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  • 基于AT89S52 的水温控制系统的设计

    本文介绍了基于AT89C52 单片机的自动水温控制系统的设计及实现过程。该系统具有实时显示、温度测量、温度设定并能根据设定值对环境温度进行调节实现控温的目的以及达到上下限温度报警功能,控制算法是基于数字PID 算法。关键词 :PID AT89C52 脉宽调制 实时 Abstract : This article describes AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer-basedautomatic water temperature control system design and implementation process. Thesystem has real-Time display, temperature measurement, temperature settings and theenvironment in accordance with the temperature settings adjusted to achieve thepurpose of temperature control and reach the upper and lower limits of temperaturealarm function, the control algorithm is based on the digital PID algorithm.Keyword: PID AT89C52 PWM real time

    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • lpc2478完全使用手册

    NXP Semiconductor designed the LPC2400 microcontrollers around a 16-bit/32-bitARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-Time debug interfaces that include both JTAG andembedded Trace. The LPC2400 microcontrollers have 512 kB of on-chip high-speedFlash memory. This Flash memory includes a special 128-bit wide memory interface andaccelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions fromFlash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available onlyon the LPC2000 ARM Microcontroller family of products. The LPC2400 can execute both32-bit ARM and 16-bit Thumb instructions. Support for the two Instruction Sets meansEngineers can choose to optimize their application for either performance or code size atthe sub-routine level. When the core executes instructions in Thumb state it can reducecode size by more than 30 % with only a small loss in performance while executinginstructions in ARM state maximizes core performance.

    标签: 2478 lpc 使用手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • NEC 16位MCU参考手册

    NEC 16位MCU参考手册 The 78K0R/IC3 is a 16-bit single-chip microcontroller that uses a 78K0R CPU core and incorporates peripheral functions, such as ROM/RAM, a multi-function timer, a multi-function serial interface, an A/D converter, a programmable gain amplifier (PGA), a comparator, a real-Time counter, and a watchdog timer.

    标签: NEC MCU 参考手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现

    基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现:提出和实现了一种新颖的基于单个通用数字信号处理器(DSP)的VoIP模拟电话适配器方案。DSP的I/O和存储资源非常有限,通常适于运算密集型应用,不适宜控制密集型应用[5]。该系统高效利用单DSP的I/O和片内外存储器资源,采用μC/OS-II嵌入式实时操作系统,支持SIP和TCP-UDP/IP协议,通过LAN或者宽带接入,使普通电话机成为Internet终端,实现IP电话。该系统软硬件结构紧凑高效,运行稳定,成本低,具有广阔的应用前景。关键词:模拟电话适配器;IP电话;数字信号处理器;μC/OS-II 【Abstract】This paper presents a VoIP ATA solution based on a single digital signal processor (DSP). DSPs are suitable for arithmetic-intensiveapplication and unsuitable for control-intensive application because of the limitation of I/O and memory resources. This solution is based on a 16-bitfixed-point DSP and μC/OS-II embedded real-Time operating system. It makes good use of the limited resources, supports SIP and TCP-UDP/IPprotocol. It can connect the analog telephone to Internet and realize the VoIP application. This system has a great future for its high efficiency andlow cost.【Key words】Analog telephone adapter (ATA); Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP); Digital signal processor (DSP); μC/OS-II Research and Implementation of VoIPATA Based on Single DSP

    标签: VoIP DSP 模拟电话 适配器

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • P90CL301 I2C driver routines

    This application note shows how to write an Inter Integrated Circuit bus driver (I²C) for the Philips P90CL301micro-controller.It is not only an example of writing a driver, but it also includes a set of application interface software routines toquickly implement a complete I²C multi-master system application.For specific applications the user will have to make minimal changes in the driver program. Using the drivermeans linking modules to your application software and including a header-file into the application sourceprograms. A small example program of how to use the driver is listed.The driver supports i.a. polled or interrupt driven message handling, slave message transfers and multi-mastersystem applications. Furthermore, it is made suitable for use in conjunction with real time operating systems, likepSOS+.

