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  • A comprehensive code to regulate the LCD backlight of a BREW 3.1. mobile. Used to emulate a torchlig

    A comprehensive code to regulate the LCD backlight of a BREW 3.1. mobile. Used to emulate a torchlight from a screen of a Siemens SXG75.

    标签: comprehensive backlight regulate torchlig

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • 基于DSP的三相无刷直流电机调速系统的研究

    ·【英文题名】 Research of Speed regulate System of Three Phase BLDCM Based on DSP 【作者中文名】 刘桂芬; 【导师】 孟庆春; 【学位授予单位】 辽宁工程技术大学; 【学科专业名称】 控制理论与控制工程 【学位年度】 2007 【论文级别】 硕士 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁工程技术大学 【网络出版投稿时间】 2006-01-02 【

    标签: DSP 三相 无刷直流电机 调速系统

    上传时间: 2013-06-19


  • 两相同步降压型控制器具有轻负载逐级递减模式

      Today’s computer, datacom, and telecom systems demandpower supplies that are effi cient, respond quicklyto load transients and accurately regulate the voltageat the load. For example, load current can be measuredby using the inductor DCR, thus eliminating the needfor a dedicated sense resistor. Inductor DCR sensingincreases effi ciency—especially at heavy load—whilereducing component cost and required board space.The LTC®3856 single-output 2-phase synchronous buckcontroller improves the accuracy of inductor DCR sensingby compensating for changes in DCR due to temperature.

    标签: 同步降压型 控制器 负载

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于FPGA的高度集成DCDC稳压器

      In a recent discussion with a system designer, the requirementfor his power supply was to regulate 1.5Vand deliver up to 40A of current to a load that consistedof four FPGAs. This is up to 60W of power that must bedelivered in a small area with the lowest height profi lepossible to allow a steady fl ow of air for cooling. Thepower supply had to be surface mountable and operateat high enough effi ciency to minimize heat dissipation.He also demanded the simplest possible solution so histime could be dedicated to the more complex tasks. Asidefrom precise electrical performance, this solution had toremovethe heat generated during DC to DC conversionquickly so that the circuit and the ICs in the vicinity do notoverheat. Such a solution requires an innovative designto meet these criteria:

    标签: FPGA DCDC 集成 稳压器

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • 基于(英蓓特)STM32V100的看门狗程序

    This example shows how to update at regulate period the WWDG counter using theEarly Wakeup interrupt (EWI). The WWDG timeout is set to 262ms, refresh window set to 41h and the EWI isenabled. When the WWDG counter reaches 40h the EWI is generated and in the WWDGISR the counter is refreshed to prevent a WWDG reset and led connected to PC.07is toggled.The EXTI line9 is connected to PB.09 pin and configured to generate an interrupton falling edge.In the NVIC, EXTI line9 to 5 interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 0and the WWDG interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 1 (EXTI IT > WWDG IT). The EXTI Line9 will be used to simulate a software failure: once the EXTI line9event occurs (by pressing Key push-button on EVAL board) the correspondent interruptis served, in the ISR the led connected to PC.07 is turned off and the EXTI line9pending bit is not cleared. So the CPU will execute indefinitely EXTI line9 ISR andthe WWDG ISR will never be entered(WWDG counter not updated). As result, when theWWDG counter falls to 3Fh the WWDG reset occurs.If the EXTI line9 event don抰 occurs the WWDG counter is indefinitely refreshed inthe WWDG ISR which prevent from WWDG reset. If the WWDG reset is generated, after resuming from reset a led connected to PC.06is turned on. In this example the system is clocked by the HSE(8MHz).

    标签: V100 STM 100 32V

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • Observers in Control Systems

    Control systems are used to regulate an enormous variety of machines, products, and processes. They control quantities such as motion, temperature, heat flow, fluid flow, fluid pressure, tension, voltage, and current. Most concepts in control theory are based on having sensors to measure the quantity under control. In fact, control theory is often taught assuming the availability of near-perfect feedback signals. Unfortunately, such an assumption is often invalid. Physical sensors have shortcomings that can degrade a control system.

    标签: Observers Control Systems in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
