Today’s computer, datacom, and telecom systems demandpower supplies that are effi cient, respond quicklyto load transients and accurately regulate the voltageat the load. For example, load current can be measuredby using the inductor DCR, thus eliminating the needfor a dedicated sense resistor. Inductor DCR sensingincreases effi ciency—especially at heavy load—whilereducing component cost and required board space.The LTC®3856 single-output 2-phase synchronous buckcontroller improves the accuracy of inductor DCR sensingby compensating for changes in DCR due to temperature.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
The LTC®4151 is a high side power monitor that includesa 12-bit ADC for measuring current and voltage, as wellas the voltage on an auxiliary input. Data is read throughthe widely used I2C interface. An unusual feature in thisdevice is its 7V to 80V operating range, allowing it to coverapplications from 12V automotive to 48V telecom.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
As environmental concerns over traditional lighting increaseand the price of LEDs decreases, high power LEDsare fast becoming a popular lighting solution for offl ineapplications. In order to meet the requirements of offl inelighting—such as high power factor, high effi ciency, isolationand TRIAC dimmer compatibility—prior LED driversused many external discrete components, resulting incumbersome solutions. The LT®3799 solves complexity,space and performance problems by integrating all therequired functions for offl ine LED lighting.
上传时间: 2013-10-13
Once relegated to the hinterlands of low cost indicatorlights, the LED is again in the spotlight of the lightingworld. LED lighting is now ubiquitous, from car headlightsto USB-powered lava lamps. Car headlights exemplifyapplications that capitalize on the LED’s clear advantages—unwavering high quality light output, tough-assteelrobustness, inherent high effi ciency—while a USBlava lamp exemplifi es applications where only LEDs work.Despite these clear advantages, their requirement forregulated voltage and current make LED driver circuitsmore complex than the venerable light bulb, but some newdevices are closing the gap. For instance, the LTM®8040μModule™ LED driver integrates all the driver circuitryinto a single package, allowing designers to refocus theirtime and effort on the details of lighting design criticalto a product’s success.
上传时间: 2013-10-16
The LTC®4155 and LTC4156 are dual multiplexed-inputbattery chargers with PowerPath™ control, featuring I2Cprogrammability and USB On-The-Go for systems suchas tablet PCs and other high power density applications.The LTC4155’s float voltage (VFLOAT) range is optimizedfor Li-Ion batteries, while the LTC4156 is optimized forlithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4)batteries, supportingsystem loads to 4A with up to 3.5A of battery chargecurrent. I2C controls a broad range of functions and USBOn-The-Go functionality is controlled directly from theUSB connector ID pin.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
The LTC®4099 high effi ciency USB power manager andLi-Ion/Polymer battery charger seamlessly managespower distribution from multiple sources in portableapplications. It is differentiated from other USB powermanagers by its bidirectional I2C port that allows the hostmicroprocessor to control and monitor all aspects of theUSB power management and battery charging processes.In addition, a programmable interrupt generation functionalerts the host microprocessor to changes in device statusand provides unprecedented control of power managementfunctions. This high degree of confi gurability allowspost-layout changes in operation, even changes in thefi eld, and it allows a single qualifi ed device to be usedin a variety of products, thus reducing design time andeasing inventory management.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
An essential component of a noise-free audio device isa clean power supply, but few switching regulators canoperate at high efficiency while keeping the switchingfrequency out of the audio band. The LTC®3620 fills thisvoid. It is a high efficiency 15mA buck regulator with aprogrammable minimum switching frequency, making itpossible to virtually eliminate audible switching noise. Theinternal synchronous switches and low quiescent currentof this buck regulator provide the ability to maintain highefficiency, while its small footprint makes it ideal for tiny,low power audio applications.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
The voltage range of Linear Technology’s PowerPath® circuitscan be easily extended with just a few components, thusallowing them to meet the needs of virtually all applications.This application note presents solutions for circuits thatmust withstand large negative voltages, a reverse adapterinput for example, and circuits that must withstand largepositive inputs, such as automotive load-dump.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
The LTM8020, LTM8021, LTM8022 and LTM8023 μModule®regulators are complete easy-to-use encapsulated stepdownDC/DC regulators intended to take the pain and aggravationout of implementing a switching power supplyonto a system board. With a μModule regulator, you onlyneed an input cap, output cap and one or two resistorsto complete the design. As one might imagine, this highlevel of integration greatly simplifi es the task of printedcircuit board design, reducing the effort to four categories:component footprint generation, component placement,routing the nets, and thermal vias.
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Providing power for the Pentium® microprocessor family isnot a trivial task by any means. In an effort to simplify thistask we have developed a new switching regulator controlcircuit and a new linear regulator to address the needs ofthese processors. Considerable time has been spent developingan optimized decoupling network. Here are severalcircuits using the new LTC®1266 synchronous buck regulatorcontrol chip and the LT®1584 linear regulator toprovide power for Pentium processors and Pentium VREprocessors. The Pentium processor has a supply requirementof 3.3V ±5%. The Pentium VRE processor requires3.500V ±100mV.
上传时间: 2013-11-01