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  • Math.NET开源数学库 C#实现 具体功能: - A linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra. - A spa

    Math.NET开源数学库 C#实现 具体功能: - A linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra. - A sparse linear algebra package, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse. - Non-uniform random generators, see MathNet.Numerics.Generators. - Distribution fonctions, see MathNet.Numerics.Distributions. - Statistical accumulator, see MathNet.Numerics.Statistics. - Fourier transformations, see MathNet.Numerics.Transformations. - Miscellaneous utilies (polynomials, rationals, collections).

    标签: LinearAlgebra Numerics MathNet algebra

    上传时间: 2015-07-24


  • 自己做的猜数字游戏

    自己做的猜数字游戏, 用的是random, 很基本的一个程序

    标签: 数字

    上传时间: 2015-08-30


  • Procedure TSPSA:  begin   init-of-T { T为初始温度}   S={1

    Procedure TSPSA:  begin   init-of-T { T为初始温度}   S={1,……,n} {S为初始值}   termination=false   while termination=false    begin     for i=1 to L do       begin         generate(S′form S) { 从当前回路S产生新回路S′}         Δt:=f(S′))-f(S) {f(S)为路径总长}         IF(Δt<0) OR (EXP(-Δt/T)>Random-of-[0,1])         S=S′         IF the-halt-condition-is-TRUE THEN         termination=true       End     T_lower    End  End

    标签: Procedure init-of-T TSPSA begin

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ is an important new resource for developers serious about

    Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ is an important new resource for developers serious about writing secure code for Unix(including Linux) and Windows environments. This essential code companion covers a wide range of topics, including safe initialization, access control, input validation, symmetric and public key cryptography, cryptographic hashes and MACs, authentication and key exchange, PKI, random numbers, and anti-tampering.

    标签: Programming developers for important

    上传时间: 2015-09-03


  • The EM Wave MATLAB Library consists of a collection of MATLAB programs related to electromagnetic wa

    The EM Wave MATLAB Library consists of a collection of MATLAB programs related to electromagnetic wave scattering with special emphasis on wave scattering by random rough surfaces and discrete random media.

    标签: MATLAB electromagnetic collection consists

    上传时间: 2015-09-06


  • 使用到的参数跟谈到弹性网络的那一章里头所讲的是一样的

    使用到的参数跟谈到弹性网络的那一章里头所讲的是一样的, ke 则是终止条件。如果 step 被打勾,则程式在每一步之间会暂停 100毫秒(或其他使用者输入的数值)。如果 Random 被打勾,则程式会以系统时间作为乱数产生器的种子数,否则,就以使用者输入的数( Random 右边那一格)为种子数。 你可以利用 load 来载入推销员问题档与其最佳解,如此便可比较弹性网络所找出来的解与最佳解差了多少。 Central, Radius, and Error 这三个参数的前两个,只影响弹性网络的起使位置和大小,对求解没有影响。第三个参数代表城市与网络点之间的容忍距离,也就是说,如果某城市与某网络点之间的距离,小于容忍距离,那就把这个城市当成是被该网络点所拜访。 按下小 w按钮会将目前的结果与参数值写到“en.out”这个档案。使得我们可以很方便地来比较不同参数的效果。

    标签: 参数 弹性 网络

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 基于Verilog-HDL的硬件电路的实现 9.3 脉冲计数与显示   9.3.1 脉冲计数器的工作原理   9.3.2 计数模块的设计与实现   9.3.3 parameter的使用

    基于Verilog-HDL的硬件电路的实现 9.3 脉冲计数与显示   9.3.1 脉冲计数器的工作原理   9.3.2 计数模块的设计与实现   9.3.3 parameter的使用方法   9.3.4 repeat循环语句的使用方法   9.3.5 系统函数$random的使用方法   9.3.6 脉冲计数器的Verilog-HDL描述   9.3.7 特定脉冲序列的发生   9.3.8 脉冲计数器的硬件实现

    标签: Verilog-HDL parameter 9.3 硬件电路

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • This code was used for making the practical measurements in section 2.3 of my thesis. This Matlab co

    This code was used for making the practical measurements in section 2.3 of my thesis. This Matlab code allows an OFDM signal to be generated based on an input data file. The data can be random data, a grey scale image, a wave file, or any type of file. The generated OFDM signal is stored as a windows wave file, allowing it to be viewed, listened to and manipulated in other programs. The modified wave file can then be decoded by the receiver software to extract the original data. This code was developed for the experiments that I performed in my honours thesis, and thus has not been fully debugged. This is the original code developed for the thesis and so has several problems with it. The BER performance given by the simulations is infact Symbol Error Rate.

    标签: This measurements practical section

    上传时间: 2015-09-20


  • Distribution generator Here is a simple generator which can build some distributions with given pro

    Distribution generator Here is a simple generator which can build some distributions with given properties. Distributions generator (compile with -lm) Typical use might be: ./distributions -u -m 1 -M 10 -n 100 -s 500 Generates a distribution of 100 uniform random numbers between 1 and 10, such that the sum of numbers is 500. ./distributions -p -2.2 -m 1 -M 100 -n 200 -s 500 Idem with 200 numbers between 1 and 100 following a power law with exponent -

    标签: generator distributions Distribution simple

    上传时间: 2014-01-27


  • C# BigInteger class. BigInteger.cs is a csharp program. It is the BIgInteger class. It has methods:

    C# BigInteger class. BigInteger.cs is a csharp program. It is the BIgInteger class. It has methods: abs() , FermatLittleTest(int confidence) ,gcd(BigInteger bi) , genCoPrime(int bits, Random rand) , genPseudoPrime(int bits, int confidence, Random rand) , genRandomBits(int bits, Random rand) , isProbablePrime(int confidence) , isProbablePrime() , Jacobi(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) , LucasSequence(BigInteger P, BigInteger Q, BigInteger k, BigInteger n) ,max(BigInteger bi) , min(BigInteger bi) , modInverse(BigInteger modulus) , RabinMillerTest(int confidence) ,

    标签: BigInteger class BIgInteger program

    上传时间: 2013-12-23
