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  • 使用LTC运算放大器宏模型

      This application note is an overview discussion of theLinear Technology SPICE macromodel library. It assumeslittle if any prior knowledge of this sOFtware library or itshistory. However, it does assume familiarity with both theanalog simulation program SPICE (or one of its manyderivatives), and modern day op amps, including bipolar,JFET, and MOSFET amplifier technologies

    标签: LTC 运算放大器 模型

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 开关电源EMI设计(英文版)

    Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This work presents the modeling and analysis of EMI and thermal performancefor switch power supply by using the CAD tools. The methodology and design guidelinesare developed.By using a boost PFC circuit as an example, an equivalent circuit model is builtfor EMI noise prediction and analysis. The parasitic elements of circuit layout andcomponents are extracted analytically or by using CAD tools. Based on the model, circuitlayout and magnetic component design are modified to minimize circuit EMI. EMI filtercan be designed at an early stage without prototype implementation.In the second part, thermal analyses are conducted for the circuit by using thesOFtware Flotherm, which includes the mechanism of conduction, convection andradiation. Thermal models are built for the components. Thermal performance of thecircuit and the temperature profile of components are predicted. Improved thermalmanagement and winding arrangement are investigated to reduce temperature.In the third part, several circuit layouts and inductor design examples are checkedfrom both the EMI and thermal point of view. Insightful information is obtained.

    标签: EMI 开关电源 英文

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 高性能DCDC控制器

    We provide complete power solutions with a full lineup of power managementproducts. This brochure provides an overview of our high performance DC/DC switching regulatorcontrollers for applications including datacom, telecom, industrial, automotive, medical, avionicsand control systems. We make power design easier with our industry-leading field applicationengineering support; a broad selection of demonstration boards with schematics, layout filesand parts lists; SwitcherCAD® sOFtware for simulation, application notes and comprehensivetechnical documentation.

    标签: DCDC 性能 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 电源工程师-电路设计中的英雄

    Abstract: We don't expect manufacturers to produce clothes that in one size that fits everyone. In thesame way, one ESD component can't solve all issues—each application has different ESD requirements.Knowing that "one size fits all" cannot apply to power design, the power designer, or the engineering"super hero," must consider all the potential disruptions to a steady flow of power and thenvarious waysto mitigate them. This tutorial describes voltage- and current-limiting devices and risetime reducers tomanage the power. It also points to free and low-cost sOFtware tools to help design lowpass filters, checkcapacitor self-resonance, and simulate circuits.

    标签: 电源工程师 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • keil7.06完全破解版_免费下载

        Keil C51是美国Keil sOFtware公司出品的51系列兼容单片机C语言软件开发系统,与汇编相比,C语言在功能上、结构性、可读性、可维护性上有明显的优势,因而易学易用。Keil提供了包括C编译器、宏汇编、连接器、库管理和一个功能强大的仿真调试器等在内的完整开发方案,通过一个集成开发环境(uVision)将这些部分组合在一起。运行Keil软件需要WIN98、NT、WIN2000、WINXP等操作系统。如果你使用C语言编程,那么Keil几乎就是你的不二之选,即使不使用C语言而仅用汇编语言编程,其方便易用的集成环境、强大的软件仿真调试工具也会令你事半功倍。   解压缩以后安装,步骤如下: 1.打开up51v706a.txt(本文件)记下安装序列号。进入setup目录点击setup.exe进行安装; 2.选择Install Support....全新安装,以前没有安装过或者放弃以前的序列号安装;     选择Update Current Installation升级安装,将可以保持原来的序列号,不必再次输入 3.选择Full安装,Next->Yes(接受版权信息)->选择安装目录->Next->输入序列号、姓名、公司     等,除了序列号以外,都随意,可以如实输入你的姓名等。->next->     ....直到安装完成。     注意:     1.每次安装都必须进行这几步,每次都需要重新写入AddOn标识;     2.假如安装过程中存在病毒防火墙,可能会产生xcopy错误使安装失败,此时请先        关闭病毒防火墙,然后再安装;     3.安装前必须退出正在运行的Keil软件,否则也会产生xcopy错误使安装失败;     4.安装过程中可能会出现安装Secrity Key错误,点击确定即可。 这组安装码可以使用keil C51软件到2033年12月底,够用了吧。 Ident = Y1DZKM  (这个号码已经输入在addon目录下的文件中,你不必理会了) SN = K1DZP-5IUSH-A01UE *************************************** 0xfd汉字补丁已经预先处理。安装以后可以打开工程\keil\c51\examples\0xfd\ee.uv2检验  

    标签: keil 7.06 完全破解版 免费下载

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • KEIL7.0完全破解版、中文补丁_keil下载

    KEIL7.0完全破解版、中文补丁 k51v700acc.com Keil C51 V7.00 0FDH的汉字bug补丁,同时处理A51和C51两个文件,把他放到\bin\目录下执行。 this sOFtware is update to bin\ for hanzhi use SN = K1RIP-M2192-KO14E 用户名(FIRST & LAST)= 11RI2Z 这是已经通过了的安装码 安装过程:   可以选择评估安装,也可以选择完全安装.选择完全安装后输入上面系列号,如果提示插入A盘时选择解压目录的/ADDON/c51AddON/目录即可完成安装。 解压目录带有minitos for keil C51的项目,可以直接在Keil C51上测试和学习嵌入式操作系统。 minitos for 51版本 可以使用keilc51进行调试, 学习嵌入操作系统 无须硬件支持,可以在keilc51可以直接运行 minitos 0226 for keil C51的项目文件在: \MiniTOS51_0226移植_Release_20090204\MiniTOS\KeilC51\project 文件名为minitos51.Uv2

