use a sector erasable flash
标签: application and describes the
上传时间: 2014-12-19
This is a program that I wrote many years ago. It is a floppy disk , disk copy,disk info,and format program. All written in masm assembler. There is also a small 252 byte driver that allows nonstandard floppy formats on dos systems below 7.0. Floppies can be formatted in any track and sector layout. 1.44M floppies can be formatted to 1.76 M. All source code,includes and libraries are included. Modify the bld.bat file to your own needs. There are many asm tricks in the source code. Have fun with this old code.
标签: disk program floppy format
上传时间: 2013-12-21
MTK flash TOOL源程序代码 ========== FlashTool v3.1.05 (2007/05/15) ======= Bug fixes: 1. [DA] Fix that DA cannot be loaded on MT6225 for exceeding internal SRAM size. 2. [DA] Fix that NAND download/read-back issue on MT6225 because buffer is linked on TCM. New features: 1. [DA] Supports new NOR Flash device [SPANSION] S29WS128P [SPANSION] S29WS256P [TOSHIBA] TV00560002DDGB 2. [DA] Supports OTP driver for below NOR Flash device [SPANSION] S29WS128P [SPANSION] S29WS256P Enhancements: 1. [DA] Provide Customized FlashTest_AllInOne_DA.bin. 2. [DA] NFB can auto format after first download. 3. [DA] Improve DA download algorithm: next sector will be erased only when a sector is fully programmed. 4. [DA] Improve DA download algorithm: enable recovery mechanism when press STOP button. 5. [DA] Improve MT6223 Download Speed.
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Currently, the information and communications technology (ICT) industry sector accounts for about 2–6% of the energy consumption worldwide, and a significant por- tion of this is contributed by the wireless and mobile communications industry. With the proliferation of wireless data applications, wireless technology continues to increase worldwide at an unprecedented growth rate. This has resulted in an increased number of installed base stations and higher demand on power grids and device power usage, causing an increased carbon footprint worldwide.
标签: Communication Networks Green Radio
上传时间: 2020-05-27
When 3GPP started standardizing the IMS a few years ago, most analysts expected the number of IMS deploymentsto grow dramatically as soon the initial IMS specifications were ready (3GPP Release 5 was functionallyfrozenin the first half of 2002and completedshortly after that). While those predictions have proven to be too aggressive owing to a number of upheavals hitting the ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) sector, we are now seeing more and more commercial IMS-based service offerings in the market. At the time of writing (May 2008), there are over 30 commercial IMS networks running live traffic, addingup to over10million IMS users aroundthe world; the IMS is beingdeployedglobally. In addition, there are plenty of ongoing market activities; it is estimated that over 130 IMS contracts have been awarded to all IMS manufacturers. The number of IMS users will grow substantially as these awarded contracts are launched commercially. At the same time, the number of IMS users in presently deployed networks is steadily increasing as new services are introduced and operators running these networks migrate their non-IMS users to their IMS networks.
标签: Multimedia Subsystem The IMS 3G IP
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The digital dilemma: Telecoms fi rms prepare for the future is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report commissioned by WIPRO. The report strives to identify the key issues that companies within the telecoms sector are facing as they attempt to reshape their businesses to compete in a more digitised world.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In the present era, low observability is one of the critical requirements in aerospace sector, especially related to defense. The stealth technology essentially relates to shaping and usage of radar absorbing materials (RAM) or radar absorbing struc- tures (RAS). The performance of such radar cross section (RCS) reduction tech- niques is limited by the bandwidth constraints, payload requirements, and other structural issues. Moreover, with advancement of materials science, the structure geometry no longer remains key decisive factor toward stealth.
标签: Fundamentals Design Radar of EM
上传时间: 2020-06-06
The use of renewable energy systems, such as wind power, hydropower, tidal power, solar power, geothermal power and biomass burn is growing. Research in electric power generation from renewable sources is continuously expanding and stands for an area of high technological and financial importance. The implemen- tation of new technologies for the functioning and management of renewable energy systems will help to further develop the renewable energy sector.
标签: Intelligent Renewable Systems Energy
上传时间: 2020-06-07
FLASH实验-SPI学习目标:1、学会STM32硬件SPI2、学会对EN25Q64进行读写操作10.1 EN25Q64简介EN25Q64是华邦公司推出的大容量SPI FLASH产品,EN25Q64的容量为64M比特,也就是说有8M字节.EN25Q64将8M的容量分为128个块(Block),每个块大小为64K字节,每个块又分为16个扇区(sector),每个扇区4K个字节.EN25Q64的最少擦除单位为一个扇区,也就是每次必除4K个字节。EN25Q64支持标准的SPI,还支持双输出/四输出的SPI,最大SPI时钟可以到80Mhz(双输出时相当于160Mhz,四输出时相当于320M),更多的EN25Q64的介绍,请参考EN25Q64的DAIASHEET.10.2 SPI简介从上面的简介我们知道,EN25Q64是使用SPI来通信的。那什么是SPI呢?SPI是英语Serial Peripheral interface的缩写,顾名思义就是串行外围设备接口,SPI接口主要用四根线进行通信:1,MISO:主设备数据输入,从设备数据输出。2,MOSI:主设备数据输出,从设备数据输入。3,SCLK:时钟信号,由主设备产生。4.CS:从设备片选信号,由主设备控制。而通常意义上,SPI的通信只用三根线就可以了,一根时钟线、一根输出、根输入。为了更好理解SPI的传输原理,我们来看一下SPI的内部结构:从图上可以有知道,SPI数据的传输过程其实是通过一个移位寄存器来完成的,主机将自己的移位寄存器的数据移出,同时从机的移位寄存器数据移入,同时将自己的数据移出。简单的来理解,就像将两个寄存器贴在一起,然后进行循环左移或者循环右移(SPI的传输可以选择先发送高位还是先发送低位。),直到两个寄存器的数据交换为止。而时钟信号SCLK就是控制传输速率的。STM32内部是给我们提供了一个SPI的外设的,那么我们就可以使用单片机的内部的SPI来控制EN25Q64了
上传时间: 2022-06-18