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  • FIST可堆叠文件系统

    FIST可堆叠文件系统,linux文件系统修改相关的开源软件,使得对linux文件系统功能的改进很简单了 The FiST (File System Translator) system combines two methods to solve the above problems in a novel way: a set of stackable file system templates for each operating system, and a high-level language that can describe stackable file systems in a cross-platform portable fashion. Using FiST, stackable file systems need only be described once. FiST s code generation tool, fistgen, compiles a single file system description into loadable kernel modules for several operating systems (currently Solaris, Linux, and FreeBSD). The project demonstrates that with FiST, code size and development time are reduced significantly, while imposing a small performance overhead of only 1-2%. These benefits are achieved, as well as portability, without changing existing operating systems or file system.

    标签: FIST 堆叠 文件系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • This the second tutorial of the Writing Device Drivers series. There seems to be a lot of interest i

    This the second tutorial of the Writing Device Drivers series. There seems to be a lot of interest in the topic, so this article will pick up where the first left off. The main focus of these articles will be to build up little by little the knowledge needed to write device drivers. In this article, we will be building on the same example source code used in part one. In this article, we will expand on that code to include Read functionality, Handle Input/Ouput Controls also known as IOCTLs, and learn a bit more about IRPs.

    标签: the interest tutorial Drivers

    上传时间: 2016-01-28


  • TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, object-oriented, C++-like-language inter

    TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, object-oriented, C++-like-language interpreter. The language, and indeed a significant part of the core of the TOOL engine, is based on the BOB project, a work that was originally developed by David Betz covered in previously published issues of Dr. Dobb s Journal.

    标签: easily-embedded object-oriented like-language Language

    上传时间: 2016-01-30


  • KEPware Automation DLL installation instructions: To use the KEPware Automation DLL in your Visua

    KEPware Automation DLL installation instructions: To use the KEPware Automation DLL in your Visual Basic project: 1) In the VB IDE, Select "Project/References". 2) If you have been using another vender s automation dll, uncheck it. For example, uncheck "OPC Automation 2.0" for the OPC Foundation s automation dll. 3) Check "KEPware OPC Automation 2.0". 4) Recompile your VB project. If you have been using the OPC Fondation s automation dll, you should not need to make any changes to the VB source code.

    标签: Automation KEPware installation instructions

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • CHAPT12Chapt12.cpp Part of the 32-bit test progrma for the Win32Port class. CHAPT12Chapt12.dsp The

    CHAPT12\Chapt12.cpp Part of the 32-bit test progrma for the Win32Port class. CHAPT12\Chapt12.dsp The Visual C++ project file for the program. CHAPT12\Chapt12.dsw The Visual C++ workspace file for the program. CHAPT12\Chapt12.h The header file for the app s application class CHAPT12\Chapt12.ico The icon used in Chapt12.exe CHAPT12\Chapt12.rc The resource file use in the test program. CHAPT12\Chapt12Dlg.cpp The implementation of the dialog class CHAPT12\Chapt12Dlg.h The declarations of the dialog class CHAPT12\MyWin32Port.h Definition for a class derived from Win32Port. CHAPT12\resource.h The resource IDs

    标签: CHAPT Chapt 12 the

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • CHAPT13AnsiWinTerm.cpp Class used in Win32 terminal emulation CHAPT13AnsiWinTerm.h Header file for

    CHAPT13\AnsiWinTerm.cpp Class used in Win32 terminal emulation CHAPT13\AnsiWinTerm.h Header file for the AnsiWinTerm class CHAPT13\Chapt13.cpp 32-bit test program of terminal emulation CHAPT13\Chapt13.dsp Visual C++ project file CHAPT13\Chapt13.dsw Visual C++ workspace file CHAPT13\Chapt13.rc The resource file used in the test program CHAPT13\resource.h IDs defined in the resource file CHAPT13\Win32Term.cpp The Win32 general purpose terminal class CHAPT13\Win32Term.h Definition of the class CHAPT13\Debug\Chapt13.exe 32-bit executable of the test program.

    标签: AnsiWinTerm CHAPT emulation terminal

    上传时间: 2016-02-03


  • 主要功能: 1. 多浏览器兼容,能够很好得兼容Mozilla

    主要功能: 1. 多浏览器兼容,能够很好得兼容Mozilla,IE等浏览器 2. 功能强大的文章编辑器,同时兼容两种编辑方式,在线编辑器采用FckEditor. 3. PJBlog2采用的UBB编辑器由Blog作者独立开发,支持自定义面板和CSS,自带HTML转换UBB代码功能 4. 自定义模块,可以自己修改页面上的的布局,让不懂制作网页的用户也能自己增加和修改页面上的版块 5. Skin功能,随时可以给自己的Blog换上新的CSS样式界面 6. 自定义分类,可以同时定制外部连接分类和Blog内置分类,可以自定义分类显示的位置,由用户自己定义顶部导航条和侧边导航条 7. 权限分组,管理员还可以对每个分组成员指定上传文件的权限等等 8. Blog数据采用缓存方式保存,减轻服务器负担和增加运行速度 9. 用户密码用SHA1算法加密 2.7 build 05 修复说明: 修正2.7 Build04以前版本中存在的SQL注入漏洞,建议用户升级。用户名:admin 密码:admin

    标签: Mozilla 兼容 浏览器

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • 这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http:

    这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= Welcome to EO, the Evolving Objects library. The latest news about EO can be found on the sourceforge repository at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ In case of any problem, please e-mail us at eodev-help@lists.sourceforge.net, eodev@egroups.com To get started, take a look at the tutorial, starting with ./tutorial/html/eoTutorial.html The easiest way to start programming a new genome with all EO evolution engines handy is to create a new standalone EO project from the tutorial/Templates/ directory. Read Lesson 5 of the tutorial for an introduction )

    标签: latest linux check http

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Make a graph from database record and either send it to a printer directly selecting many print op

    Make a graph from database record and either send it to a printer directly selecting many print options or copy it in any file on disc. This project also gives you print preview option for A4 size paper and you can set your graph anywhere on the page.Also if you want to change graph s height or width you can change.Zooming effect is also given using hsrollbar.

    标签: selecting database directly printer

    上传时间: 2016-02-06


  • Get up and running with PHP 5, Apache, and MySQL with ease. This guide demonstrates how to display d

    Get up and running with PHP 5, Apache, and MySQL with ease. This guide demonstrates how to display dynamic content, build your own contact management system, create custom reports, work with XML, and much more

    标签: with demonstrates and running

    上传时间: 2013-12-30