    标签: routines driver P90 301

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • XA-S3 I2C driver software

    This application note demonstrates how to write an Inter Integrated Circuit bus driver (I2C) for the XA-S3 16-bitMicrocontroller from Philips Semiconductors.Not only the driver software is given. This note also contains a set of (example) interface routines and a smalldemo application program. All together it offers the user a quick start in writing a complete I2C system applicationwith the PXAS3x.The driver routines support interrupt driven single master transfers. Furthermore, the routines are suitable foruse in conjunction with real time operating systems.

    标签: software driver XA-S I2C

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 一种基于实时车流密度信息的VANET路由协议

    在车载自组网中,路由协议很大程度上决定了整个网络的性能。如何有效的利用车流信息提高传输质量是改善路由性能的一个关键问题。本文基于速度-密度线性模型,提出了一种实时车流密度的路由协议RVDR(real-Time Vehicle Density Routing)。该协议通过与邻居节点交换的速度信息,对相关道路车流密度进行预测,并给出基于车流密度信息的路径选择方法。仿真结果表明,与现有协议相比,RVDR协议在实时性和高效性等性能方面得到改进。

    标签: VANET 密度 路由协议

    上传时间: 2014-07-10


  • 基于以太网的虚拟示波器设计

    为提升虚拟仪器传输速率与实时性能,扩展监测范围,在VC的软件平台上设计了一种全功能虚拟示波器。与传统虚拟示波器相比,该系统采用嵌入式系统完成信号采集,采用工业以太网为传输介质,通过线性插值算法和多线程编程思想,实现波形显示、参数计算、频谱分析以及波形存储及回放功能。实验结果表明,该虚拟示波器可以实现20 kHz采样频率下的波形精确显示,达到预期的各项指标。 Abstract:  o enhance the transfer rate and real-Time of virtual instrument performance, expand scope of monitoring, this paper uses the VCs software platform to design a fully functional virtual oscilloscope. Compared with traditional virtual oscilloscope, this system adopts the embedded system to complete the data acquisition, industrial Ethernet as the transmission medium used by the linear interpolation algorithm and multi-threaded programming ideas, namely to achieve waveform display, parameter calculation, spectrum analysis and waveform storage and playback. Experimental results show that the virtual oscilloscope can accurately display the waveform with 20kHz sampling frequency, and achieve the desired targets.

    标签: 以太网 虚拟 波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • VxWorks6.x中的ML403嵌入式开发平台

    The use of the Wind River VxWorks real-Time Operating System (RTOS) on Virtex™-4embedded PowerPC™ processors continues to be a popular choice for high performanceFPGA designs. The introduction of the Wind River Workbench design environment has enableda new and easier way for designers to control the configuration of the VxWorks kernel. Thisguide shows the steps required to build and configure a ML403 Embedded DevelopmentPlatform to boot and run the VxWorks RTOS. A VxWorks bootloader is created, programmedinto Flash, and used to boot the design. The concepts presented here can be scaled to anyPowerPC enabled development platform.

    标签: VxWorks 403 ML 嵌入式

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • lpc2292/lpc2294 pdf datasheet

    The LPC2292/2294 microcontrollers are based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-Time emulation and embedded trace support, together with 256 kB of embedded high-speed flash memory. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more than 30 pct with minimal performance penalty. With their 144-pin package, low power consumption, various 32-bit timers, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, 2/4 (LPC2294) advanced CAN channels, PWM channels and up to nine external interrupt pins these microcontrollers are particularly suitable for automotive and industrial control applications as well as medical systems and fault-tolerant maintenance buses. The number of available fast GPIOs ranges from 76 (with external memory) through 112 (single-chip). With a wide range of additional serial communications interfaces, they are also suited for communication gateways and protocol converters as well as many other general-purpose applications. Remark: Throughout the data sheet, the term LPC2292/2294 will apply to devices with and without the /00 or /01 suffix. The suffixes /00 and /01 will be used to differentiate from other devices only when necessary.

    标签: lpc datasheet 2292 2294

    上传时间: 2014-12-30
