B/S版ERP安装方法 1、安装IIS5.0、Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1及SQL Server2000 2、将目录Copy_of_ERP和webctrl_client复制到C:/Inetpub/wwwroot下,并将Copy_of_ERP目录设置成IIS虚拟目录 3、在SQL Server2000中新建一个Storage用户和LXTXERP数据库,然后将Data目录中的LXTXERP.BAK数据库备份文件还原 4、修改Copy_of_ERP目录下的Web.config文件的连接属性sa用户的密码: <add key="mydns" value="data source=(local) initial catalog=LXTXERP persist security info=False user id=sa pwd=123 workstation id=jl packet size=4096" /> 5、在Windows管理工具中打开Internet 服务管理器,运行Copy_of_ERP中的Login.aspx打开ERP登录页面,默认用户:admin 密码:123 6、OK
标签: webctrl_clie Copy_of_ERP Framework Microsoft
上传时间: 2015-12-09
本题的算法中涉及的三个函数: double bbp(int n,int k,int l) 其中n为十六进制位第n位,k取值范围为0到n+7,用来计算16nS1,16nS2,16nS3,16nS4小数部分的每一项。返回每一项的小数部分。 void pi(int m,int n,int p[]) 计算从n位开始的连续m位的十六进制数字。其中p为存储十六进制数字的数组。 void div(int p[]) void add(int a[],int b[]) 这两个函数都是为最后把十六进制数字转换为十进制数字服务的。 最后把1000个数字分别存储在整型数组r[]中,输出就是按顺序输出该数组。
上传时间: 2014-01-05
The Microsoft® Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI) provides services that enable application developers to add authentication, encoding, and encryption to their Microsoft Win32® -based applications. Application developers can use the functions in the CryptoAPI without knowing anything about the underlying implementation, in much the same way as they can use a graphics library without knowing anything about the particular graphics hardware configuration.
标签: Cryptographic Application Programming Microsoft
上传时间: 2013-12-27
New users and old of optimization in MATLAB will find useful tips and tricks in this document, as well as examples one can use as templates for their own problems. Use this tool by editing the file optimtips.m, then execute blocks of code in cell mode from the editor, or best, publish the file to HTML. Copy and paste also works of course. Some readers may find this tool valuable if only for the function pleas - a partitioned least squares solver based on lsqnonlin. This is a work in progress, as I fully expect to add new topics as I think of them or as suggestions are made. Suggestions for topics I ve missed are welcome, as are corrections of my probable numerous errors. The topics currently covered are listed below
标签: optimization and document MATLAB
上传时间: 2015-12-24
对于单个控件,COMPONET-->INSTALL COMPONENT..-->PAS或DCU文件-->INSTALL。 2.对于带*.DPK文件的控件包,FILE-->OPEN(下拉列表框中选*.DPK)-->INSTALL即可。 3.对于带*.BPL文件的控件包,INSTALL PACKAGES-->ADD-->BPL文件名即可。 4.如果以上INSTALL按钮为失效的话,试试COMPILE按钮。 5.是RUN TIME LIB则在OPTION下的PACKAGES下的RUNTIMEPACKES加之。 如果编译时提示文件找不到的话,一般是控件的安装目录不在DELPHI的LIB目录中, 有两种方法可以解决: 1.反安装的源文件拷入到DELPHI的LIB目录下。 2.或者TOOLS-->ENVIRONMENT OPTIONS中把控件源代码路径加入到DELPHI的LIB目录中即可。
上传时间: 2013-12-25
在jCreator建立一个叫做telnet的工程 3、把本章目录下的所有源文件加入到这个工程中 4、在project菜单下选择project setting,在JDK profile框中单击当前的JDK, 然后选择Edit,在弹出的对话框中选add,然后选add package,将本章源代码目 录下的ipworks.jar包加入。 5、在build菜单下选择complier project 6、在build菜单下选择execute,程序就可以运行了
标签: project jCreator setting telnet
上传时间: 2015-12-27
用VC制作一个商品交易管理系统.部分代码:“// 商品交易管理系统View.cpp #include “MyDlg1.h” void CMyView::OnRadiospxx() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CMyDlg1 MyDlg1 MyDlg1.DoModal() } ”
标签: OnRadiospxx CMyView include MyDlg
上传时间: 2013-12-16
当你再次打开modelsim时,需要重新点击work lib里得相应模块。弹出 sim窗口,把鼠标点下 想要观测得模块,这是右边得信号列表会列出该模块得所有信号。一般情况下,你想观察这些信号时,需要把他们add to wave。 不过介于你上次已经保存了
上传时间: 2016-01-14
This article describes a sniffer for Windows. WinSniff is an application for capturing packets on the network. It displays all the packets that are transmitted on the local network and gives detailed information about each header in the packet. In order to keep it simple, I am not dealing with application level protocols. If you are interested, you can add features to support various application level protocols such as SMTP, FTP, NETBIOS etc
标签: application describes capturing for
上传时间: 2016-01-22
This device driver implements KMDF based virtual bus driver and generic virtual disk hosted on it. Users can add virtual disks to Windows OS which are then seen and managed by OS as generic, regular disks. Virtual disks are plug in/out with cmdln utility.
标签: virtual driver implements generic
上传时间: 2016-02-19