可以实现的DES(DES是Data Encryption Standard(数据加密标准)的缩写)加密算法。
标签: Encryption DES Standard Data
上传时间: 2014-01-05
analysis of high frenquency financial data with s plus.
标签: frenquency financial analysis high
上传时间: 2017-01-23
《网络安全技术》 实验报告DES是Data Encryption Standard(数据加密标准)的缩写。它是由IBM公司研制的一种加密算法,美国国家标准局于1977年公布把它作为非机要部门使用的数据加密标准,二十年来,它一直活跃在国际保密通信的舞台上,扮演了十分重要的角色。DES是一个分组加密算法,分组长度为64b,密钥长度也为64b,但因为含有8个奇偶校验比特,所以实际密钥长度为56b。DES算法是迄今为止使用最为广泛的加密算法。 有关算法的详细介绍请参阅教材。
标签: Encryption Standard Data DES
上传时间: 2017-01-23
Renesas MCU R5R0C014FA and R5R0C012FA Data Sheet
上传时间: 2017-01-26
1.Polarization analysis and filtering for three-component data 2.SUEIPOFI - EIgenimage (SVD) based POlarization FIlter for three-component data
标签: three-component Polarization EIgenimage filtering
上传时间: 2013-12-01
1.Polarization analysis and filtering for three-component data 2.SUEIPOFI - EIgenimage (SVD) based POlarization FIlter for three-component data
标签: three-component Polarization EIgenimage filtering
上传时间: 2017-01-27
1.Polarization analysis and filtering for three-component data 2.SUEIPOFI - EIgenimage (SVD) based POlarization FIlter for three-component data
标签: three-component Polarization EIgenimage filtering
上传时间: 2014-01-16
1.Polarization analysis and filtering for three-component data 2.SUEIPOFI - EIgenimage (SVD) based POlarization FIlter for three-component data
标签: three-component Polarization EIgenimage filtering
上传时间: 2014-01-19
KML is an XML grammar used to encode and transport representations of geographic data for display in an earth browser. Put simply: KML encodes what to show in an earth browser, and how to show it. KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is based on the XML standard.
标签: representations geographic transport grammar
上传时间: 2014-01-12
很难找的一个data sheet,有关TCD1206的时序和操作说明,共享是一种快乐
上传时间: 2013-12-26