alpha and beta pruning 是人工智能方面的很重要的算法,对于理解search有非常重要的作用
上传时间: 2015-05-21
ID3决策树内容简介: 概述 预备知识 决策树生成(Building Decision Tree) 决策树剪枝(pruning Decision Tree) 捕捉变化数据的挖掘方法 小结
标签: Decision Tree Building pruning
上传时间: 2013-12-12
可利用该源码程序实现输入、输出都为少数点时的FFT pruning算法。
上传时间: 2014-12-21
This function applies the Optimal Brain Surgeon (OBS) strategy for % pruning neural network models of dynamic systems. That is networks % trained by NNARX, NNOE, NNARMAX1, NNARMAX2, or their recursive % counterparts.
标签: function strategy Optimal Surgeon
上传时间: 2013-12-19
in this paper,wo propose an extension of the zerotree-based space-frequency quantization algorithm by adding a wedgelet symbol to its tree-pruning optimization.
标签: space-frequency zerotree-based quantization algorithm
上传时间: 2015-10-22
密码学界牛人Victor Shoup用C++编写数论类库。 NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for arbitrary length integers for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields and for arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic. NTL provides high quality implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms for: * arbitrary length integer arithmetic and arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic * polynomial arithmetic over the integers and finite fields including basic arithmetic, polynomial factorization, irreducibility testing, computation of minimal polynomials, traces, norms, and more * lattice basis reduction, including very robust and fast implementations of Schnorr-Euchner, block Korkin-Zolotarev reduction, and the new Schnorr-Horner pruning heuristic for block Korkin-Zolotarev * basic linear algebra over the integers, finite fields, and arbitrary precision floating point numbers.
标签: high-performance providing portable library
上传时间: 2014-01-04