Metamaterial Electromagnetic Cloak-at-Microwave Frequencies.pdf 2006首次制备出“隐身斗篷” science发表
标签: Cloak-at-Microwave Electromagnetic Metamaterial Frequencies
上传时间: 2016-11-12
/* author: qiaoger from: Computer science Department of SiChuan University date: 2008-3-27 求算术表达式(整数)的值(中序法) */
标签: Department University Computer science
上传时间: 2013-12-27
An abstract of the sis of Andrew Greenberg for the Master of science in Elec- trical and Computer Engineering presented May 6, 2005.
标签: Greenberg the abstract Computer
上传时间: 2014-06-16
NUMERICAL METHODS for Mathematics, science and Engineering,有限差分解热传导问题
标签: Engineering Mathematics NUMERICAL METHODS
上传时间: 2013-12-18
NUMERICAL METHODS for Mathematics, science and Engineering, 有限差分解波动方程FORTRAN
标签: Engineering Mathematics NUMERICAL METHODS
上传时间: 2013-11-27
上传用户:wsf950131 文档编写方法,分析方法
标签: Dissertation Writing science Thesis
上传时间: 2014-01-10
This text introduces the spirit and theory of hacking as well as the science behind it all it also provides some core techniques and tricks of hacking so you can think like a hacker, write your own hacks or thwart potential system attacks. 我记得好像的关于缓冲区溢出的
标签: introduces the hacking science
上传时间: 2014-08-14
China ancient times the official system was China ancient times in a political history science, this book divided three parts: The first part of all previous dynasties government system outline, the second part of introduction ancient times the government official control system, third part of all previous dynasties government system noun Jan released.
标签: ancient China times political
上传时间: 2017-02-15
This File contains the questions on various technologies on computer science.
标签: technologies questions contains computer
上传时间: 2017-03-06
LwIP是瑞士计算机科学院(Swedish Institute of Computer science)的AdamDunkels等开发的一套用于嵌入式系统的开放源代码TCP/IP协议栈。LwIP的含义是Light Weight(轻型)IP协议。LwIP可以移植到操作系统上,也可以在无操作系统的情况下独立运行。LwIP协议的基础是在减少对硬件资源占用的前提下完成TCP/IP协议的主要功能
标签: LwIP AdamDunkels Institute Computer
上传时间: 2014-11-04