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  • build spring enterprise application

    build spring enterprise application

    标签: application enterprise spring build

    上传时间: 2014-12-07


  • This project provides a general purpose library which implements read and write support for MMC, SD

    This project provides a general purpose library which implements read and write support for MMC, SD and SDHC memory cards. Written in ANSI C portable for several Microcontrollers.

    标签: implements provides project general

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • develop drawing programs where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures.

    develop drawing programs where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures.

    标签: structures programs develop drawing

    上传时间: 2017-09-26


  • project on Video rental system

    project on Video rental system

    标签: project rental system Video

    上传时间: 2017-09-27


  • nothing it s a project to say nothing but everything

    nothing it s a project to say nothing but everything

    标签: nothing everything project but

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • how to build embeded linux system

    how to build embeded linux system

    标签: embeded system build linux

    上传时间: 2017-09-28


  • 全景图像和多光谱图像融合

    PixelFusion.dsp     This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and     is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the     project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. PixelFusion.h     This is the main header file for the application.  It includes other     project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the     CPixelFusionApp application class. PixelFusion.cpp     This is the main application source file that contains the application     class CPixelFusionApp. PixelFusion.rc     This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the     program uses.  It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored     in the RES subdirectory.  This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. PixelFusion.clw     This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing     classes or add new classes.  ClassWizard also uses this file to store     information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data     maps and to create prototype member functions.

    标签: his brovey

    上传时间: 2015-03-16


  • project功能介绍


    标签: project

    上传时间: 2017-09-02


  • ra project流程

    ra project流程 仅供参考 一个完整的ra报告的流程

    标签: project ra 流程

    上传时间: 2018-12-06


  • JAVA SMPP 源码

    Introduction jSMPP is a java implementation (SMPP API) of the SMPP protocol (currently supports SMPP v3.4). It provides interfaces to communicate with a Message Center or an ESME (External Short Message Entity) and is able to handle traffic of 3000-5000 messages per second. jSMPP is not a high-level library. People looking for a quick way to get started with SMPP may be better of using an abstraction layer such as the Apache Camel SMPP component: http://camel.apache.org/smpp.html Travis-CI status: History The project started on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/jsmpp/ It was maintained by uudashr on Github until 2013. It is now a community project maintained at http://jsmpp.org Release procedure mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -Durl=https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/ -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging -Dgpg.passphrase=<yourpassphrase> log in here: https://oss.sonatype.org click the 'Staging Repositories' link select the repository and click close select the repository and click release License Copyright (C) 2007-2013, Nuruddin Ashr uudashr@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Denis Kostousov denis.kostousov@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2014, Daniel Pocock http://danielpocock.com Copyright (C) 2016, Pim Moerenhout pim.moerenhout@gmail.com This project is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.

    标签: JAVA SMPP 源码

    上传时间: 2019-01-25
