Something which is important for those want to design scrambler
标签: Something important scrambler design
上传时间: 2014-01-21
C 程序 球面方位角算法: azimuth.cpp CRC校验快速算法: CRC_Table.cpp 解扰码算法: scrambler.cpp Matlab 程序 信号带宽测量: BandWith.m 带通信号下变频: fqmv.m QPSK 解调 demodQpsk.m pwelch求功率谱的算法 psdwh.m 均值滤波算法 cvmn.m 信号正交分解: Cnv2Bas.m
标签: cpp CRC_Table scrambler azimuth
上传时间: 2016-08-13
The final version of UPX scrambler and PE sources in Delphi and flat assembler.
标签: and assembler scrambler version
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Obtain the CDF plots of PAPR from an OFDM BPSK transmission specified per IEEE 802.11a specification Per the IEEE 802.11a specifications, we 52 have used subcarriers. Given so, the theoretical maximum expected PAPR is 52 (around 17dB). However, thanks to the scrambler, all the subcarriers in an OFDM symbol being equally modulated is unlikely. Using a small script, the cumulative distribution of PAPR from each OFDM symbol, modulated by a random BPSK signal is obtained
标签: specification transmission specified Obtain
上传时间: 2016-04-24
Per gli interessati ai metodi della compressione una vera miniera d oro, oltre 70 algoritmi all interno di moduli base indipendenti consentono a questo programma di mostrare il loro utilizzo e le loro performances, ecco elencati alcuni di essi : base64/crc32/fibonacci/mtf/freq/adddif/bwt/fix12/fix128/flatter/ huffman/lzw/lzs/rle/lbe/hash/vbc/scrambler, e tanti tanti altri.
标签: compressione interessati algoritmi miniera
上传时间: 2013-12-16
抢答器是一种智力竞赛常用的器件,抢答器的设计方法千差万别,文章利用常用的数字电子器件,设计了八路抢答器电路的设计、仿真及实现的全过程,提出两种可行的设计方案:方案1采用74ls373实现电路锁存,74ls148实现电路编码,74ls74及数码管实现电路显示;方案二采用CD4511BCN和LMC555CM集成电路及数码管实现抢答器的控制和显示。本文设计用的器件简单,容易理解,适用于初学电子技术的人员。Answer scrambler is a common device in intelligence competition, and its design methods vary greatly. This paper designs the whole process of design, simulation and Realization of the circuit of eight-way answer scrambler by using common digital electronic devices, and puts forward two feasible design schemes: scheme 1 uses 74 ls373 to realize circuit latching, 74 ls148 to realize circuit coding,74 ls74 and digital tube to realize circuit. The second scheme uses CD4511 BCN, LMC555 CM integrated circuit and digital tube to control and display the answerer. The device designed in this paper is simple and easy to understand, and it is suitable for the beginners of electronic technology.
标签: 抢答器
上传时间: 2022-04-05