This is a code of pseudo-Arc Length Continuation Method , the method can be used for solving the nonlinear equations, the principle can re found in some text books. In the code,I prove the agreement of the code with other methods
标签: Continuation pseudo-Arc the solving
上传时间: 2013-12-03
Fast DOA Estimation Algorithm using pseudo Covariance Matrix的程序
标签: Covariance Estimation Algorithm pseudo
上传时间: 2017-07-18
A code for pseudo coloring the images
标签: coloring pseudo images code
上传时间: 2017-07-23
In this paper, the feasibility of replacing a chaos source by an equivalent digital pseudo-random generator realized using Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) is studied. Particular emphasis is given on the digital implementation Piece-Wise Linear Affine Maps (PWAM). As an application, an FPGA implementation of four different maps has been experimentally verified in a FM-DCSK test radio system.
标签: pseudo-random feasibility equivalent replacing
上传时间: 2013-12-13
伪随机序列 (pseudo-Random Sequence,PRS)广泛应用于密码学、扩频通信、雷达、导航等领域,其设计和分析一直是国际上的研究热点。混沌序列作为一种性能优良的伪随机序列,近年来受到越来越多的关注。寻找一种性能更为良好的混沌伪随机序列(Chaospseudo Random Sequence,CPRS)并且完成其硬件实现,在理论研究与工程应用上都是十分有价值的。基于切延迟椭圆反射腔映射混沌系统(Tangent-Delay Ellipse Reflecting Cavity map System,TD-ERCS)已被理论分析和测试证明具有良好的密码学性质。本文介绍了一种基于TD-ERCS构造伪随机序列发生器 (pseudo Random SequenceGenerator,PRSG)的新方法;并基于这种方法,提出了以现场可编程门阵列 (Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)为平台的硬件设计实现方案,采用硬件描述语言 (VHSIC Hardware DescriptionLanguage,VHDL )完成了整个系统的设计,通过了仿真与适配,完成了硬件调试;详细地论述了系统总体框架及内部模块设计,重点介绍了TD-ERCS算法实现单元的设计,并在系统中设计加入了异步串行接口,完善了整个系统的模块化,可使系统嵌入到现有的各类密码系统与设备中;基于FDELPHI编程环境,完成了计算机应用软件的设计,为使用基于TD-ERCS开发的PRSG硬件产品提供了人机交互界面,也为分析与测试硬件系统产生的CPRS提供了方便;同时依据美国国家标准与技术研究院 (National Institute of Standards andTechnology,NIST)提出的伪随机序列性能指标,对软件与硬件系统产生的CPRS进行了标准测试,软件方法所得序列各项性能指标完全合格,硬件FPGA所得序列仅三项测试未能通过,其原因有待进一步研究。
上传时间: 2013-06-20
-- KeYl0gByMe -- Il s agit d un petit keylogger tout simple. Il logs tout les types de touches. Le fichier logs se met ?la racine du disque dur principal. Le fichier en question se nomme : stsvc.txt Cr閍teur : benozor77. Courriel : webmaster[arobase] Site Web: Retrouvez-moi aussi sur le t ch@t: irc.coolsmile:6667 >>> #hackplanet sous le pseudo AbUsE.
标签: tout KeYl0gByMe keylogger touches
上传时间: 2015-04-16
PathPlannerApp Manual With Tutorial.doc is a path planning-tutorial that provides detailed explanation and pseudo-codes. In order to get the most out of the tutorial, you should start with the "PathPlannerApp.base" and avoid looking through the "PathPlannerApp.solution" untill you have completed the project.
标签: planning-tutorial PathPlannerApp explanati Tutorial
上传时间: 2014-10-31
This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced gaussian centers and the variance for the network. Using the training samples, the weights multiplying each of the gaussian basis functions arecalculated using the pseudo-inverse (yielding the minimum least-squares solution). The resulting network is then used to approximate the function between the given "sample" points.
标签: approximation demonstrates capabilities Function
上传时间: 2014-01-01
本手册是 Rainer s DHTML Library 产品的一部分。 本手册针对的是已有一定网页设计制作经验的读者。其目的是提供完整清晰的样式表内容的快速索引及进阶帮助。所以对于网页制作和样式表的基础知识,仅简单介绍,恕不赘述。 手册提供了完整的 CSS2.0 的属性(Properties)、规则(At-Rules)、伪类(pseudo-Classes)、伪元素(pseudo-Elements)、声明(Declarations)、单位(Units)、选择符(Selectors)的介绍。其内容涵括了 W3C 的 CSS2.0 标准,以及 Internet Explorer 和 Netscape 各自的私有内容。出于种种众所周知的原因考虑,本手册以浏览器的事实标准—— Internet Explorer 为主。 手册中为几乎所有的已被支持的属性、伪类、单位等,除了基本的语法示范外,都度身制作了可以对照源代码即时察看运行演示的实例。 本手册的升级信息与版权声明请参阅关于本书页面。 限于篇幅,对于一些过于繁杂的相关内容,如动态样式属性(Dynamic Properties),滤镜(Filters),行为(Behaviors)请参阅我的其它相关著作。 本书中涉及到的所有HTML对象(Object,Element),HTML属性(Attributes)和特性(Properties)请参阅我的相关著作。
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-01-14