Java Media APIs: Cross-Platform Imaging, Media, and Visualization presents integrated Java media solutions that demonstrate the best practices for using this diverse collection. According to Sun MicroSystems, "This set of APIs supports the integration of audio and video clips, animated presentations, 2D fonts, graphics, and images, as well as speech input/output and 3D models." By presenting each API in the context of its appropriate use within an integrated media application, the authors both illustrate the potential of the APIs and offer the architectural guidance necessary to build compelling programs.
标签: Media Java Cross-Platform Visualization
上传时间: 2013-12-04
This book brings together indispensable knowledge for building efficient, high-value, Linux-based embedded products: information that has never been assembled in one place before. Drawing on years of experience as an embedded Linux consultant and field application engineer, Christopher Hallinan offers solutions for the specific technical issues you re most likely to face, demonstrates how to build an effective embedded Linux environment, and shows how to use it as productively as possible.
标签: indispensable Linux-based high-value efficient
上传时间: 2014-01-24
关于pcie switch(PLX PEX8632)的三个功能, 1.external eeprom读写 loopback 3.改变Amplitude and DeEmphasis
上传时间: 2017-04-12
A few drivers for the Motorola C380 s celluar phone hardware with a simple test application. It s configured to build a binary that is to be uploaded at 0x03fd0000 and run at 0x03fd0010
标签: application Motorola hardware drivers
上传时间: 2017-05-01
The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects. CVS commits trigger new builds, run on a variety of client machines. Build status (pass/fail/etc) are displayed on a web page or through other protocols.
标签: BuildBot automate required projects
上传时间: 2017-05-06
This SPI-mode SD Card controller is a free SOPC Builder component that can be used in any SOPC Builder system. The included example design runs on the Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III edition (NEEK).
标签: SOPC controller component SPI-mode
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This SPI-mode SD Card controller is a free SOPC Builder component that can be used in any SOPC Builder system. The included example design runs on the Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III edition (NEEK).
标签: SOPC controller component SPI-mode
上传时间: 2017-05-14
首先确认您的机器上已经安装了VC6.0以上版本,要编译生成可执行文件,需打开后缀名为dsw的文件,系统会默认用VC打开,然后选择Build菜单下的Set Active Configuration选项,选择Project Configuration为Win32 Release,然后编译项目,得到可执行文件。连接数据库请参照第2章的方法,在ODBC数据源内添加Microsoft Access数据库
上传时间: 2013-11-26
FEATURES • 16 bit PIPE Spec PCI Express Testbench • Link training • Initial Flow Control • Packet Classes for easy to build PHY,DLLP and TLP packets • DLLP 16 bit CRC and TLP LCRC generation • Sequence Number generation and checking • ACK TLP packets • Scrambling • MemRd MemWr CfgRd CfgWr TLPs
标签: 8226 Testbench FEATURES training
上传时间: 2014-01-18
多线程下载的源代码, 安装及使用须知 1、本程序要求先安装jdk和jCreator和Tomcat。 2、按照本书1.3节中所述安装单机的网络运行环境。 3、创建一个名为try.rar的文件,然后将作为目标文件的try.rar放在 第一步设置好的服务器的根目录下,对应的本地物理路径是安装Tomcat的 文件夹下的ROOT目录。然后在运行范例程序时,只要使用默认的 路径就可以了。或者你也可以使用其他的路径,甚至是真正的远程 文件,但是需要参考相应的说明来设置。 4、在jCreator建立一个叫做MTdownload的工程 5、把本章目录下的所有源文件加入到这个工程中 6、在build菜单下选择complier project 7、在build菜单下选择execute project,程序就可以运行了
上传时间: 2017-06-29