ST7 Visual Develop for ST7 Assembler Toolset Users integrated development environment that allows you to build, debug and program applications for ST7 microcontrollers.
标签: development environment integrated ST7
上传时间: 2015-08-25
The code, images and designs for this book are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. You are free: * to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work * to make derivative works Under the following conditions: *Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. *Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. *For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. *Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. CONTACT ME Please address any questions to
标签: Attribution-NonComm Creative released Commons
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Microsoft® XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0, formerly known as the Microsoft XML Parser, allows customers to build high-performance XML-based applications that provide a high degree of interoperability with other applications that adhere to the XML 1.0 standard.
标签: Microsoft XML Services formerly
上传时间: 2015-08-27
When created, this DLL does not export any symbols. As a result, it will not produce a .lib file when it is built. If you wish this project to be a project dependency of some other project, you will either need to add code to export some symbols from the DLL so that an export library will be produced, or you can check the "doesn t produce lib" checkbox in the Linker settings page for this project.
标签: not created symbols produce
上传时间: 2015-09-01
一个开源heml语意分析器 ekhtml: The El-Kabong HTML parser SUMMARY: El-Kabong: A speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-stylee HTML parser. PROJECT INFORMATION: Web Site: The web site contains links to locations where one can: - file bugs - join mailing lists - download the latest release - browse documentation - get CVS information BUILDING: See the file INSTALL for information、目标代码生成、符号表的构造和运行时存储空间的组织等8部分组成。
标签: El-Kabong forgiving SUMMARY ekhtml
上传时间: 2014-12-08
Package of C library extensions for Windows CE operating system. It is a supplement to C library available on Windows CE platform. The main objective of the project is to provide helper utilities for porting applications from Unix and Windows.
标签: library extensions supplement operating
上传时间: 2015-09-02
这是Small RTOS 51 在DP-51下载仿真实验仪上使用CAT24WC02驱动程序的例子。本例程序按照相应的的通讯协议接收一个数据,并将接收到的数据显示到LED数码显示器上。然后将接收到的数据写入Cat24Wc02中,再在同一位置将数据读出,并将读出的数据通过串口发送回来。通讯协议参考rtos随想曲和test.ini。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有4个警告,可以忽略. (3)DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。
上传时间: 2015-09-03
这是Small RTOS 51 DP-51下载仿真实验仪上实现一个闹钟的源代码。它可以使用k1~k4调整时间,使用串口设置一个报警时间。由于仅仅是一个例子而非产品,有一些细节没有完善。如调整完时间后第一次显示的时间是错误的(由于共享TimeData引起);没有使用串行eeprom存储多个报警时间等;删除报警代码没有编写。不过,程序已经可以使用,读者可以自行完善它。通讯协议参考rtos随想曲和test.ini。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有6个警告,可以忽略. (3)除与pcf8563相关的跳线和蜂鸣器的跳线外,DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。
上传时间: 2015-09-03
这是Small RTOS 51 DP-51下载仿真实验仪上编写的一个键盘驱动例子。在DP-51下载仿真实验仪上运行本程序后,有两个发光二极管每秒闪动一次。当按下某个按键时,LED数码显示器会显示相应的键值。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有4个警告,可以忽略. (3)DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。
上传时间: 2014-11-30
Java项目开发实用案例之公司办公信息管理系统 本系统为公司办公信息管理系统EIMS,主要用来管理公司的员工信息和财务信息,并提供公司内部信息交流平台。 文件说明: /EIMS/project-Eclipse/WSAD/Lomboz/MyEclipse开发环境下的工程文件目录; ? /EIMS/database-SQL Server 2000环境下的数据库数据文件和日志文件; ? /EIMS/war-通过Eclipse/WSAD/Lomboz/MyEclipse导出的war文件; /EIMS/doc-本案例相关的文档; 详细安装及使用指导请参考/EIMS/doc文档
上传时间: 2015-09-05