    标签: KEIL keil 7.0 完全破解版

    上传时间: 2014-12-25


  • KEIL 无限制完全破解版及教程使用指南

        Keil C51是美国Keil sOFtware公司出品的51系列兼容单片机C语言软件开发系统,与汇编相比,C语言在功能上、结构性、可读性、可维护性上有明显的优势,因而易学易用。Keil提供了包括C编译器、宏汇编、连接器、库管理和一个功能强大的仿真调试器等在内的完整开发方案,通过一个集成开发环境(uVision)将这些部分组合在一起。运行Keil软件需要WIN98、NT、WIN2000、WINXP等操作系统。如果你使用C语言编程,那么Keil几乎就是你的不二之选,即使不使用C语言而仅用汇编语言编程,其方便易用的集成环境、强大的软件仿真调试工具也会令你事半功倍。       指南包含的内容:1.在KEIL中生成*.AMS文件最简单方法、2.在把汇编程序导入KEIL简单方法、3.在KEIL中生成*.HEX16进制文件的方法,4.平凡老师的C语言教程、5.其他一些教程、6.本站全系列在线时时硬件仿真器的使用方法,包括PZ仿真器专业版、A380仿真器、AZ综合系统内含的仿真器使用方法简介。       其中里面包含的有:KEIL 无限制完全破解、KEIL使用指南、仿真软件KEIL使用教程

    标签: KEIL 无限制 完全破解版 使用指南

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 基于AVR的PCB板雕刻机的设计

      为了提高PCB板制作的效率,改变传统的化学腐蚀制板工艺,使用机械仿形铣制作电路板的方法,设计了以ATMEGA16单片机为核心部件的PCB板雕刻机控制系统。其中包括PCB雕刻机的基本功能、主要硬件电路设计和软件的实现流程,并给出了相关设计电路。重点分析了雕刻机步进电机的驱动电路以及主轴电机的驱动电路,该雕刻机经实际运行,系统工作良好,可有效提高PCB板的制作效率。   Abstract:   In order to improve the efficiency of production of PCB board and change the traditional chemical etching plates, using of mechanical copying milling method makes circuit boards,this paper introduces the PCB engraving machine control system used ATMEGA16 microcomputer as the core components. It includes basic function, the hardware circuit design and sOFtware realization process, and gives the corresponding circuit design.It analyses the drive circuit of engrawing machine stepper motor and spindle motor in detail. This engraving machine by practical operation, the system works well, which can effectively improve the production efficiency of PCB board.

    标签: AVR PCB 雕刻机

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 基于8098单片机的SPWM变频调速系统

      数字控制的交流调速系统所选用的微处理器、功率器件及产生PWM波的方法是影响交流调速系统性能好坏的直接因素。在介绍了正弦脉宽调制(SPWM)技术的基础上,设计了一种以8098单片机作为控制器,以智能功率模块IPM为开关器件的变频调速系统。通过软件编程,产生正弦脉冲宽度调制波形来控制绝缘栅双极晶体管的导通和关断,从而达到控制异步电动机转速的目的。实验结果表明,该系统可调频率调电压,稳定度高,调速范围宽,具有较强的实用价值   Abstract:   AC variable speed with digital control systems used microprocessors, power devices and generate PWM wave is the direct factors of affecting the performance AC speed regulation system. On the basis of introducing the sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technology,this paper designed variable speed system which used 8098 as a controller, intelligent power module IPM as switching device. Through sOFtware programming, resulting in sinusoidal pulse width modulation waveform to control the insulated gate bipolar transistor turn on and off, so as to achieve the purpose of speed control of induction motors. Experimental results show that the system can adjust frequency modulation voltage, high stability, wide speed range, has a strong practical value.  

    标签: 8098 SPWM 单片机 变频调速系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 基于单片机系统的(24,16)循环码编码、译码方案

      在理论分析循环码编码和译码基本原理的基础上,提出了基于单片机系统的(24,16)循环码软件实现编码、译码的方案。仿真结果表明(24,16)循环码能有效地克服来自通讯信道的干扰,保证数据通信的可靠及系统的稳定,使误码率大幅度降低。本论文对(24,16)循环码的研究结果表明,可以有效地降低错误概率和提高系统的吞吐量,实现纠错仅需要在接收端增加有限的存储空间和计算复杂度,具有一定的实用价值。   Abstract:   Based on analyzing the theory of encoding and decoding of cyclic code, this paper showed the schemes of encoding and decoding of(24,16)cyclic code by the sOFtware and based on microcontroller. Simulation results show that using (24,16) cyclic codes can effectively overcome the interference from communication channel, ensure the reliability and stability of data communication systems, and reduce the bit error rate greatly. The results of this paper show that by using the (24,16) cyclic code, the error rate can be reduced and the system throughput can be improved. Meanwhile, the system only needs to enlarge limited storage space and computation the complexity at the receiving end to realize error correction. Thus the (24,16) cyclic code has a practical value.  

    标签: 24 16 单片机系统 循环码

    上传时间: 2013-11-09
