This book explains how to write device drivers for the newest members of the MicrosoftWindows family of operating systems using the Windows Driver Model (WDM). In this Introduction, I ll explain who should be reading this book, the organization of the book, and how to use the book most effectively. You ll also find a note on errors and a section on other reSources you can use to learn about driver programming. Looking ahead, Chapter 1 explains how the two main branches of the Windows family operate internally, what a WDM device driver is, and how it relates to the rest of Windows.
标签: MicrosoftWindows the explains drivers
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Cromfs is a compressed read-only filesystem for Linux. Cromfs is best at archiving gigabytes of big files that have a lot of redundancy. It aims primarily at achieving a strong compression, even at the cost of memory and CPU time reSources. It uses the LZMA compression algorithm from 7-zip and block merging.
标签: Cromfs compressed filesystem archiving
上传时间: 2013-12-15
1. Installation Uninstallation 2. Getting Started 3. Managing Projects 4. Adding Files to the Project 5. Managing reSources 6. Custom Designer Plugins 7. What s New
标签: Uninstallation Installation Managing Projects
上传时间: 2017-05-12
Blocking CoThe aim of this toolbox is to compute blocking probabilities in WDM networks. This work was based on [1], [2], [3], [4] and user is referred to those papers for deeper study. Because WDM networks are circuit switched loss networks blocking may occur because of lack of reSources.Computation in WDM Networks Toolbox
标签: probabilities Blocking blocking networks
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Because WDM networks are circuit switched loss networks blocking may occur because of lack of reSources. Also in circuit switched networks many paths use the same links. This toolbox answers the question how different paths with different loads influence on each other and what is the blocking on each of the defined path. Toolbox is capable of computing blocking for three different WDM network types: with no wavelength conversion, with full wavelength conversion and with limited range wavelength conversion. It is worth noting that case for full conversion can be usefull for any circuit switched network without additional constraints (i.e. wavelength continuity constraint in WDM), for example telephone network. Toolbox contains also scripts for defining network structures (random networks, user defined networks) and traffic matrixes. Three graph algorithms for shortest path computation are also in this toolbox (they are used for traffic matrix creation).
标签: networks blocking switched Because
上传时间: 2017-07-28
nesc language introduction. nesC is an extension to C [2] designed to embody the structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS [1]. TinyOS is an event-driven operating system designed for sensor network nodes that have very limited reSources (e.g., 8K bytes of program memory, 512 bytes of RAM). TinyOS has been reimplemented in nesC. This manual describes v1.1 of nesC, changes from v1.0 are summarised in Section 3.
标签: introduction structuring extension language
上传时间: 2017-09-04
An Overview of Smart Card Security. The smart card, an intelligent token, is a credit card sized plastic card embedded with an integrated circuit chip. It provides not only memory capacity, but computational capability as well. The self-containment of smart card makes it resistant to attack as it does not need to depend upon potentially vulnerable external reSources. Because of this characteristic, smart cards are often used in different applications which require strong security protection and authentication.
标签: card intelligent Overview Security
上传时间: 2017-09-25
PixelFusion.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. PixelFusion.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CPixelFusionApp application class. PixelFusion.cpp This is the main application source file that contains the application class CPixelFusionApp. PixelFusion.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows reSources that the program uses. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. PixelFusion.clw This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data maps and to create prototype member functions.
上传时间: 2015-03-16
楼术描述项: (1).该项目中"我的电脑"是作者自定义的root节点,没有设定其路径,所以BeforeExpand事件中会从它开始依次遍历,但"我的电脑"会提示"没有指定路径".故需要if(e.Tag.ToString() != "我的电脑")判断.同时"我的文档"需要再次获取其路径,依次实现Add子节点; (2).同时在"我的文档"和盘符中需要添加tNode.Nodes.Add("")加载空节点形成+号,如果没有该+号,BeforeExpend事件不会被调用,子目录无法获取加载,在BeforeExpand事件调用TreeViewItems.Add加载其子结点需要e.Nodes.Clear();清除该结点的子目录再加载. (3).提供两篇类似文章供大家学习,经过对比可以发现:第一篇仅从驱动器(C盘)开始加载,所以BeforeExpend简单展开子目录即可,不需要判断"我的电脑"和"我的文档".第二篇含"桌面",因此需要判断路径:"C# TreeView磁盘文件,AfterSelect显示加号-骆驼祥子" 和"Treeview树状显示文件夹" .同时补充一篇很优秀的文章供大家学习"WinForm应用:ListView做图像浏览" (4).补充TreeView(树视图)事件:更详细见"c# 树状视图(TreeView类)". 事件 描述 AfterCheck 在选中节点复选框后引发 AfterCollapse 在折叠一个节点后引发 AfterExpand 在扩展一个节点后引发 AfterSelect 在选中一个节点后引发 BeforeCheck 在选中节点复选框之前引发 BeforeCollapse 在折叠一个节点之前引发 BeforeExpand 在扩展一个节点之前引发 BeforeSelect 在选中一个节点之前引发 (5).补充两个关于论坛讨论"c#怎样动态读取资源文件里的图片"和"在C#中怎么调用reSources文件中的图片" (6).在《C#典型模块与项目实战大全》(清华大学出版社-丁士锋)书中谈到,出于对程序响应性能考虑,它先加载盘符结点,没有使用递归一次性加载所有文件到树状列表中,代码通过AfterSelect事件和FileSystemWatcher控件,监听加载.并使用线程池Task更新加载TreeView,希望大家去学习. 总结 该篇通过TreeView加载了磁盘目录路径,并通过ImageList加载图标.那么怎样实现阅读文件夹下文件,获取其图标、文件大小、扩展名等信息,并双击打开文件呢?下一篇将接着讲述.最后希望该文章对大家有所帮助,文章中很多链接都可以供觉得有用的同学学习,感谢上面提到的文章及书籍作者.同时如果文章中有错误或不足之处请原谅,有问题或建议者亦可提出.希望尊重作者劳动果实勿喷.
上传时间: 2016-08-15
Delphi三层数据库连接池 (1) Connection Pool for Delphi release notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document contains: - Short description of the product - Other text files - TRIAL version limitations - Delphi - versions supported - Installation of Connection Pool for Delphi - Installation of Connection Pool for Delphi help file - Ordering information - Support and Web reSources - Thanks To
上传时间: 2019-12-12