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  • MD5算法的ASP实现. 它在MD4的基础上增加了"安全-带子"(safety-Belts)的概念。虽然MD5比MD4稍微慢一些

    MD5算法的ASP实现. 它在MD4的基础上增加了"安全-带子"(safety-Belts)的概念。虽然MD5比MD4稍微慢一些,但却更为安全。MD5也为一种非常优秀的中间技术。

    标签: safety-Belts MD5 MD4 ASP

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • 这本也是经典中的经典。它已经深入到接触 C++ Object Model 的层次。特别是 Exception-Safety 这一章一系列的步步深入

    这本也是经典中的经典。它已经深入到接触 C++ Object Model 的层次。特别是 Exception-Safety 这一章一系列的步步深入,很大 程度上改变了我对 C++ 的认识。此外,它有提到 Pimpl Idiom,这 对改善 C++ 编译效率也有一定的帮助。其他的主题,例如泛型编程 和对标准库的几个讨论议题、暂时物件、物件寿命、自动转换…等,也 颇有深度。如果没看过这本,且对自己的 C++ 功力颇有信心的人,可 以测试看看。

    标签: Exception-Safety Object Model

    上传时间: 2015-08-09


  • Standard-Library Exception Safety Bjarne Stroustrup Texas A&M University (and AT&T Labs – Researc

    Standard-Library Exception Safety Bjarne Stroustrup Texas A&M University (and AT&T Labs – Research) http://www.research.att.com/~bs Introduction to the C++ exception handling mechanisms and “resource acquisition is initialization” for people with little experience with exceptions

    标签: Standard-Library Stroustrup University Exception

    上传时间: 2015-12-11


  • vbox project - sun virtual box for test safety.

    vbox project - sun virtual box for test safety.

    标签: project virtual safety vbox

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • Product Safety Standards

    Product Safety Standards

    标签: Standards Product Safety

    上传时间: 2017-04-21


  • IEC60950产品验证经典标准

    IEC60950产品验证经典标准 产品安全性(Product safety)是指产品在正常使用中,非破坏或刻意损坏下,应具有的安全性。产品安全也是开发流程中的重要一环,一般都由政府或是具有公信力且地位超然的机构制订标准。 对于安全性规范的深入了解与遵循,绝对是开发产品中相

    标签: 60950 IEC 标准

    上传时间: 2013-07-25


  • 远程信息处理数字融合--如何应对新兴标准和协议

    Digital convergence, in recent history, has been prevalentin the consumer equipment domain and the designengineers in this area have been struggling with a plethoraof emerging standards and protocols. What lessons can welearn from their struggle? The same dilemmas now existin in-vehicle telematics and infotainment systems but withthe added issues of extremes of temperature, safety,security, and time in market.

    标签: 远程信息处理 数字 协议 标准

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 精密DAC和看门狗提高模拟输出安全

    Abstract: Using a DAC and a microprocessor supervisor, the system safety can be improved in industrial controllers, programmablelogiccontrollers (PLC), and data-acquisition systems. The analog output is set to zero-scale (or pin-programmable midscale) when amicroprocessor failure, optocoupler failure, or undervoltage condition occurs. A simple application is shown on how to implement thisfunction.

    标签: DAC 精密 看门狗 模拟

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • Secure Access 6000现场置换单元的移除和安装

    本指南包含有关移除和安装Secure Access 6000机柜中的现场置换单元的信息。 有关Secure Access 6000的安全信息,请参阅Juniper Networks支持站点上的Juniper Networks Security Products Safety Guide。以下各部分将介绍有关组件的移除和安装的详细过程。

    标签: Secure Access 6000

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • 基于CAN总线的综自通讯规约设计

    介绍一种基于CAN总线的牵引变电站自动化系统通讯规约的设计,CAN通讯规约采用标准帧,报文采用主动发送和发送查询两种处理形式。该设计在城市轻轨与地铁牵引变电站中的应用表明:可实现间隔层和通讯处理层的数据快速、可靠的交换,提高牵引变电站的安全性和稳定性 。 Abstract:  This paper firstly presents a kind of design dealing with communicational protocol to the traction substation automation system based on CAN bus,and then comes up with the ideas that all frames of CAN communicational protocol should adopt the standard frame,and that messages be processed by two ways:sending initiatively and sending quiries.Subway and light rail application shows that the use of the CAN bus is possible to exchange data quickly and reliably between the layers of the middle and the communicational processing,hence to improve the safety and stability of traction substations.

    标签: CAN 总线 通讯规约

    上传时间: 2013-11-07
