Code for calculating reduced PAPR through SLM
标签: calculating reduced through Code
上传时间: 2017-09-20
随着人们对数字电视和数字视频信息的需求越来越大,数字电视广播在中国迅速的发展起来。近几年,数字电视传输系统技术逐渐成熟,数字电视地面广播(DTTB)传输标准也于2006年8月30号正式出台。此标准技术是由我国多家单位联合研究的,具有自主知识产权的数字地面电视传输标准。DTTB系统标准的研究与仿真,具有巨大的实用价值和广阔的市场前景。 @@ 本文首先研究了地面数字电视广播标准中平方根升余弦(SRRC)滤波器(滚降系数为0.05)的结构设计,介绍了一种适合在FPGA中实现的高阶高速FIR滤波器的并行流水线结构。在本设计中,以CSD数优化滤波器系数,并运用简化加法器图(Reduced Adder Graph,RAG)算法进行改进,最后采用并行处理的转置型流水线结构实现。 @@ 接着研究数字电视地面传输标准采用的传输技术-OFDM的基本概念和技术特点,并研究了清华大学提出的DMB-T方案中TDS-OFDM信号帧的组成结构以及相关原理。 @@ 最后,本文针对OFDM调制所需要的3780点FFT处理器进行研究。为了保证OFDM信号的采样率和时域导频的采样率相同,以达到较好的同步性能,采用了3780个正交子载波的设计方案。在实现过程中,分析比较了多种算法的计算复杂性,设计出在硬件实现复杂度上进行优化的3780点FFT处理器的数据流流水线算法。之后,通过定点仿真比较各模块输出的动态范围和概率分布,设计出定点字长的优化方案,并分析计算了这一处理器的输出信噪比与内部各模块字长的关系,进一步降低了硬件实现复杂性。 @@关键字:数字电视地面广播传输(DTTB);平方根升余弦滤波器(SRRC);正交频分复用调制(OFDM);快速傅立叶变换(FFT); 3780
上传时间: 2013-04-24
Abstract: This application note describes a new generation of digital-input Class D audio amplifiers that achieve high PSRRperformance, comparable to traditional analog Class D amplifiers. More importantly, these digital-input Class D amplifiersprovide additional benefits of reduced power, complexity, noise, and system cost.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Recently a new technology for high voltage Power MOSFETshas been introduced – the CoolMOS™ . Based on thenew device concept of charge compensation the RDS(on) areaproduct for e.g. 600V transistors has been reduced by afactor of 5. The devices show no bipolar current contributionlike the well known tail current observed during the turn-offphase of IGBTs. CoolMOS™ virtually combines the lowswitching losses of a MOSFET with the on-state losses of anIGBT.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
Highlights the LTC1062 as a lowpass filter in a phase lock loop. Describes how the loop's bandwidth can be increased and the VCO output jitter reduced when the LTC1062 is the loop filter. Compares it with a passive RC loop filter. Also discussed is the use of LTC1062 as simple bandpass and bandstop filter.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
The LTC3546 is a dual output current mode buck regulatorwith fl exible output current partitioning. Beyondthe advantages normally associated with dual outputregulators (reduced size, cost, EMI and part count, withimproved effi ciency), the LTC3546’s outputs can bepartitioned for either 3A and 1A outputs, or two 2A outputs.This increases its application range and simplifi esmultiple supply rail designs. A confi gurable Burst Mode®clamp for each output sets the current transition levelbetween Burst Mode operation and forced continuousconduction mode to optimize effi ciency over the entireoutput range. An adjustable switching frequency up to4MHz and internal power MOSFET switches allow forsmall and compact footprints.
上传时间: 2013-11-04
在理论分析循环码编码和译码基本原理的基础上,提出了基于单片机系统的(24,16)循环码软件实现编码、译码的方案。仿真结果表明(24,16)循环码能有效地克服来自通讯信道的干扰,保证数据通信的可靠及系统的稳定,使误码率大幅度降低。本论文对(24,16)循环码的研究结果表明,可以有效地降低错误概率和提高系统的吞吐量,实现纠错仅需要在接收端增加有限的存储空间和计算复杂度,具有一定的实用价值。 Abstract: Based on analyzing the theory of encoding and decoding of cyclic code, this paper showed the schemes of encoding and decoding of(24,16)cyclic code by the software and based on microcontroller. Simulation results show that using (24,16) cyclic codes can effectively overcome the interference from communication channel, ensure the reliability and stability of data communication systems, and reduce the bit error rate greatly. The results of this paper show that by using the (24,16) cyclic code, the error rate can be reduced and the system throughput can be improved. Meanwhile, the system only needs to enlarge limited storage space and computation the complexity at the receiving end to realize error correction. Thus the (24,16) cyclic code has a practical value.
上传时间: 2013-11-09
Virtex-5, Spartan-DSP FPGAs Application Note This application note demonstrates how efficient implementations of Digital Up Converters(DUC) and Digital Down Converters (DDC) can be done by leveraging the Xilinx DSP IPportfolio for increased productivity and reduced time to development. Step-by-step instruction is given on how to perform system-level trade off analysis and develop the most efficient FPGA implementation, thus allowing engineers a flexible, low-cost and low-power alternative to ASSP technologies.
标签: Spartan-DSP Virtex FPGAs Ap
上传时间: 2013-10-23
虽然PIC都是8位的单片机,但都采用RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing)核心结构,这有别于过去一般的CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computing)结构。所谓RISC结构就是采用哈佛双总线结构,将地址总线与数据总线分开,因此在同一个指令执行过程中,数据与地址可以同时传送,避免了总线处理上的瓶颈。
上传时间: 2013-11-21
I2C interface, is a very powerful tool for system designers. Theintegrated protocols allow systems to be completely software defined.Software development time of different products can be reduced byassembling a library of reusable software modules. In addition, themultimaster capability allows rapid testing and alignment ofend-products via external connections to an assembly-line computer.The mask programmable 87LPC76X and its EPROM version, the87LPC76X, can operate as a master or a slave device on the I2Csmall area network. In addition to the efficient interface to thededicated function ICs in the I2C family, the on-board interfacefacilities I/O and RAM expansion, access to EEPROM andprocessor-to-processor communications.
标签: microcontro Using 76X LPC
上传时间: 2013-12-30